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Jermo van Nes

Dr. Jermo van Nes is Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven in Belgium.

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Picture of Let God Be True

Let God Be True

Perspectives on Romans 3
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4499-6
Romans 3 is a treasure trove of theological riches, a thematic junction where nearly every major theme in this complex epistle emerges. Yet for this same reason, exegetically it is one of the most notoriously difficult passages in the New Testament. The focused and interdisciplinary approach to this one particular chapter in Romans allows for greater depth of research than is generally possible in commentaries, and the variety of methodological approaches employed shines light from different angles to bring out the numerous facets of these verses. Those who write commentaries or do research on Romans, and especially on Romans 3, will find in this book a wealth of information. Likewise, it will be of value to students in advanced exegetical classes and to those doing postgraduate research on Romans 3 and related topics.
$114.95 (USD) $68.97 (USD)