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John of Dara On the Resurrection of Human Bodies

Edited and Translated by Aho Shemunkasho
An edition and translation of the four treatises of John of Dara (d. 860) On the Resurrection of Human Bodies.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-4225-1
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Nov 27,2020
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 7 x 10
Page Count: 607
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4225-1
$165.00 (USD)
Your price: $99.00 (USD)
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An edition and translation of the four treatises of John of Dara (d. 860) On the Resurrection of Human Bodies. The Christian dogma of resurrection and the ecclesiastical understanding of eschatology are the central points of the treatises. In addition to the spiritual understanding of resurrection, the treatises include material on physical anatomy and psychology, as well as on the philosophical explanation of the elements of creation. The final mimro places the resurrection in the context of the renewal of the whole of creation on the Day of Judgement. Furthermore, the text provides a terminological definition of keywords. Theologically, the concept of the Creator and creation are in focus, along with the logical proof of God’s existence, exegetical commentaries on the relevant Biblical passages, and on the vision of the future world. 


"Aho Shemunkasho has done a great service with his thorough introduction to John of Dara’s work and context and his edition and translation of this remarkable collection of memre On the Resurrection of Human Bodies. His detailed analysis of John of Dara’s biblical, patristic, and other sources is valuable. Hopefully, more of John of Dara’s works will appear in comparably skillful editions and translations—perhaps without the interval of half a century this time!"

-- KELLI BRYANT GIBSON, Hugoye 25, 2022, pp 497-501.

An edition and translation of the four treatises of John of Dara (d. 860) On the Resurrection of Human Bodies. The Christian dogma of resurrection and the ecclesiastical understanding of eschatology are the central points of the treatises. In addition to the spiritual understanding of resurrection, the treatises include material on physical anatomy and psychology, as well as on the philosophical explanation of the elements of creation. The final mimro places the resurrection in the context of the renewal of the whole of creation on the Day of Judgement. Furthermore, the text provides a terminological definition of keywords. Theologically, the concept of the Creator and creation are in focus, along with the logical proof of God’s existence, exegetical commentaries on the relevant Biblical passages, and on the vision of the future world. 


"Aho Shemunkasho has done a great service with his thorough introduction to John of Dara’s work and context and his edition and translation of this remarkable collection of memre On the Resurrection of Human Bodies. His detailed analysis of John of Dara’s biblical, patristic, and other sources is valuable. Hopefully, more of John of Dara’s works will appear in comparably skillful editions and translations—perhaps without the interval of half a century this time!"

-- KELLI BRYANT GIBSON, Hugoye 25, 2022, pp 497-501.

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Aho Shemunkasho ist Universitätsassistent am Fachbereich Bibelwissenschaft und Kirchengeschichte der Universität Salzburg. Er absolvierte das Studium der Theologie in Paderborn, der Syrologie und das Doktorratsstudium mit dem Thema „Healing in the Theology of St. Ephrem“ (Gorgias Press 2002) bei Sebastian Brock in Oxford. Ab 2000 arbeitete Shemunkasho als Religionslehrer und Koordinator der syr.-orth. Religionslehrer von Nordrhein-Westfalen, lehrte am Theologischen Seminar St. Jakob von Sarugh Warburg, und war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Forschungsprojekt „Polyglotter Studientext zu Ben Sira“ (Universität Salzburg).

Table of Contents (v)
Preface (vii)
Abbreviations (ix)

1. Introduction (1)
2. The Historical Context of Syriac Christianity in the Ninth Century (9)
3. The Life and Work of John of Dara (39)
4. Edition of the Four Treatises of John of Dara On the Resurrection of Human Bodies (75)
4.0 Chapters of the Four Mimre (91)
4.1 Edition of Mimro I (97)
4.2 Edition of Mimro II (133)
4.3 Edition of Mimro III (193)
4.4 Edition of Mimro IV (227)
4.5 Summary (345)
5. Translation of the Four Treatises of John of Dara On the Resurrection of Human Bodies (351)
5.1 Translation of Mimro I (357)
5.2 Translation of Mimro II (391)
5.3 Translation of Mimro III (443)
5.4 Translation of Mimro IV (475)
5.5 Summary (565)
6. Bibliography (569)
7. Index (587)

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