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Histoire politique, religieuse et littéraire d'Édesse jusqu'à la première Croisade

Rubens Duval, known for his Syriac grammar and editions of Syriac texts, here offers a complete historical study of Edessa up to the first Crusade. Everything from geography to language and literature to political interactions are covered.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-233-3
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 16,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 308
Languages: French
ISBN: 978-1-61719-233-3
$190.00 (USD)
Your price: $114.00 (USD)
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Rubens Duval, known for his Syriac grammar and editions of Syriac texts, here offers a historical study of Edessa up to the first Crusade. The book’s chapters cover Edessa’s topography and geographical situation, the founding of the city and origins of the royal family, early political interaction with neighboring rulers, non-Christianity in the city, the Abgar legend and related traditions, and of course what can be known of earliest Christianity there, including literature related to Edessa, such as the Peshitta and Diatessaron. Succeeding chapters cover later centuries and especially deal with interactions between Roman, Persian, and Arab rulers and armies, as well as important figures, political and religious, who were active in the city. An appendix includes the Greek text and French translation of pertinent extracts from the church historians Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret.

Rubens Duval, known for his Syriac grammar and editions of Syriac texts, here offers a historical study of Edessa up to the first Crusade. The book’s chapters cover Edessa’s topography and geographical situation, the founding of the city and origins of the royal family, early political interaction with neighboring rulers, non-Christianity in the city, the Abgar legend and related traditions, and of course what can be known of earliest Christianity there, including literature related to Edessa, such as the Peshitta and Diatessaron. Succeeding chapters cover later centuries and especially deal with interactions between Roman, Persian, and Arab rulers and armies, as well as important figures, political and religious, who were active in the city. An appendix includes the Greek text and French translation of pertinent extracts from the church historians Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret.

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M. Duval

  • Series Foreword (page 5)
  • Preface. (page 7)
  • Chapitre Ier. Topographie d'Edesse. (page 9)
  • Chapitre II. Fondation d'Edesse; Origine du Royaume d'Edesse. (page 26)
  • Chapitre III. Le Royaume d'Edesse. (page 36)
  • Chapitre IV. Le Paganisme a Edesse. (page 80)
  • Chapitre V. La Legende d'Abgar et les Legendes qui y ont ete Rattachees. (page 87)
  • Chapitre VI. Legendes Judeo-Chretiennes. (page 109)
  • Chapitre VII. Les Premiers Temps du Christianisme et de la Litterature a Edesse. (page 113)
  • Chapitre VII. Edesse Pendant le III Siecle. (page 132)
  • Chapitre IX. Edesse Pendant le IV Siecle. (page 143)
  • Chapitre X. Edesse Pendant le V Siecle. (page 169)
  • Chapitre XI. Edesse Pendant le VI Siecle. (page 190)
  • Chapitre XII. Edesse Pendant le VII Siecle. (page 228)
  • Chapitre XIII. Edesse Depuis le VIII Siecle Jusqu'a la Ire Croisade. (page 258)
  • Appendice: A la Page 147 (page 287)
  • Tabel Analytique des Matieres. (page 305)
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