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Gustav Diettrich

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Die Massorah der östlichen und westlichen Syrer in ihren Angaben zum Propheten Jesaia

Edited with an Introduction by Gustav Diettrich
ISBN: 978-1-61143-618-1
Gustav Diettrich presents here the edited text of the Masorah of Isaiah, collated from five manuscripts of the Eastern and Western Syriac traditions.
$132.00 (USD) $79.20 (USD)

Eine jakobitische Einleitung in den Psalter

in Verbindung mit zwei Homilien aus dem grossen Psalmenkommentar des Daniel von Salah
Edited and Translated by Gustav Diettrich
ISBN: 978-1-60724-829-3
This volume contains the Syriac text, with German translation, of an (anonymous) introduction to the Psalms, together with two homilies from Daniel of Salah’s (fl. mid-6th century) long Psalms commentary. Diettrich’s detailed introduction adds richly to the work.
$167.00 (USD) $100.20 (USD)