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Kiraz Theological Archive

The Kiraz Theological Archive brings back to active circulation carefully selected rare classics which are essentials for the shelves of every theological library. The selections include tools for scholars, but also general theological works of interest to general readers.

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James Hannington, First Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa

A History of His Life and Work 1847-1885
ISBN: 978-1-60724-279-6
This classic account of the missionary life of James Hannington has delighted generations of readers. Written by an enthusiastic exponent of the mission field, this account has stood the test of time to become a recognized icon of the genre. The first Anglican Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, Hannington was reared in a not untypical English setting, eventually being schooled at Oxford. His remarkable accomplishments and savage martyrdom are narrated with poignancy and empathy. A moving account of a man willing to risk all for his convictions, this missionary story appeals to popular readers and those interested in the European presence in Africa.
$205.00 (USD) $123.00 (USD)

Les Calligraphes et les Miniaturistes de l’Orient Musulman

ISBN: 978-1-60724-315-1
Les Calligraphes et les Miniaturistes de l’Orient Musulman is a highly regarded exploration of the Islamic art of calligraphy. Compiled by the noted Orientalist Clément Huart, the main body of the work is dedicated to the exploration of various schools of the art form throughout history.
$183.00 (USD) $109.80 (USD)

Chronicles of the Tombs

A Select Collection of Epitaphs
ISBN: 978-1-60724-305-2
Moving away from his usual interest in Egyptian mummies, Pettigrew here addresses another morbid interest in antiquities: the epitaphs and inscriptions of ancient sepulchers. The majority of this study focuses on the epitaphs of England and surrounding regions that fall into several categories ranging from devotional to untruthful, from rhetorical to ridiculous. Laid out catalogue style with an index, this book was among the first of its genre and retains its value for readers interested in the perceptions of death as left in the monuments of the departed.
$226.00 (USD) $135.60 (USD)

The Re-Interpretation of Jesus in the New Testament

ISBN: 978-1-59333-953-1
Believing that a firm basis for understanding Jesus could be found in the sources of the Bible, Purinton undertook to justify such sources as Paul’s letters and the gospels as authentic source material for the life of Jesus. He examined all the books of the New Testament, but with the realization that not all of the Epistles add to our knowledge of who Jesus was. Purinton wished to make Jesus accessible by means of a scholarly study of his life, in this venture his book has few equals even today.
$140.00 (USD) $84.00 (USD)

The Origin and Growth of Religion

As Illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians
ISBN: 978-1-59333-740-7
Originally published as the Hibbert Lectures of 1887, this series of essays covers more than the title suggests. The work of an early explorer of Assyriology, this book traces many of the more familiar motifs and themes from ancient religion back to the ancient Babylonians.
$218.00 (USD) $130.80 (USD)

The Improvement of the Moral Qualities, an Ethical Treatise of the Eleventh Century by Solomon ibn G

Printed from an Unique Arabic Manuscript, Together with a Translation, and an Essay
ISBN: 978-1-59333-673-8
The original manuscript of the Arabic Improvement of the Moral Qualities was examined by Wise in order to prepare this edition. The text includes a copy of the original Arabic, a translation into English, and an essay on the place of Solomon ibn Gabirol in the development of Jewish ethics.
$127.00 (USD) $76.20 (USD)

Studies in Oriental Social Life

and Gleams from the East on the Sacred Page
ISBN: 978-1-59333-596-0
Trumbull’s tome was among the first to explore how looking at the Bible from the perspective of those in Palestine might influence the outlook of Western readers. In this volume Trumbull examines the social customs, religious practices, and basic concepts of those living in nineteenth-century Palestine to demonstrate how they bear upon modern understandings of the Bible.
$195.00 (USD) $117.00 (USD)

Anthropos and Son of Man

A Study in the Religious Syncretism of the Hellenistic Orient
ISBN: 978-1-59333-631-8
Kraeling’s treatment of the ancient figure known as the "Anthropos” remains a challenging read even after several decades. Surveying Hellenistic, Gnostic, Manichean, Mandean, and Jewish sources, the author suggests a ubiquitous character known as the Anthropos was used in the New Testament to characterize aspects of Christ.
$133.00 (USD) $79.80 (USD)

