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Matti Moosa

Picture For Author Matti  Moosa

Matti Moosa, a native of Mosul, Iraq, and an American citizen since 1965, held a Law degree from Baghdad Law School, Iraq, a United Nations Diploma of Merit from the University of Wales in Swansea, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Middle Eastern history and culture from Columbia University in New York City. His publications include The Origins of Modern Arabic Fiction, 1983, 2nd ed., (1997) The Maronites in History (1986), translated into Arabic under the title Al-Mawarina fi al-Tarikh (Damascus, 2004), Extremist Shiites: the Ghulat Sects (1988); The Early Novels of Naguib Mahfouz: Images of Modern Egypt (1994); The Crusades: Conflict between Christendom and Islam (2008) and many other translated books. He has also contributed numerous articles on Middle Eastern history and culture to leading periodicals. Dr Moosa passed away in 2014.

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Concise Teachings of Christianity for Orthodox Families and Schools

By Gregorios Bulus Behnam; Translation and Introduction by Matti Moosa
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0215-6
Matti Moosa provides an introduction and a translation of Rev. Bulus Behnam’s 1946 work on the basic principles of the Christian faith based on the Holy Scriptures, showing that the Syrian Church considers the Holy Bible its sole authority for salvation.
$67.00 (USD)

History of the Syrian Church of India

ISBN: 978-1-59333-982-1
This book covers the history of the Syrian church of India from its founding by the apostle Thomas in 52 A.D., until the first half of the 20th century. During which, the author explains the various obstacles the Indian Church faced in therms of theology and colonialism. The several delegations of the Apostolic See of Antioch to India from the 17th to the 20th centuries form an indispensable account of the vicissitudes of a struggling native Indian Church trying to preserve its Antiochene identity.
$166.00 (USD) $99.60 (USD)
Picture of Commentary on the Liturgy of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch

Commentary on the Liturgy of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch

By Ishaq Saka; Translated by Matti Moosa
ISBN: 978-1-60724-002-0
The exposition of the Liturgy of St. James, which is basically the Celebration of the Holy Eucahrist, is most significant for the understanding of the mystery of God in offering His only Son a vicarious sacrifice for the redemption of man. To make it understandable, Rev. Saka explains not only the meaning of terms connected with the liturgy but of all the components of the vessels, the vesting, the censoring, the candles and the propitiatory prayers associated with them. This exposition should benefit both church and liturgical scholars and lay people interested in the profound spiritual meaning of their faith.
$112.00 (USD) $67.20 (USD)
Picture of History of the Za’faraan Monastery

History of the Za’faraan Monastery

ISBN: 978-1-59333-639-4
The History of the Za’faran Monastery is for the first time offered in English translation to the readers. It was written in 1917 by Patriarch Ignatius Aphram Barsoum (d. 1957) when he was still a monk at the monastery. The book details the history of the monastery from its inception until modern times. It deals with with everything, from construction to its significance as a center of Syriac learning and learned men. Without this small book, the first of its kind, a great and significant page of the history of the Syrian Church of Antioch would have been lamentably lost.
$111.00 (USD) $66.60 (USD)
Picture of  Conflict Between Christendom and Islam

Conflict Between Christendom and Islam

ISBN: 978-1-59333-366-9
This book sheds light on the first three Crusades (1097-1191) by introducing material from several medieval Syriac and Arabic sources and reconciling their accounts with those provided by Western sources. It presents the Crusades as an extension of the conflict between Christianity and Islam, which began with the Arabs’ first incursions into Christian territory in the seventh century and continued with their conquest of the Iberian peninsula.
$367.00 (USD) $220.20 (USD)
Picture of The Wives of The Prophet

The Wives of The Prophet

By Bint Al-Shati; Translation and Introduction by Matti Moosa
ISBN: 1-59333-398-6
An account of the family life of the Prophet Mohammad, concerning the noble ladies who lived in his house. The text gives an insight into the life of women in the beginning of the Islamic Era.
$78.00 (USD) $46.80 (USD)
Picture of The Maronites in History

The Maronites in History

Second Edition
ISBN: 1-59333-182-7
In making known the history of his people, Moosa brings the past to light for students and scholars of Christianity and the Middle East. This book offers hope for a community struggling to come to meaningful terms with itself in the midst of cultural upheaval.
$183.00 (USD) $109.80 (USD)