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Muslim Law of Marriage and Divorce

Concerned that many in his day did not understand basic Muslim teaching led Shukri to produce this brief monograph. In it he explores the various schools of Islamic jurisprudence and the teachings concerning the legal issues of marriage and divorce, including the topic of the equalities of the partners.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-59333-625-7
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 5,2009
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 130
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-59333-625-7
$61.00 (USD)
Your price: $36.60 (USD)
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With the intense interest in the Middle East, and particularly with the western fascination with Islam and the rules that govern it, Shukri’s book continues to demand attention. Concerned that many western-hemisphere individuals did not understand the teachings of Islam, he undertook the task of introducing Islamic teachings on marriage and divorce in this little book. Shukri begins with a discussion of jurisprudence in the Muslim view, which he divides into four schools: Hanifite, Malikite, Shafi’ite, and Hanbalite. His discussion continues to the legal view of marriage and impediments to marriage, including consanguinity and difference of religion. The issue of equality appears in six points of equality between husband and wife. Marriage contracts, duties of both parties, and authority within marriage are addressed. The general principles of divorce, including mutual consent and judicial decree round out the discussion.

Ahmed Shukri (b. 1892) was a student of law. He earned his Ph.D. at Columbia University. This is his only book.

With the intense interest in the Middle East, and particularly with the western fascination with Islam and the rules that govern it, Shukri’s book continues to demand attention. Concerned that many western-hemisphere individuals did not understand the teachings of Islam, he undertook the task of introducing Islamic teachings on marriage and divorce in this little book. Shukri begins with a discussion of jurisprudence in the Muslim view, which he divides into four schools: Hanifite, Malikite, Shafi’ite, and Hanbalite. His discussion continues to the legal view of marriage and impediments to marriage, including consanguinity and difference of religion. The issue of equality appears in six points of equality between husband and wife. Marriage contracts, duties of both parties, and authority within marriage are addressed. The general principles of divorce, including mutual consent and judicial decree round out the discussion.

Ahmed Shukri (b. 1892) was a student of law. He earned his Ph.D. at Columbia University. This is his only book.

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  • NOTE (page 5)
  • CONTENTS (page 7)
  • INTRODUCTION (page 9)
  • PART I: MARRIAGE (page 28)
  • PART III: DIVORCE (page 101)
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