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Islamic History and Thought

The Islamic History & Thought series provides a platform for scholarly research on any geographic area within the expansive Islamic/Muslim world, stretching from the Mediterranean to China, and dated to any period from the eve of Islam until the early modern era. Scholars are invited to submit proposals for original monographs, translations (Arabic, Persian, Syriac, Greek, and Latin) and edited volumes related to these broad areas of research. Submissions are accepted in English, Arabic, German, French, Spanish, and Italian). All accepted submissions will be peer-reviewed by two specialists and the series is overseen by an editorial board made up of leading scholars in the field.

Various books published under this series have been recognised for their important contribution to field of Islamic Studies through journal reviews, academic awards and digital platforms. The first book in the series joined a prestigious list of previous winners of the 26th World Award for the Book of the Year, and two further titles from this series and another title from the Gorgias Islamic Studies series are ranked among the '94 Best Islamic History Books of All Time' by Book Authority.

Series Board 

Prof. Dr Peter Adamson Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 

Prof. Dr Beatrice Gründler Freie Universität Berlin

Prof. Dr Ahmad Khan Universität Hamburg

Prof. Dr Isabel Toral-Niehoff (Chair) Freie Universität Berlin

Prof. Dr Jack Tannous Princeton University

Dr Manolis Ulbricht University of Göttingen

Advisory Editorial Board

Prof. Emeritus Dr Binyamin Abrahamov Bar-Ilan University

Prof. Dr Asad Q. Ahmed University of California, Berkeley

Dr Mehmetcan Akpinar University of Tübingen

Prof. Dr Abdulhadi Alajmi University of Kuwait

Prof. Dr Mohammad-Ali Amir-Moezzi École Pratique des Hautes Études

Dr Arezou Azad University of Oxford

Dr Farhad Daftary The Institute of Ismaili Studies

Prof. Dr Godefroid de Callataÿ Université catholique de Louvain

Prof. Dr Wael Hallaq Columbia University

Prof. Dr Konrad Hirschler Freie Universität Berlin

Prof. Dr Maher Jarrar American University of Beirut

Prof. Dr James Howard-Johnston University of Oxford

Dr Harry Munt University of York

Prof. Dr Marcus Milwright University of Victoria

Prof. Dr Gabriel Said Reynolds University of Notre Dame

Prof. Dr Walid A. Saleh University of Toronto

Prof. Dr Jens Scheiner Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Dr Delfina Serrano Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid

Prof. Dr Georges Tamer Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

To submit a book proposal to the series, please contact

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Picture of The Naval Commanders of Early Islam

The Naval Commanders of Early Islam

A Prosopographical Approach
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0645-1
Translated from Hebrew, this groundbreaking study sets out to answer one simple question: who were the commanders of the early Islamic navy? Using the prosopographical method, Elmakias unearths fresh information about early Islam's inexperienced and pioneering naval commanders. Through their fascinating biographies, we learn about the people who led the Islamic navy during the first conquests of the Islamic empire and helped to realise the spread and expansion of Islamic influence.
Picture of Half of my Heart

Half of my Heart

The Narratives of Zaynab, Daughter of ʿAlî
ISBN: 978-1-4632-3937-4
As Abû ʿAbd Allâh al-Ḥusayn, son of ʿAlî and Fâṭima and grandson of Muḥammad, moved inexorably towards death on the field of Karbalâʾ, his sister Zaynab was drawn ever closer to the centre of the family of Muḥammad, the ‘people of the house’ (ahl al-bayt). There she would remain for a few historic days, challenging the wickedness of the Islamic leadership, defending the actions of her brother, initiating the commemorative rituals, protecting and nurturing the new Imâm, al-Ḥusayn’s son ʿAlî b. al-Ḥusayn b. ʿAlî b. Abî Ṭâlib, until he could take his rightful place. This is her story.
Picture of Umayyad Christianity

Umayyad Christianity

John of Damascus as a contextual example of identity formation in Early Islam
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0757-1
A study of the identity-formation process that the Christians of Syria-Palestine experienced during the Umayyad Caliphate. It approaches this subject by using John of Damascus and his writings on Islam as a case-study. This provides an exhaustive study of the available historical data in order to stimulate some further thought on John of Damascus’s theology and legacy from a contextual and intercultural methodology. Such an examination has not yet been pursued in the scholarship of Byzantine Christianity during that era. Proceeding from a centralizing ‘context’, the monograph revisits John of Damascus’s legacy (and the Umayyad Christians’ identity-formation of that era) from the perspective of his historical, Islamic-Arabic context, and not from any assumed, metanarrative, common to contemporary pro-Byzantine theology scholars.
Picture of Early Philosophical Ṣūfism

Early Philosophical Ṣūfism

The Neoplatonic Thought of Ḥusayn Ibn Manṣūr al-Ḥallāğ
ISBN: 978-1-4632-3917-6
This study challenges the conventional image of the tenth-century Sufi mystic Al-Husayn Ibn Manṣūr al-Ḥallāğ (d. 929) as an anti-philosophical mystic. Unlike the predominantly theological or text-historical studies which constitute much of the scholarly literature on Ḥallāğ, this study is completely philosophical in nature, placing Ḥallāğ within the tradition of Graeco-Arabic philosophy and emphasizing, in a positive light, his continuity with the pagan Neoplatonism of Plotinus and Proclus.
Picture of The Arts and Crafts of Syria and Egypt from the Ayyubids to World War I

