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L'empire Ottoman et l'Europe

Documents diplomatiques ottomans sur l'unification italienne

Edited by Sinan Kuneralp
A collection of Ottoman diplomatic correspondence between the capital and its ambassadors in Italian cities during the period of Italian unification.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-866-3
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Nov 20,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 451
Languages: French
ISBN: 978-1-61719-866-3
$218.00 (USD)
Your price: $130.80 (USD)
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Part of a series of books published as an initiative of Le Centre d’Histoire Diplomatique Ottomane, L’Empire Ottoman et L’Europe is Sinan Kuneralp’s work concerning the relations between the Ottoman Empire and Europe in the nineteenth century. Kuneralp has extensively researched Ottoman diplomatic correspondence. This particular book begins with a dispatch from the Ottoman representative in Turin to Istanbul. From this point on, Kuneralp has meticulously traced the activities of Ottoman ambassadors – many of whom were non-Muslim – in Italy during the time of Italian unification under Garibaldi. Kuneralp presents in this work a selection Ottoman diplomatic papers and correspondence.

Part of a series of books published as an initiative of Le Centre d’Histoire Diplomatique Ottomane, L’Empire Ottoman et L’Europe is Sinan Kuneralp’s work concerning the relations between the Ottoman Empire and Europe in the nineteenth century. Kuneralp has extensively researched Ottoman diplomatic correspondence. This particular book begins with a dispatch from the Ottoman representative in Turin to Istanbul. From this point on, Kuneralp has meticulously traced the activities of Ottoman ambassadors – many of whom were non-Muslim – in Italy during the time of Italian unification under Garibaldi. Kuneralp presents in this work a selection Ottoman diplomatic papers and correspondence.

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  • PREFACE (page 5)
  • DOCUMENTS (page 17)
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