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Let God Be True

Perspectives on Romans 3

Romans 3 is a treasure trove of theological riches, a thematic junction where nearly every major theme in this complex epistle emerges. Yet for this same reason, exegetically it is one of the most notoriously difficult passages in the New Testament. The focused and interdisciplinary approach to this one particular chapter in Romans allows for greater depth of research than is generally possible in commentaries, and the variety of methodological approaches employed shines light from different angles to bring out the numerous facets of these verses. Those who write commentaries or do research on Romans, and especially on Romans 3, will find in this book a wealth of information. Likewise, it will be of value to students in advanced exegetical classes and to those doing postgraduate research on Romans 3 and related topics.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-4499-6
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jul 27,2023
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 467
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4499-6
$114.95 (USD)
Your price: $68.97 (USD)
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Romans 3 is a treasure trove of theological riches, a thematic junction where nearly every major theme in this complex epistle emerges. Yet for this same reason, exegetically it is one of the most notoriously difficult passages in the New Testament. The focused and interdisciplinary approach to this one particular chapter in Romans allows for greater depth of research than is generally possible in commentaries, and the variety of methodological approaches employed shines light from different angles to bring out the numerous facets of these verses. Those who write commentaries or do research on Romans, and especially on Romans 3, will find in this book a wealth of information. Likewise, it will be of value to students in advanced exegetical classes and to those doing postgraduate research on Romans 3 and related topics.



Romans 3 remains at the heart of discussion of the meaning of Paul’s letter to the Romans, and this volume directly addresses this passage. Some of the essays focus upon individual sections, and even verses, within Romans 3, while others consider larger themes and ideas. The result is essays that are useful for biblical scholars and biblical theologians alike. Several of the essays will no doubt be frequently cited in subsequent research for the challenges and insights that they bring to the passage. This volume of essays by friends and colleagues is a fitting tribute to New Testament scholar Martin Webber.

--Stanley E. Porter, President, Dean, and Professor of New Testament, Roy A. Hope Chair in Christian Worldview, McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, ON, Canada

This academic Festschrift on Romans 3 is highly recommended, as it showcases the meticulous contributions of 17 specialists in their respective fields. It presents a diverse range of perspectives, providing insightful exegesis and theological analysis of just a single chapter from Romans. It is an impressive testament to the vitality and abiding relevance of Biblical studies, and a worthy tribute to the honoree!"
--Arie Zwiep, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


Romans 3 is a treasure trove of theological riches, a thematic junction where nearly every major theme in this complex epistle emerges. Yet for this same reason, exegetically it is one of the most notoriously difficult passages in the New Testament. The focused and interdisciplinary approach to this one particular chapter in Romans allows for greater depth of research than is generally possible in commentaries, and the variety of methodological approaches employed shines light from different angles to bring out the numerous facets of these verses. Those who write commentaries or do research on Romans, and especially on Romans 3, will find in this book a wealth of information. Likewise, it will be of value to students in advanced exegetical classes and to those doing postgraduate research on Romans 3 and related topics.



Romans 3 remains at the heart of discussion of the meaning of Paul’s letter to the Romans, and this volume directly addresses this passage. Some of the essays focus upon individual sections, and even verses, within Romans 3, while others consider larger themes and ideas. The result is essays that are useful for biblical scholars and biblical theologians alike. Several of the essays will no doubt be frequently cited in subsequent research for the challenges and insights that they bring to the passage. This volume of essays by friends and colleagues is a fitting tribute to New Testament scholar Martin Webber.

--Stanley E. Porter, President, Dean, and Professor of New Testament, Roy A. Hope Chair in Christian Worldview, McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, ON, Canada

This academic Festschrift on Romans 3 is highly recommended, as it showcases the meticulous contributions of 17 specialists in their respective fields. It presents a diverse range of perspectives, providing insightful exegesis and theological analysis of just a single chapter from Romans. It is an impressive testament to the vitality and abiding relevance of Biblical studies, and a worthy tribute to the honoree!"
--Arie Zwiep, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


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Prof. Dr. Dr. Jacobus (Kobus) Kok is Head of Department New Testament Studies and Co-Director of the Research Center for Early Christianity at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven in Belgium and Professor Extraordinarius and NRF B3 rated scholar at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.

Jermovan Nes

Dr. Jermo van Nes is Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven in Belgium.


Dr. Jeremy D. Otten is Senior Researcher of New Testament Studies at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven in Belgium.

List of Contributors ................................................................ xiii
Introduction ...........................................................................xvii
Jacobus (Kobus) Kok, Jermo van Nes, and Jeremy D. Otten

PART I: EXEGETICAL STUDIES .................................................. 1

Chapter 1. The Central Role of Romans 3:4 in Romans 1:18–3:20 .... 3
Thomas R. Schreiner
Chapter 2. God’s Faithfulness in an Unfaithful World: An Analysis
of Romans 3:1-4 .......................................................... 21
Jacobus Kok
Chapter 3. Who is Talking in Romans 3:1-9? Some New and Old
Perspectives ............................................................................ 59
Jermo van Nes
Chapter 4. Doubly True: The Two Sides of God’s Faithfulness
in the Remnant Concept (Romans 3:9–11) ....................... 83
Jeremy D. Otten
Chapter 5. The Song of Sins: The Chain of References to Human
Body Parts in Romans 3:13–18 as a Possible Allusion to the
Descriptive Songs of the Canticum canticorum ...................105
Boris Paschke
Chapter 6. The Translation of Romans 3:21 in the NBV21 ..... 121
Mark Paridaens
Chapter 7. Shameful Mortality and the Problem of Death in Romans
3:23 .......................................................................147
Myriam Klinker-De Klerck
Chapter 8. Jewish Roots of Paul’s and Matthew’s Teachings on
the Law: A Close Reading of Romans 3:23 and Matthew
9:9–13 ........................................................................... 165
Francois P. Viljoen
Chapter 9. Law and Faith as Two Eschatological Markers of
Identity in Romans 3:19–31........................................... 185
Philip La G. Du Toit
Chapter 10. “God is Not Unjust”: A Synopsis of the Use of the
Phrase in the LXX .......................................................... 207
Albert J. Coetsee
Chapter 11. “God is Not Unjust”: An Intertextual Study of
Deuteronomy 32:4, Romans 3:5 and 9:14, and Hebrews
6:10 .............................................................................. 231
Albert J. Coetsee

STUDIES .................................................... 251

Chapter 12. The Words of God: Perspectives on Romans 3:2 in
Light of the Old Testament ............................................ 253
Mart-Jan Paul
Chapter 13. A Synopsis of Galatians and Romans: Its Relevance
for the Interpretation of the Synoptic Parallels between 1
and 2 Thessalonians and between Colossians and Ephesians
Armin D. Baum
Chapter 14. “Or is God the God of Jews Only?” (Rom 3:29a):
The Renewal of the Covenant at the Last Supper and the
Inclusion of Gentiles ...................................................... 303
Rob van Houwelingen
Chapter 15. Circumcision and Baptism? Aphrahat’s Demonstrations
as a Window to Jewish Initiation in Persia ............ 323
Nathan Witkamp
Chapter 16. Leading the Righteous: Leadership and Privilege
in the Light of Romans 3 ............................................... 347
Jack Barentsen
Chapter 17. “Let God Be True Though Every One Were a Liar”
(Rom 3:4): Speech Ethics in Romans 3 .......................... 373
Christoph Stenschke
Chapter 18. On Not Knowing the Truth and Being Committed
to It ............................................................................... 389
Ronald T. Michener

Indices .................................................................................. 407

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