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Luke Devine

Luke Devine holds a Ph.D. in Jewish Feminist Theology from the University of Gloucestershire in England. He also possesses an MRes degree in Jewish History and Culture from the University of Southampton, alongside a First-Class BA Honours History degree. He has written extensively on Jewish feminist theology.

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From Anglo-First-Wave towards American Second-Wave Jewish Feminism

Negotiating with Jewish Feminist Theology and its Communities in the Writing of Amy Levy
ISBN: 978-1-61719-915-8
This book completely redefines our understanding of fin de siècle Anglo-Jewish author Amy Levy and her writing. Demonstrating that Levy’s writing is less anti-Judaic and more profoundly influenced by the religious concerns of classical German Reformism, Luke Devine's innovative approach reveals that Levy's writing constitutes a genre whose female subjectivity evinces a concern for justice and authority that prefigures numerous aspects of Second-Wave Jewish feminist theory and its spiritual and theological underpinnings.
$185.00 (USD) $111.00 (USD)

Second-Wave Jewish Feminism, 1971-1991

Foundational Theology and Sacral Discourse
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0084-8
This book is the definitive critical analysis of the Jewish feminist theological project in the United States, its principal theologians and its foundational, embryonic, and more elaborated sacral discursive. The monograph critically examines each of the diverse theologians, their varied perspectives, and individual contributions, and asks will a prescriptive Jewish feminist theology ever be a reality?
$160.00 (USD) $96.00 (USD)

Lily Montagu’s Shekhinah

ISBN: 978-1-61143-684-6
Lily Montagu’s Shekhinah outlines Lily Montagu’s theological writing, particularly her appropriation of the feminine aspect of the divine presence, Shekhinah, and provides a much needed corrective to the androcentric Anglo-Jewish historiography that has ignored, marginalized, and completely erased the founder of the Liberal Jewish movement in England. Luke Devine’s book is vital reading for students of Anglo-Jewry, First-Wave feminism, Jewish feminism, Liberal Judaism, and Jewish mysticism.
$169.00 (USD) $101.40 (USD)