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Jean-Baptiste Chabot

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Les Langues et les Littératures Araméennes

ISBN: 978-1-61143-011-0
Jean Baptiste Chabot, who produced works like Synodicon Orientale, surveys the different branches of the Aramaic Aramaic languages and their extant literature in theology, science, and history, as well as inscriptions at archaeological sites. Chabot demonstrates his expertise in the field, drawing from sources as diverse as the Samaritan Bible and the Talmud, Oriental Christianity, Babylon and Mesopotamia. Originally written in 1910, it will still be of interest to scholars in the fields of Aramaic, linguistics, Syriac studies and Eastern Christianity.
$141.00 (USD) $84.60 (USD)

Narsai le docteur et les origines de l'école de Nisibe, d'après la chronique de Barḥadbešabba

Translated and Annotated by J.-B. Chabot
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 490
ISBN: 978-1-60724-968-9
This volume contains Chabot’s notice of a fragment published by Mingana from Barhadbeshabba dealing with Narsai and the School of Nisibis. Chabot offers a French translation of the text and a summary questioning its historical value.
$36.00 (USD) $21.60 (USD)

De S. Isaaci Ninivitae Vita, Scriptis et Doctrina

Accedunt Isaaci Tres Integri Sermones
ISBN: 978-1-61719-202-9
In this volume, Chabot is concerned with the life and work of the widely influential Church of the East author Isaac of Nineveh (late 7th cent.). Three sermons, in Syriac and Latin, conclude the work.
$162.00 (USD) $97.20 (USD)
Picture of Texts and Translations of the Chronicle of Michael the Great (entire set) (10 of 11 volumes)

Texts and Translations of the Chronicle of Michael the Great (entire set) (10 of 11 volumes)

Syriac Original, Arabic Garshuni Version, and Armenian Epitome with Translations into French
ISBN: 978-1-59333-663-9
This invaluable eleven-volume set on the Chronicle of Michael the Great makes the scholarly resources on this unique manuscript available together for the first time. Now inaccessible, the Chronicle is the largest medieval chronicle known, and is available here for the first time in history as a facsimile copy of the original manuscript, as well as in a copy of the original Syriac, the French translation, an abbreviated Armenian recension, and Arabic versions. The Chronicle is one of the most important primary sources on the history of the Middle East, especially the period between the rise of Islam and the Crusades.
$269.00 (USD) $161.40 (USD)

Aramaic Languages and their Study

āl-lugha āl-ārāmiyya wa-ādābuhā
By Jean-Baptiste Chabot; Translated by Anton Lawrence; Introduction by Murad Fuat Jaqqi
ISBN: 978-1-61719-459-7
An Overview of the compilation and history of the Aramaic Language from various dialects.
$109.00 (USD) $65.40 (USD)

Note sur l'ouvrage syriaque intitulé Le Jardin des Délices

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 669
ISBN: 978-1-61719-619-5
In this short work, originally published in the Festschrift for Nöldeke, Chabot gives a notice and overview of the Gannat Bussame, a commentary on the East Syriac lectionary and an important witness to the East Syriac exegetical tradition.
$35.00 (USD) $21.00 (USD)

Synodicon Orientale

Recueil de synodes nestoriens
Edited and Translated by Jean-Baptiste Chabot
ISBN: 978-1-60724-933-7
This large volume, the essential resource for studying the official doctrine of the Church of the East from the fifth to eighth centuries, contains the Syriac texts, with a heavily annotated French translation, of synods from 410 to 775.
$258.00 (USD) $154.80 (USD)