The Palestinan Syriac Lectionary of the Gospels

ISBN: 978-1-59333-917-3
The work of the remarkable sisters Agnes Smith Lewis and Margaret Dunlop Gibson, this lectionary of what is now known as Christian Palestinian Aramaic, was re-edited in the light of two manuscripts from the Sinai, which they recovered, and from Paul de Lagarde’s Evangeliarium Hierosolymitanum. An important document for the textual criticism of the New Testament as well as for the early practice of the church, Lewis and Dunlap added to its value by composing this light “critical edition.” Presented in Syriac with English annotations to the Greek text of the Gospels, this useful study will be welcome by New Testament scholars and Syriac scholars alike.
$181.00 (USD) $108.60 (USD)

Saint Anselm

A Critical Biography
ISBN: 978-1-59333-722-3
The first English biography of Saint Anselm, an eleventh century doctor of the church, this work has set the standard for works on the saint. Anselm became the Archbishop of Canterbury and led the English Catholic church through difficult political times.
$131.00 (USD) $78.60 (USD)

Hebrew and Babylonian Traditions

The Haskell Lectures delivered at Oberlin College in 1913, and since revised and enlarged
ISBN: 978-1-59333-618-9
In this formidable study, Jastrow compares several aspects of the religious life of the Israelites and ancient Babylonias by comparison of their written texts. Among the topics examined are the creation and flood accounts, the concept of the Sabbath, and the ethics of both cultures.
$180.00 (USD) $108.00 (USD)

The Patriarchate of Alexandria

ISBN: 978-1-59333-050-7
The first volume of an ambitious project to document the history of the early church, this is one of John Mason Neale’s crowning achievements. Meticulously researched, Neale’s treatment of the early church in Egypt is among the required reading of any student of oriental Christianity still today. Beginning with the traditions of St. Mark’s foundation of the Egyptian church, the developments of Christianity are traced up through the controversies associated with Nestorius and the Council of Chalcedon. In Neale’s characteristically readable style, the early stages of Eastern Christianity and its noteworthy figures are presented here with historical accuracy and authority. The origins of monasticism, the troubles and triumphs of St. Athanasius, the Arian heresy, and the ecumenical councils are all treated in this important study of the church in Egypt.
$167.00 (USD) $100.20 (USD)

Palestine under the Moslems

A Description of Syria and the Holy Land
ISBN: 978-1-59333-606-6
This detailed study of the physical layout and traditions of the Holy Land and Syria contains an enormous amount of detailed information. For readers who wish to correct their vision of the actual physical geography of Syro-Palestine, this work remains a recommended source.
$244.00 (USD) $146.40 (USD)
Picture of American Missionary Memorial, Including Biographical and Historical Sketches

American Missionary Memorial, Including Biographical and Historical Sketches

ISBN: 1-59333-478-8
This book traces the history of American foreign missions of all denominations. Following a historical survey of the missionary activities, the author gives the biographies and works of twenty-nine men and women missionaries. Numerous portraits are included.
$213.00 (USD) $127.80 (USD)
Picture of Ancient Liturgies of the East

Ancient Liturgies of the East

ISBN: 1-59333-501-6
Bringing together into one volume the classic liturgical studies of C. E. Hammond and F. E. Brightman, this edition provides a valuable source of comparison on the liturgies of the church. Included in this edition are the complete text of Hammond’s “Antient Liturgies” and Brightman’s “Eastern Liturgies” from his two volume set “Liturgies Eastern and Western.”
$374.00 (USD) $224.40 (USD)
Picture of The History of the Reformation in Sweden

