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Lord Byron’s Oriental World

The book is a collection of eleven articles written by the author about Lord Byron’s personal and literary involvement in Oriental life and creativity. Byron’s genuine Oriental scholarship provides the platform upon which the articles are based. The authentic images of the East and the West in Byron’s Oriental tales and some of his major works, Don Juan and Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, are analyzed to expose the influences of both worlds on his personal life and career.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-0157-9
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Dec 13,2011
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 192
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0157-9
$167.00 (USD)
Your price: $100.20 (USD)
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The book is a collection of eleven articles about Lord Byron’s personal and literary involvement in Oriental life and creativity. Byron’s genuine Oriental scholarship provides the platform upon which the articles are based. The authentic images of the East and the West in Byron’s Oriental tales and some of his major works, Don Juan and Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, are analyzed to expose the influences of both worlds on his personal life and career.

The book is a collection of eleven articles about Lord Byron’s personal and literary involvement in Oriental life and creativity. Byron’s genuine Oriental scholarship provides the platform upon which the articles are based. The authentic images of the East and the West in Byron’s Oriental tales and some of his major works, Don Juan and Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, are analyzed to expose the influences of both worlds on his personal life and career.

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A graduate of Baylor University, TX, USA (1985), Naji B. Oueijan (PhD) is Professor of English Literature at Notre Dame University, Lebanon. He is Joint President of the International Association of Byron Societies and member of several national and International literary societies. His research interests include Byronism, Orientalism, Romanticism, East-West Cultural Dialogue, and Lebanese-American Writers. His publications include 13 books and numerous articles published world-wide.

  • Dedication (page 5)
  • Table of Contents (page 7)
  • Foreword (page 9)
  • Acknowledgments (page 17)
  • Abbreviations (page 19)
  • Introduction (page 21)
  • Byrons Eastern Quests: The Liberation of Self (page 29)
  • Byron and Olympia (page 41)
  • Byrons Virtual Tour of Lebanon (page 51)
  • Western Exoticism and Byrons Orientalism (page 65)
  • Islam and Christianity in Byrons The Giaour (page 75)
  • Byrons Eastern Literary Portraits (page 91)
  • Byrons Eastern Bride (page 105)
  • Byron and Sufism (page 117)
  • Byron, Delacroix and the Oriental Sublime (page 129)
  • Byrons Overpowering Sexual and Spiritual Identity (page 139)
  • Byron, DHerbelot and Oriental Culture (page 147)
  • Lord Byron and Ameen F. Rihani (page 155)
  • Conclusion: Lord Byrons Universality (page 167)
  • Bibliography (page 177)
  • Index (page 187)