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Islam in China

A History of European and American Scholarship

This book explores the historical development of Chinese Islamic studies in the West in different periods, as first missionaries and then orientalists engaged with the region and sought to understand its Muslim populations. Each period is defined by its own sociological and ideological background, reflecting the development of Sino-foreign relations, the history of cultural exchanges, and more.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-4329-6
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Mar 22,2021
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 234
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4329-6
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China’s Muslims, divided into Uyghurs, Kazaks of the Turkic language family, and Hui of the Chinese language family, straddle Chinese culture and Islamic culture. The study of Chinese Islam and Muslims in the West has become an increasingly rich field for study, though there is little understanding of the history and scope of the existing research. Furthermore, the field remains relatively marginal when compared with Chinese studies or Islamic studies. This book explores the historical development of Chinese Islamic studies in the West in different periods, as first missionaries and then orientalists engaged with the region and sought to understand its Muslim populations. Each period is defined by its own sociological and ideological background, reflecting the development of Sino-foreign relations, the history of cultural exchanges, and more. An Appendix summarizes the parallel history of research in Japan. 

China’s Muslims, divided into Uyghurs, Kazaks of the Turkic language family, and Hui of the Chinese language family, straddle Chinese culture and Islamic culture. The study of Chinese Islam and Muslims in the West has become an increasingly rich field for study, though there is little understanding of the history and scope of the existing research. Furthermore, the field remains relatively marginal when compared with Chinese studies or Islamic studies. This book explores the historical development of Chinese Islamic studies in the West in different periods, as first missionaries and then orientalists engaged with the region and sought to understand its Muslim populations. Each period is defined by its own sociological and ideological background, reflecting the development of Sino-foreign relations, the history of cultural exchanges, and more. An Appendix summarizes the parallel history of research in Japan. 

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Alimtohte SHIHO (Alim Tohti Uyghur), is a Uyghur scholar, Research Fellow at (NIHU) Center for Innovative Research and an Assistant Professor at Tohoku University, Japan. In 2020 he was a visiting researcher at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford. He is the author of History of Islamic Studies in Japan―Volume on China, Shumpusha Publishing (2018), History of Islamic Studies in China, Akashi Publishing (2019). Criticism and reconstruction of Chinese Confucianism by Japanese Confucianism, Akashi Publishing (2020), Islam in China: A History of European and American Scholarship, Gorgias Press (2021), Islam and Confucianism, Akashi Publishing (2022), and Islam in China and the Islamic World: A History of Chinese Scholarship, Gorgias Press (2024).

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