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Raumdimensionen im Altertum

MOSAIKjournal was established in 2009 as an interdisciplinary e-journal primarily specializing in research on antiquity. Each volume is dedicated to a special topic of current academic interest. The aim of this new journal is to give scholars a joint forum of discussion and to synthesize results of different disciplines.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61143-955-7
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jan 1,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 352
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61143-955-7
$153.00 (USD)
Your price: $91.80 (USD)
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MOSAIKjournal was established in 2009 as an interdisciplinary e-journal primarily specializing in research on antiquity. Each volume is dedicated to a special topic of current academic interest. The aim of this new journal is to give scholars a joint forum of discussion and to synthesize results of different disciplines.

The first volume of MOSAIKjournal brings “Dimensions of Space in Antiquity — Raumdimensionen im Altertum” into focus and includes the following articles: Raumdimensionen im Altertum — Über die Anwendbarkeit des spatial turn in den historischen Wissenschaften by Maria Kristina Lahn and Maren-Grischa Schröter; Vorgestellte Orte und utopisches Denken im Alten Ägypten by Janne Arp; Lokale Kulttraditionen vs. “semitisches Pantheon.” Eine “männliche Tyche” in Dura Europos by Julian Buchmann; Domestic Space and Community Identity in the Aegean Islands and Crete 1200-600 BC by Anastasia Christophilopoulou; “Ritual Landscape” und “Sacred Space.” Überlegungen zu Kultausrichtung und Prozessionsachsen in Abydos by Andreas Effland and Ute Effland; Zwischen Kult und Kommerz. Architektur als erfahrbarer Raum in antiken Orakelheiligtümern by Wiebke Friese; Magische und reale Räume im Tempel von Edfu by Jan-Peter Graeff; The Spatial Adjunct in Middle Egyptian: Data from the Coffin Texts by Carlos Gracia Zamacona; Sepulkrale Hofarchitekturen im Hellenismus. Ein Vorbericht zur Architektur und Funktion ausgewählter Grabanlagen in Alexandria, Kyrene und Nea Paphos by Anika Greve; The Relationship between the Space and the Scenery of an Egyptian Temple: Scenes of the Opet Festival and the Festival of Hathor at Karnak and Deir el-Bahari under Hatshepsut and Thutmose III by Alexandra V. Mironova; Räumliche Dimensionen historischer Gesellschaften — ein Kommentar by Susanne Rau.

MOSAIKjournal was established in 2009 as an interdisciplinary e-journal primarily specializing in research on antiquity. Each volume is dedicated to a special topic of current academic interest. The aim of this new journal is to give scholars a joint forum of discussion and to synthesize results of different disciplines.

The first volume of MOSAIKjournal brings “Dimensions of Space in Antiquity — Raumdimensionen im Altertum” into focus and includes the following articles: Raumdimensionen im Altertum — Über die Anwendbarkeit des spatial turn in den historischen Wissenschaften by Maria Kristina Lahn and Maren-Grischa Schröter; Vorgestellte Orte und utopisches Denken im Alten Ägypten by Janne Arp; Lokale Kulttraditionen vs. “semitisches Pantheon.” Eine “männliche Tyche” in Dura Europos by Julian Buchmann; Domestic Space and Community Identity in the Aegean Islands and Crete 1200-600 BC by Anastasia Christophilopoulou; “Ritual Landscape” und “Sacred Space.” Überlegungen zu Kultausrichtung und Prozessionsachsen in Abydos by Andreas Effland and Ute Effland; Zwischen Kult und Kommerz. Architektur als erfahrbarer Raum in antiken Orakelheiligtümern by Wiebke Friese; Magische und reale Räume im Tempel von Edfu by Jan-Peter Graeff; The Spatial Adjunct in Middle Egyptian: Data from the Coffin Texts by Carlos Gracia Zamacona; Sepulkrale Hofarchitekturen im Hellenismus. Ein Vorbericht zur Architektur und Funktion ausgewählter Grabanlagen in Alexandria, Kyrene und Nea Paphos by Anika Greve; The Relationship between the Space and the Scenery of an Egyptian Temple: Scenes of the Opet Festival and the Festival of Hathor at Karnak and Deir el-Bahari under Hatshepsut and Thutmose III by Alexandra V. Mironova; Räumliche Dimensionen historischer Gesellschaften — ein Kommentar by Susanne Rau.

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Kristina Lahn is a Post-Doc at the University of Hamburg. She graduated from the University of Heidelberg with a M.A. degree in Egyptology and holds a Dr. phil from the University of Hamburg. Her research interests are: Ancient Egyptian Religion, the community of Deir el-Medina (Upper Egypt) and acculturation processes between Egypt, Palestine and Syria in the 2nd mill. BC.Maren-Grischa Schröter obtained a M.A. in Classical Archaeology. Based at the University of Hamburg. She works as temporary lecturer and is currently pursuing a Dr. phil. Her areas of research interests are: Roman architecture and iconography in the political and social environment of Late Republican and Imperial Rome.


Maren-Grischa Schröter obtained a M.A. in Classical Archaeology. Based at the University of Hamburg. She works as temporary lecturer and is currently pursuing a Dr. phil. Her areas of research interests are: Roman architecture and iconography in the political and social environment of Late Republican and Imperial Rome.