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Multilingual and Multigraphic Documents and Manuscripts of East and West

This volume deals with the evidence from manuscripts and handwritten documents with multilingual and multigraphic structures in Arabic, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, conceived and designed to display texts in different languages or scripts, as well as addressing the historical context of these testimonia (their production, use and circulation) and focusing on problems inherent to multicultural societies.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-0283-5
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jun 29,2018
Interior Color: Black with Color Inserts
Trim Size: 7 x 10
Page Count: 541
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0283-5
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Recent decades have seen increasing interest in research on multilingual and multicultural societies, especially of the ancient world, but also of the Middle Ages. Until now, this flourishing manuscript tradition has been studied almost exclusively by segments and by disciplines that do not always allow a comprehensive understanding of the manuscripts and their multigraphic and multilingual contexts.

This volume deals with the evidence from manuscripts and documents with multilingual and multigraphic structures in Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, conceived and designed to display texts in different languages or scripts. It also addresses the historical context of these testimonia (their production, use and circulation) and focuses on problems inherent to multicultural societies.

Recent decades have seen increasing interest in research on multilingual and multicultural societies, especially of the ancient world, but also of the Middle Ages. Until now, this flourishing manuscript tradition has been studied almost exclusively by segments and by disciplines that do not always allow a comprehensive understanding of the manuscripts and their multigraphic and multilingual contexts.

This volume deals with the evidence from manuscripts and documents with multilingual and multigraphic structures in Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, conceived and designed to display texts in different languages or scripts. It also addresses the historical context of these testimonia (their production, use and circulation) and focuses on problems inherent to multicultural societies.

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Giuseppe Mandalà gained his PhD at the ‘Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane’ (SUM, 2009), and has subsequently been a postdoc fellow in London (The Warburg Institute), Paris (Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale, CNRS) and Madrid (École des Hautes Études Hispaniques et Ibériques – Casa de Velázquez and CSIC). Since 2011 he has been a Scientific Researcher in ‘Cultural Transmission and History of Arabic, Greek and Hebrew Texts’ at the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC) in Madrid. He is a specialist in medieval intellectual history and has published widely about the literary production in Arabic as well as in Hebrew, in particular on Sicily and its Mediterranean context.

InmaculadaPérez Martín

Inmaculada Pérez Martín studied Classical Philology at Complutense University in Madrid and from 1997 she has been a Scientific Researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC). She is the editor of the journal Estudios bizantinos. Her publications cover a wide range of topics related to Byzantine Literary Culture and Spanish Hellenism, focusing in particular on Greek Manuscripts and the Transmission of Ancient Greek texts in Byzantium.


Alex Metcalfe has published widely on the medieval Mediterranean, particularly Muslim Sicily and the Normans in Italy. He is currently Senior Lecturer in History at Lancaster University, UK.


Julia Becker, after concluding her PhD in Medieval studies at the University of Passau, collaborated as Research Assistant at the German Historical Institute of Rome (DHI Rom) for several years. She is currently engaged in a research project of the Collaborative Research Centre 933 ‘Material Text Cultures’ at the University of Heidelberg. Her main research areas are the Norman History of Southern Italy in the eleventh and twelfth century, Greek-Latin Paleography and Diplomatic.


Cristina Rognoni is Associate Professor in ‘Byzantine Civilization’ at the University of Palermo, Department of ‘Culture e Società’. Her current researchs concerns Byzantine legal texts and praxis, namely the notarial documents conserved in the Archivo Ducal de Medinaceli (Toledo). The project of diplomatic edition, historical and linguistic commentaries, palaeographical analysis of those deeds is devoted to the Byzantine cultural framework in the Mediterranean area, from the seventh to thirteenth centuries, focusing on literary and non-literary written sources.


Marcello Moscone received his PhD in Medieval History from the University of Palermo in 2006. His principal research interests include the documents of medieval Sicily and their cultural, administrative and legal aspects (12th–14th centuries), the archival description of medieval documents (also in the digital environment) and Latin historiography in medieval Sicily (12th–14th centuries). He has published several articles on these topics and the book Notai e giudici cittadini dai documenti originali palermitani di età aragonese (1282–1391) (Palermo, 2008). In the field medieval documents from Sicily, in particular, he works on the original charters and the cartularies of the church of Monreale (12th–14th centuries). He is currently postdoctoral fellow in the Centro de Estudos Clássicos at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon and a member of the research project Corpus documentale Latinum Portucalense – CODOLPOR, for which he partakes in the edition of Latin medieval documents of the Portuguese territory.

CristinaLa Rosa

Cristina La Rosa is PhD in ‘Languages, cultures and societies’ at Ca’ Foscari University (Venice). Her research focuses on Medieval Sicilian Arabic. The title of her doctorate thesis is L’arabo di Sicilia nel contesto magrebino: nuove prospettive e nuovi approcci metodologici (Sicilian Arabic in Maghribi Context: New Perspectives and New Methodological Approach).


