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Mariological Thought of Mar Jacob of Serugh (451-521)

In the present work, James Puthuparampil surveys the appearances of Mary within the writings of Jacob of Serugh and attempts to construct the place of Mary within Jacob’s broader theological framework.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61143-574-0
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Series: Moran Etho
Publication Date: Aug 22,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 401
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-61143-574-0
$208.00 (USD)
Your price: $124.80 (USD)
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Jacob of Serugh is an extremely important figure within the history of the Syriac tradition. His metrical writings provide some of the most unique expressions of Syriac literature and some of the most interesting exegetical interpretations of the Syriac tradition. Mary, as the mother of Christ, is a frequent figure in the metrical homilies of Jacob, and she occupies an important place within Syriac theology. In the present work, James Puthuparampil provides a survey of the place of Mary within the writings of Jacob. The first chapter of this work serves as an extensive introduction to the life and writings of Jacob, and the following chapters provide examples of Mary in Jacob’s writings and conclusions about Mary’s place within Jacob’s broader theological framework. Puthuparampil also includes a bibliography for further research and an appendix containing a translation of Jacob’s “Homily on the Perpetual Virginity of Mary.”

Jacob of Serugh is an extremely important figure within the history of the Syriac tradition. His metrical writings provide some of the most unique expressions of Syriac literature and some of the most interesting exegetical interpretations of the Syriac tradition. Mary, as the mother of Christ, is a frequent figure in the metrical homilies of Jacob, and she occupies an important place within Syriac theology. In the present work, James Puthuparampil provides a survey of the place of Mary within the writings of Jacob. The first chapter of this work serves as an extensive introduction to the life and writings of Jacob, and the following chapters provide examples of Mary in Jacob’s writings and conclusions about Mary’s place within Jacob’s broader theological framework. Puthuparampil also includes a bibliography for further research and an appendix containing a translation of Jacob’s “Homily on the Perpetual Virginity of Mary.”

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  • Contents (page 5)
  • Preface (page 15)
  • Editorial (page 17)
  • General Introduction (page 18)
  • Chapter 1: Mar Jacob's Symbolic-Poetic Methodology for the Treatment of Mystery (page 25)
    • 1. A Brief Description of the Life and Works of Mar Jacob of Serugh (page 26)
    • 2. Metric Homilies (Memre) (page 28)
    • 3. The Concept of Mystery According to Mar Jacob (page 31)
    • 4. Symbolic Theology (page 44)
    • 5. The Factors that Influenced Mar Jacob (page 56)
    • 6. Jacob's Christology (page 71)
    • 7. Jacob: Interpreter of the Holy Scripture (page 75)
    • 8. Mariology (page 84)
    • Conclusion (page 85)
  • Chapter 2: The Divine Motherhood of Mary in the Homilies of Jacob of Serugh (page 87)
    • 1. The Mystery of Mary (page 88)
    • 2. Mary: The "Ark of the Covenant" (page 89)
    • 3. The "Second Heaven" (page 105)
    • 4. The Symbol of the "Shining Castle" (page 116)
    • 5. The Symbol of the "Pure Temple" (page 120)
    • 6. The "Celestial Chariot" (page 128)
    • 7. The "New Well" (page 137)
    • 8. The Symbol of the "Tabernacle" (page 143)
    • 9. The Symbol of the "Cloud" of Mount Sinai (page 150)
    • Conclusion (page 154)
  • Chapter 3: The Virginity of Mary in the Homilies of Jacob of Serugh (page 155)
    • 1. Early References to Mary's Virginity (page 155)
    • 2. Etymological Analysis of the Word "Virgin" (page 159)
    • 3. The Imagery of Virginity (page 160)
    • 4. Mary's Betrothal to Joseph (page 167)
    • 5. Mar Jacob's Understanding of Mary's Virginity (page 172)
    • 6. The Symbols of Mary's Virginity (page 186)
    • Conclusion (page 225)
  • Chapter 4: Mary: The Hope of Humanity (page 227)
    • 1. The Symbol of the "Powerful City" (page 228)
    • 2. The "Second Eve" (page 242)
    • 3. The Symbol: "Ship of Treasure" (page 255)
    • 4. The "New Pitcher of Elisha" (page 266)
    • Conclusion (page 269)
  • Chapter 5: Christ's Redemtion and Mary's Participation in it (page 271)
    • 1. Redemption in Christ According to Mar Jacob (page 271)
    • 2. Christ the Redeemer -- The Biblical Symbols (page 289)
    • 3. The Redemption: God's Plan and His Action and Mary's Role in it (page 322)
    • 4. Mary's Participation in Our Redemption (page 328)
    • Conclusion (page 344)
  • General Conclusion (page 346)
  • Abbreviations (page 356)
  • Appendix: Homily on the Perpetual Virginity of Mary (page 381)
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