The History of the Reformation in Sweden

ISBN: 1-59333-483-4
In this study concerning an important period in Sweden’s history, Anjou delivers a detailed account of the Reformation in that country. Beginning with the state of the Catholic Church in Sweden prior to 1520, Anjou traces the history of the Swedish Church up through the Council of Uppsala in 1593.
$251.00 (USD) $150.60 (USD)
Picture of Lectures on the Apostles' Creed

Lectures on the Apostles' Creed

ISBN: 1-59333-464-8
Brooke Foss Westcott, noted scholar on the canon of the New Testament, presented this series of devotional instructions as a result of a lecture series he delivered in 1880. Westcott applies his considerable knowledge to the eleven articles of the Apostles’ Creed as well as several broader subjects such as the ideas of religion, faith, divine fatherhood, the blood of Christ, and the communion of saints.
$156.00 (USD) $93.60 (USD)
Picture of The Physical Geography, Geology, and Meteorology of the Holy Land

The Physical Geography, Geology, and Meteorology of the Holy Land

ISBN: 1-59333-482-6
Tristram was among the earliest scholars to attempt a documentation of the physical landscape of the Holy Land. This study describes the geography, geology, meteorology, zoology, and botany of the land of the Bible, as experienced in the nineteenth century.
$215.00 (USD) $129.00 (USD)
Picture of The Gospel Manuscripts of the General Theological Seminary

The Gospel Manuscripts of the General Theological Seminary

ISBN: 1-59333-463-X
Three miniscule gospel codices held by the General Theological Seminary in New York are published in partial facsimile form, along with thorough collations and descriptions. Codices Gregory 669, 2324, and 2346 are included.
$108.00 (USD) $64.80 (USD)
Picture of Christianity and History

Christianity and History

ISBN: 1-59333-461-3
Harnack’s classic lecture on the relationship between history and Christianity has stood the test of time. Both the concepts of personality and history are closely examined. Harnack asserts that historical criticism causes no real damage to authentic Christianity.
$101.00 (USD) $60.60 (USD)
Picture of The Beginnings of the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in the United States

The Beginnings of the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in the United States

From 1817-1832
ISBN: 1-59333-460-5
In this painfully honest study, Appel describes the trials behind the early stages and the eventual success of the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in the United States. The first theological school of the German Reformed Church in America, the Theological Seminary opened in 1825. Appel analyzes the circumstances from 1817-1832.
$115.00 (USD) $69.00 (USD)
Picture of Offices from the Service-Books of the Holy Eastern Church

Offices from the Service-Books of the Holy Eastern Church

Translation, Notes and Glossary
ISBN: 1-59333-476-1
This important volume remains a valuable aid to scholars seeking a basic knowledge of Eastern Orthodox rites. A selection of offices, especially those under theological controversy in their time, is presented in the original Greek with an English translation.
$172.00 (USD) $103.20 (USD)
Picture of  A New Biography

A New Biography

ISBN: 1-59333-475-3
In the present climate of interest concerning the real Jesus, Case's 1927 study represents a vital contribution in the first quest for the historical Jesus. Often overlooked, this important volume is at last available to researchers in the current quest for Jesus, as well as those interested in the role of the Chicago School in that quest. Case avoids supernatural explanations as he deftly sketches the social contexts of what can be known of the historical Jesus.
$198.00 (USD) $118.80 (USD)

Christmas Stories from French and Spanish Writers

General Editor Antoinette Ogden
ISBN: 978-1-59333-564-9
This collection of fifteen Christmas tales from French and Spanish sources represents a variety of genres. In the style of the late nineteenth century holiday story, this work of fables and stories will set an appropriate mood for the holidays.
$174.00 (USD) $104.40 (USD)

Rhythms of Saint Ephrem the Syrian

Select Works of S. Ephrem the Syrian
ISBN: 978-1-59333-561-8
As a member of the Oxford Movement, Morris had a natural fascination with Eastern Christianity. Using his linguistic skills to translate select works of St. Ephrem into English, he chose those that would create an impact on his fellow Englishmen in the nineteenth century. These works are still treasured by western proponents of Eastern Christianity today.
$198.00 (USD) $118.80 (USD)