The Arts and Crafts of Syria and Egypt from the Ayyubids to World War I

Collected Essays
ISBN: 978-1-4632-3900-8
This book focuses on the production, sale, and consumption of portable arts in regions covered today by the modern polities of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and the Palestine Authority. The reprinted chapters in this volume have been revised and updated. They offer interdisciplinary approaches to the material culture of the region from the twelfth to the early twentieth centuries, combining evidence from primary written sources, archaeology, and objects in museums and private collections. Topics include the production and distribution of pottery, importation of glazed wares into the Middle East, shadow puppetry, economic activity associated with the Syrian hajj, the manufacturing practices of the crafts operating in Damascus during the last decades of Ottoman rule, and the decoration of artillery shell cases during and after World War I. Also included are an introduction containing a critical evaluation of the main sources of information, a cumulative bibliography, and a previously unpublished study of leatherworking in the late Ottoman period.
Picture of Fâṭima, Daughter of Muhammad (second edition - hardback)

Fâṭima, Daughter of Muhammad (second edition - hardback)

Second Edition
ISBN: 978-1-4632-3933-6
The only child of Muhammad to survive him, Fâṭima was from early times taken up by Shî’a Islam, for whose adherents she is the virgin mother, the heavenly intercessor with untold power before God’s throne, and the grieving mother of al-Husayn, the Shî’a's most important martyr. During her life she was impoverished and weak, neglected, marginalized, and divested of justice: but her reward in heaven comprises incalculable riches, all those in heaven will bow their heads to her, and her company will be the angels and the friends of God. Here, for the first time, her story is told.
Picture of The Jurist and the Theologian

The Jurist and the Theologian

Speculative Theology in Shāfiʿī Legal Theory
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0618-5
This in-depth study examines the relation between legal theory (uṣūl al-fiqh) and speculative theology (ʿīlm al-kalām). It compares the legal theory of four classical jurists who belonged to the same school of law, the Shāfiʿī school, yet followed three different theological traditions. The aim of this comparison is to understand to what extent, and in what way, the theology of each jurist shaped his choices in legal theory.
Picture of Religious Culture in Late Antique Arabia

Religious Culture in Late Antique Arabia

Selected Studies on the Late Antique Religious Mind
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0630-7
This volume explores aspects of religious culture in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Arabian Peninsula across Late Antiquity – the period of dynamic and historically crucial developments, culminating in the emergence of Islam. While it would be impossible to provide an exhaustive examination of the topic in a single volume, it is the main aim of this book to further stimulate scholarly research on the Late Antique context of the origins of Islam and the history of early Arab-Muslim culture.
Picture of Constantinus Arabicus

Constantinus Arabicus

Die arabische Geschichtsschreibung und das christliche Rom
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0652-9
Die folgende Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Rezeption Konstantins in der arabischen Historiographie, sowoh christlicher- als auch muslimischerseits. Eine genauere Analyse der Texte wird zeigen, wie die Geschichte des ersten christlichen Kaisers eine Projektionsfläche für Identitätskonstrutkionen werden konnte, auch über Religionsgrenzen hinaus.
$178.00 $142.40
Picture of Princely Authority in the Early Marwānid State

Princely Authority in the Early Marwānid State

The Life of ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn Marwān
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0632-1
‘Abd al-‘Azīz b. Marwān (d. 86/705) reigned as the amīr of Egypt and walī al-‘ahd (heir apparent) to the Islamic caliphate for over 20 years. This book intends to revive this largely forgotten amīr and demonstrate the critical role he played in the formation of the Marwānid dynasty. The founding thesis of this study is that ‘Abd al-‘Azīz was appointed the amīr of Egypt and second heir apparent due to the legitimacy his maternal lineage brought the nascent dynasty.
Picture of Reconstruction of a Source of Ibn Isḥāq’s Life of the Prophet and Early Qurʾān Exegesis

Reconstruction of a Source of Ibn Isḥāq’s Life of the Prophet and Early Qurʾān Exegesis

A Study of Early Ibn ʿAbbās Traditions
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0659-8
This important work is a source-critical study of a group of traditions (aḥādīth) found in Ibn Isḥāq's Biography (Sīra) of the prophet Muḥammad, widely considered one of the most important early historical texts on the Prophet's life. Through a meticulous isnād-cum-matn analysis, the author reveals that Ibn Isḥāq relied on Muḥammad b. Abī Muḥammad, a hitherto undocumented source of his. Important new light is also shed on problems with Ibn Hishām’s recension of Ibn Isḥāq’s Sīra.
Picture of A Place Between Two Places

A Place Between Two Places

The Quranic Barzakh
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0612-3
For believers in a resurrection of the body, there arises the question of what happens after death but before the Last Day: the intermediate state. For most Muslims, the intermediate state is the barzakh. It is a fantastical and frightening time in the grave. The present study will examine where the belief in the barzakh comes from through a study of the Qur'an.