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La Chronographie d'Élie bar-Šinaya, métropolitain de Nisibe

Traduite pour la première fois d'après le manuscrit Add. 7197 du Musée Britannique

Translated and Annotated by L.-J. Delaporte
This volume contains an annotated French translation of the Chronography of East Syriac author Eliya (or Elias) of Nisibis, also known as Eliya bar Shinaya, (975–1046).
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-256-2
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Mar 27,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 7 x 10
Page Count: 431
Languages: French
ISBN: 978-1-61719-256-2
$214.00 (USD)
Your price: $128.40 (USD)
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East Syriac author Eliya (or Elias) of Nisibis, also known in Syriac as Eliya bar Shinaya, (975–1046), who wrote in both Arabic and Syriac, was Metropolitan of Nisibis from the beginning of the eleventh century. Among other works, a Chronography and dictionary survive. In this volume, it is the former work that is translated. Delaporte’s introduction supplies information on Eliya himself, on the manuscript used, and the Chronography itself and its sources. Eliya’s work, beginning in remote history, is a Chronography in the purest sense of the term, that is, it is very focused on dates for historical event and the proper way to determine them, rather than on providing a stretched out narrative in succession. There are numerous lists, tables, and calendars in comparison. The French translation is annotated and there is an index of works and authors cited, as well as proper names.

East Syriac author Eliya (or Elias) of Nisibis, also known in Syriac as Eliya bar Shinaya, (975–1046), who wrote in both Arabic and Syriac, was Metropolitan of Nisibis from the beginning of the eleventh century. Among other works, a Chronography and dictionary survive. In this volume, it is the former work that is translated. Delaporte’s introduction supplies information on Eliya himself, on the manuscript used, and the Chronography itself and its sources. Eliya’s work, beginning in remote history, is a Chronography in the purest sense of the term, that is, it is very focused on dates for historical event and the proper way to determine them, rather than on providing a stretched out narrative in succession. There are numerous lists, tables, and calendars in comparison. The French translation is annotated and there is an index of works and authors cited, as well as proper names.

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  • Series Foreword (page 5)
  • INTRODUCTION (page 7)
  • AVERTISSEMENT (page 22)
  • PREMIERE PARTIE (page 25)
  • DEUXIEME PARTIE (page 165)
  • ADDITIONS ET ERRATA (page 425)
  • TABLE DES MATIERES (page 427)
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