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Naji B. Oueijan

A graduate of Baylor University, TX, USA (1985), Naji B. Oueijan (PhD) is Professor of English Literature at Notre Dame University, Lebanon. He is Joint President of the International Association of Byron Societies and member of several national and International literary societies. His research interests include Byronism, Orientalism, Romanticism, East-West Cultural Dialogue, and Lebanese-American Writers. His publications include 13 books and numerous articles published world-wide.

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Picture of Traces of Sufism in British Romanticism

Traces of Sufism in British Romanticism

ISBN: 978-1-4632-4552-8
This work argues that there are traces of Sufism to be found in British Romanticism. Most scholars of Romanticism have overlooked the impact of Sufism on Romanticism in favour of Christian and neo-Platonic Mysticism, but this work fills in this gap by showing the magnitude of the influence of Sufism on the Romantics without negating the influence of other -isms. What elements of Sufism attracted the attention of the Romantics? And why were the Romantics attracted more to Sufism and Sufi poets than to Christian Mysticism and Mystic poets?
$95.00 (USD) $57.00 (USD)

Lord Byron’s Oriental World

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0157-9
The book is a collection of eleven articles written by the author about Lord Byron’s personal and literary involvement in Oriental life and creativity. Byron’s genuine Oriental scholarship provides the platform upon which the articles are based. The authentic images of the East and the West in Byron’s Oriental tales and some of his major works, Don Juan and Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, are analyzed to expose the influences of both worlds on his personal life and career.
$167.00 (USD) $100.20 (USD)