Introduction ................................................................................................. ix
Abbreviations .............................................................................................. xv
Syntax and Semantics: Patterns and Meanings of the Biblical Hebrew Verb .... 1
Janet W. Dyk
Dependency Relations in Biblical Hebrew Grammar .. 31
A. Dean Forbes
Aramaic Verbal Participles as an Associative Device in the Narrative of Daniel 2:4b–7:28 ......... 49
Stephen H. Levinsohn
The Throne Vision in Daniel 7:9–10 in the Old Greek Version.. 61
Ian Young
The Perfect Indicative as a Rhetorical Device in New Testament Greek ............ 93
Stephen H. Levinsohn
“The Word Will Not Wait”: Specialized Vocabulary in Syriac Divinatory Texts (Hermeneiai) .................................. 117
Jeff W. Childers
Biblical Correspondences to Syriac mekkēl ......................... 133
Mats Eskhult
Qetal (h)wā for the Greek Conjunct Participle ........ 141
Mats Eskhult
The Rhetorical Place of Conjunctions and Conjunctive Adverbs in the Literary Landscape of Classical Syriac ....... 153
Terry C. Falla
The Classical Syriac Particle #!ܱ : A Syntactic and Semantic Analysis ...... 165
Terry C. Falla and Beryl Turner
New Readings of the Peshitta Text of Revelation ....... 211
Jerome Lund
Bridging Ancient Texts and Modern Linguistics: A Syntax of Syriac Objects in Contrast to Hebrew and Arabic ........ 219
Paul M. Noorlander
Reflections on the Syriac Psalter in Light of the Antioch Bible Project ............ 255
Richard A. Taylor
Index of Biblical References ......................... 271