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Manuel de la Cosmographie du Moyen Age

Traduit de l'Arabe

A fine example of Arabic science, Shams ed-Din abu-Abdullah Muhammad al-Dimashqi’s Cosmography has almost been forgotten by the Western world. Translated into French by A. F. Mehren, this important historical text will now be widely available.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-59333-588-5
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Nov 7,2006
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 465
ISBN: 978-1-59333-588-5
$197.00 (USD)
Your price: $118.20 (USD)
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Sources on cosmography are frequently associated with Greek thinkers such as Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Strabo, and Ptolemy. Often overlooked are the Arabic cosmographers. A. F. Mehren attempted to redress that imbalance by translating the work of Shams ed-Din abu-Abdullah Muhammad al-Dimashqi (1256-1327) into French. A fine example of Arabic science, the original Arabic text has long been used by geographers but has been seldom translated or made accessible to scholars lacking training in Arabic. This historical text, itself also seldom found, will be a welcome addition to the library of anyone seriously interested in the history of how we understand our world.

August Ferdinand Michael van Mehren (1822-1907) was a noted Orientalist. He taught at the University of Copenhagen.

Sources on cosmography are frequently associated with Greek thinkers such as Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Strabo, and Ptolemy. Often overlooked are the Arabic cosmographers. A. F. Mehren attempted to redress that imbalance by translating the work of Shams ed-Din abu-Abdullah Muhammad al-Dimashqi (1256-1327) into French. A fine example of Arabic science, the original Arabic text has long been used by geographers but has been seldom translated or made accessible to scholars lacking training in Arabic. This historical text, itself also seldom found, will be a welcome addition to the library of anyone seriously interested in the history of how we understand our world.

August Ferdinand Michael van Mehren (1822-1907) was a noted Orientalist. He taught at the University of Copenhagen.

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A. Mehren

  • INTRODUCTION (page 6)
  • CHAPITRE PREMIER (page 24)
  • PREFACE DE L'AUTEUR (page 14)
  • CHAPITRE SIXIEME (page 218)
  • CHAPITRE SEPTIEME (page 247)
  • CHAPITRE HUITIEME (page 341)
  • CHAPITRE NEUVIEME (page 376)
  • INDEX GEOGRAP HIQUE (page 438)
  • CORRECTIONS (page 465)
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