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murtakazāt al-tarbiya fī al-ṣūfiyya

The mystic traditions of various religions have much in common, as seen clearly in this examination of Christian theology through the lens of Sufism. The themes of asceticism and purity undergird both Sufism and Christian mystic thinking.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-4785-0
  • *
Publication Status: Forthcoming
Publication Date: May 23,2024
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 60
Languages: Arabic
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4785-0
$41.99 (USD)
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The concepts of asceticism and purification are common throughout a number of religious traditions in the world, particularly in the mystic branches of those religions. However, these concepts are uniquely articulated in Sufism, which subsequently affected Christian the0logical education as well. In this book, Paul Matar examines the intertwining mystic traditions of Christian theology and Sufism and argues that the major tenets of Sufism are compatible with Christian beliefs about God.

The concepts of asceticism and purification are common throughout a number of religious traditions in the world, particularly in the mystic branches of those religions. However, these concepts are uniquely articulated in Sufism, which subsequently affected Christian the0logical education as well. In this book, Paul Matar examines the intertwining mystic traditions of Christian theology and Sufism and argues that the major tenets of Sufism are compatible with Christian beliefs about God.

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Père Paul Matar, originaire de Naameh (Liban), a été ordonné prêtre le 10 mai 2008 ; il relève de l'Archidiocèse Maronite de Beyrouth. Il a obtenu sa Licence en Théologie de la Faculté Pontificale de Théologie, à l’Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (Liban) en 2007, son Mastère en Théologie spirituelle de l'Université Teresianum des Carmes à Rome (Italie) en 2014, et son doctorat en Théologie spirituelle, sur le thème du « Combat spirituel chez Isaac de Ninive », de la même université, en 2016. Père Matar enseigne la Théologie à la Faculté Pontificale de Théologie de l'Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (Liban), ainsi qu'à la Faculté de Théologie de l'Université de la Sagesse. Il a occupé le poste de « secrétaire particulier » du Patriarche Maronite Card. Bechara Boutros Rai et ce pendant deux ans. Il est actuellement membre de l’équipe des formateurs au Séminaire Patriarcal Maronite à Ghazir (Liban).