Paola Degni is Associate Professor of Greek and Latin Palaeography at the University of Bologna (Department of Cultural Heritage) since the year 2007. Over the years her scientific interests have ranged from the study of classic Greek book production to the study of the Byzantine book and the documentary handwriting of the nineth-twelfth centuries. She is a member of the editorial board of Scripta. An international Journal of Codicology and Palaeography; Scrineum. Saggi e materiali on line di scienze del documento.


Francesco Lovino is a PhD candidate at the University of Padua. His research focuses on the illuminations of the Greek manuscripts conserved in the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana of Venice.


Dario Burgaretta was born in Syracuse (Sicily). He graduated in Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ and he is an ordinary member of the Italian Association for the Study of Judaism (AISG). His field of interest is Sicilian Judaism, with particular focus on the languages related to the presence of the Jews in Sicily, such as Hebrew, Judaeo-Arabic, Maltese and medieval Sicilian vernacular. Among his publications, of particular relevance are an excerpt of his graduation thesis on the feast known as Purim of Syracuse, and the edition of two unpublished documents of the fifteenth century with text in Hebrew, Aramaic and Judaeo-Arabic: the so-called Ketubba of Caltabellotta and a Court document from Syracuse/Malta. He also published the book ‘Course of Contemporary Hebrew’ (with Olivier Durand), and has translated several scholarly articles from English and Hebrew to Italian. He is currently preparing the edition and translation of an unpublished Judaeo-Arabic elegy referring to some episodes of anti-Jewish violence that occurred in Noto and Modica in 1474.


Daniele Arnesano graduated in 2003 from University of Cassino (‘Scuola di Specializzazione per Conservatori di Beni Archivistici e Librari della Civiltà Medievale’). He completed his PhD on Textual and Manuscript Book Science in 2006 (University of Cassino) as well as in Greek and Latin Palaeography in 2011 (University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’). In 2013, he was entitled to teach at the University. His research deals with the production of Greek manuscripts and documents in Southern Italy. Along with numerous papers in journals, proceedings, and miscellanies, he wrote the reference book on Greek librarian culture in Otranto, La minuscola «barocca». Scritture e libri in Terra d’Otranto nei secoli XIII e XIV (Galatina, 2008).


Lars Hoffmann initially studied Protestant theology, and later on Byzantium, Ancient History and Classical Philology at the Universities of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Münster and Vienna, where he earned an M.A. (in Vienna) and PhD (in Mainz). From 1994 to 2010 he was a researcher at the University of Mainz (chair of Byzantine studies); since 2010 he has been a researcher at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities, within the project ‘Byzantine Legal Sources’ at the Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History, in Frankfurt/Main.


Benoît Grévin is a CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) researcher working in the Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris (LAMOP, UMR 8589). He is a historian with a passion for Mediterranean and comparative history, and specializes in the study of the transformation of linguistic and rhetoric cultures in the Late Middle Ages. He has already published several books and numerous papers in French, Italian and English, among them Rhétorique du pouvoir médiéval (Rome, 2008); Le parchemin des cieux. Essai sur le Moyen Âge du langage (Paris, 2012).

LauraFernández Fernández

Laura Fernández Fernández is Associate Professor in Medieval Art the Complutense University in Madrid, Department of ‘Historia del Arte I (Medieval)’. Her main research deals with medieval illuminated manuscripts, mainly scientific books, and the intellectual production related to Alfonso X El Sabio ‘the Learned’. She is currently working on the relationship between art and science during the Middle Ages, especially focusing on codes of knowledge visualization.


Laura Minervini is Professor of Romance Linguistics and Philology at the University of Napoli ‘Federico II’; she studies the history of Romance languages and literatures in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period. She is primarily interested in language and cultural contacts across the Mediterranean. Her research examines the French dialect used in the Crusader States and in Cyprus (12th–14th c.), the linguistic history of the Iberian and Sicilian Jewries in the Late Middle Ages, the development of Judaeo-Spanish and the diffusion of Italian in the Ottoman Empire (16th–18th c.), and the making of the medieval legend of the Assassins. She has edited Spanish, French, and Italian literary documentary texts, in Latin and Hebrew scripts.

Juan PedroMonferrer-Sala

Professor Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, Ph.D. University of Granada, is specialized in Semitic Studies and teaches in the Faculty of Arts, University of Córdoba. He has published studies of religious texts from early Islam, Christian-Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic materials. He is currently working on the edition and study of Christian-Arabic manuscripts and on Semitic linguistics as well.

