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Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 22

Edited by Amir Harrak
A refereed journal published annually by the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-4491-0
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jul 27,2023
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 8.25 x 10.75
Page Count: 142
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4491-0
$75.00 (USD)
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JCSSS is a refereed journal published annually by the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies Inc. (CSSS), located at the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. JCSSS contains the transcripts of public lectures presented at the CSSS and possibly other articles and book reviews. JCSSS focuses on the vast Syriac literature, which is rooted in the same soil from which the ancient Mesopotamian and biblical literatures sprung; on Syriac art that bears Near Eastern characteristics as well as Byzantine and Islamic influences; and on archaeology, unearthing in the Middle East and the rest of Asia and China the history of the Syriac-speaking people: Assyrians, Chaldeans, Maronites and Catholic and Orthodox Syriacs. Modern Syriac Christianity and contemporary vernacular Aramaic dialects are also the focus of JCSSS. The languages of the Journal are English, French and German, and quotations from ancient sources are given in the original languages and in translation. The articles are interdisciplinary and scholarly; the Editorial Committee brings together scholars from four American, Canadian, and European universities. The CSSS that publishes JCSSS was founded in 1999 at the University of Toronto, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, as part of the latter’s academic programme in Aramaic and Syriac languages and literatures. It was incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act in January 23, 1999.

This volume includes articles by Khalid Dinno, Christopher Bonura, Robert Kitchen, Ester Petrosyan, Rita Sawaya, and James Toma.

JCSSS is a refereed journal published annually by the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies Inc. (CSSS), located at the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. JCSSS contains the transcripts of public lectures presented at the CSSS and possibly other articles and book reviews. JCSSS focuses on the vast Syriac literature, which is rooted in the same soil from which the ancient Mesopotamian and biblical literatures sprung; on Syriac art that bears Near Eastern characteristics as well as Byzantine and Islamic influences; and on archaeology, unearthing in the Middle East and the rest of Asia and China the history of the Syriac-speaking people: Assyrians, Chaldeans, Maronites and Catholic and Orthodox Syriacs. Modern Syriac Christianity and contemporary vernacular Aramaic dialects are also the focus of JCSSS. The languages of the Journal are English, French and German, and quotations from ancient sources are given in the original languages and in translation. The articles are interdisciplinary and scholarly; the Editorial Committee brings together scholars from four American, Canadian, and European universities. The CSSS that publishes JCSSS was founded in 1999 at the University of Toronto, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, as part of the latter’s academic programme in Aramaic and Syriac languages and literatures. It was incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act in January 23, 1999.

This volume includes articles by Khalid Dinno, Christopher Bonura, Robert Kitchen, Ester Petrosyan, Rita Sawaya, and James Toma.

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Amir Harrak is full professor at the University of Toronto. His specialty is Aramaic and Syriac languages and literatures. His many publications deal with Syriac epigraphy, chronography, and cataloguing of manuscripts.

From the Editor (1)
Khalid Dinno - Arabic Documents in the Syriac Orthodox Church since the Late Ottoman Period (3)
Christopher Bonura - Putting the “Methodius” in “Pseudo-Methodius”: Methodius of Olympus/Patara, Sexual Sin, and the Rise and fall of Empires in Seventh Century (29)
Robert Kitchen - Come out, Lazarus! The Exegesis of Resurrection in Jacob of Sarugh and Narsai of Nisibis (55)
Ester Petrosyan - Christian Arabic and Arabic Garshuni Manuscripts of the Matenadaran (Yerevan) (64)
Rita Sawaya - A 13th Century Garshuni War Poem by Sulaymān al-Ashlūḥῑ: Critical Edition, Comparative Analysis, Reconstruction and Translation (75)
James Toma - Female Inheritance and Intestate Succession in Rabbinical, East Syriac, and Islamic Legal Traditions (104)

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