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Henricus Gismondi

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Ebed-Iesu Sobensis Carmina Selecta ex libro Paradisus Eden

Selections from ’Abdisho‘ bar Brikha’s Paradise of Eden
Edited and Translated by H. Gismondi
ISBN: 978-1-61719-234-0
In this work, Jesuit scholar Henricus Gismondi presents ten poems from the collection of theological poetry known as the Paradise of Eden by Abdisho bar Brikha, otherwise known as Ebedjesus, (d. 1318) in Syriac and Latin.
$158.00 (USD) $94.80 (USD)

Maris Amri et Slibae De Patriarchibus Nestorianorum Commentaria

Ex codicibus Vaticanis
Edited and Translated by Henricus Gismondi
ISBN: 978-1-61719-395-8
This large volume contains a work on the Patriarchs of the Church of the East, taken from the Liber turris. The Arabic text is given together with a Latin translation and several helpful indices.
$228.00 (USD) $136.80 (USD)

Versio Syriaca Antiquissima, pars altera

Select Orations of Gregory Nazianzen in Syriac
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 492
ISBN: 978-1-60724-970-2
This volume contains Syriac texts of the old Syriac translation of Gregory Nazianzen’s orations edited from British Museum manuscripts. Fourteen orations, in whole or in part, are included, with concordance of the texts with Migne’s Patrologia Graeca edition.
$49.00 (USD) $29.40 (USD)