PaoloLa Spisa

Paolo La Spisa (PhD 2006) was Marie Curie Fellow at the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium (UCL), between 2008 and 2010. He is now a researcher of Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Genova. His main topic of research is the pre-modern Christian Arabic Literature, especially in the Melkite Orthodox milieu. He has produced a new critical edition and translation of the Palestinian Bishop Sulaymān al-Ġazzī’s theological treatises (10th–11th century). Aspects related to text criticism methodology of Arabic texts and their Middle Arabic features are included in his main articles and contributions.


Claire Gilbert holds a B.A. in Linguistics and History from Stanford University and an M.A. and Ph.D. in History from the University of California, Los Angeles. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Saint Louis University. Her work explores the politics of language in early modern Spain and the Western Mediterranean and has been supported by the Fulbright Program, Social Science Research Council, Huntington Library, Spain-U.S. Program for Cultural Cooperation, and the Chancellor’s Prize of the University of California.


Annick Peters-Custot is Maître de conferences in Medieval history, at the University of Saint-Etienne. She obtained a PhD in Medieval history (2002) in the University of Paris-Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1) on the Greek communities in Southern Italy and their acculturation during the Norman and Staufer periods. She obtained her habilitation à diriger les recherches (2011) at the University of Paris-Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), on Saint Bruno in Calabria, foundation and posterity of a hermitage in the Norman Southern Italy. The main arguments of her works, principally based on Medieval Southern Italy, are nowadays the Byzantine inheritance in Italy, the notions of political cultural, juridical and religious ‘identity’ in an imperial context; and the circulation of the so-called regula S. Basilii in the Western world, from the Latin translation of the Greek Asketikon of St Basil, and the birth of the notion of monastic rule in the Early Middle Ages, to the reform of Italo-Greek monasticism by Cardinal Bessarion in the fifteenth century.

Table of Contents (v)


Multilingual and Multigraphic Documents of Sicily
   Language and the Written Record: Loss, Survival and Revival in Early Norman Sicily   BY ALEX METCALFE (3)
   Multilingualism in the Documents of the Norman Rulers in Calabria and Sicily. Successful Acculturation or Cultural Coexistence? BY JULIA BECKER (33)
   Legal Language and Practice in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Messina: The Evidence from Greek Private Documents BY CRISTINA ROGNONI (55)
   Translators of Arabic, Greek and Bilingual (Arabic-Greek or Greek-Arabic) Documents in Palermo Between the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century BY MARCELLO MOSCONE (79)

Multilingual and Multigraphic Manuscripts of Sicily
   Written culture(s) in Islamic Sicily (827–1091) BY GIUSEPPE MANDALÀ (123)
   The Cambridge Chronicle: Some Linguistic Features BY CRISTINA LA ROSA (159)
   Multilingual Manuscripts in Norman Sicily BY PAOLA DEGNI (179)
   Notes on the Illustrations of the Greek-Arabic Gospel Marc. gr. Z. 539 (303) BY FRANCESCO LOVINO (207)
   The Maltese and Sicilian Component in the Arabic Glosses of the Italian Version of Maqrē Dardeqē BY DARIO BURGARETTA (233)

Multilingual and Multigraphic Documents and Manuscripts of the Italian Peninsula
   Greek-Latin Deeds in the Norman Calabria and the Question of the Reality of Multilingualism BY ANNICK PETERS-CUSTOT (293)
   On Multigraphism in Mediaeval Apulia BY DANIELE ARNESANO (315)
   Bilingual Manuscripts as a Sign of a Social and Cultural Decline: the Abbot Nicolas-Nectarius of Otranto and the Greek-speaking Community in Apulia During the First Half of the Thirteenth Century BY LARS M. HOFFMANN (343)
   Editing an Illuminated Arabic-Latin Masterwork of the Fifteenth Century. Manuscript Vat. Urb. lat. 1384 as a Philological Challenge BY BENOÎT GRÉVIN (359)


Multilingual and Multigraphic Documents and Manuscripts of Iberia:
Some Case Studies
   Textual and Pictorial Multilingualism in Alfonso the Learned’s Libro del saber de astrología: Between Theoretical Necessity and Aesthetic Erudition BY LAURA FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ (385)
   Jewish Multilingual and Multigraphic Texts in Christian Spain BY LAURA MINERVINI (407)
   Transmission, Translation, Legitimacy and Control: the Activities of a Multilingual Scribe in Morisco Granada BY CLAIRE GILBERT (425)

A Glimpse of Eastern Traditions
   A Summary in Michael the Syrian’s ‘Chronography’ and its Companions in Greek, Syriac and Arabic, With an Incursion in Ethiopic BY JUAN PEDRO MONFERRER-SALA (463)
   A Seventeenth-Century Multi-Text Manuscript from Aleppo: Linguistic Remarks and Historical Context BY PAOLO LA SPISA (485)

Abstracts (505)

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