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New Studies in the Book of Isaiah

Essays in Honor of Hallvard Hagelia

Edited by Markus Zehnder
This volume contains twelve articles that shed new light on the Book of Isaiah, covering a wide array of historical, linguistic and theological topics. The various aspects of God’s intervention at different points of human history is a main focus of the studies. The collection is marked by a broad diversity in approaches and theological background, and is a useful tool especially for scholars, students and pastors.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-0356-6
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: May 14,2014
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 298
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0356-6
$157.00 (USD)
Your price: $94.20 (USD)
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This volume contains twelve articles that shed new light on the Book of Isaiah, one of the most central books of the Old Testament canon. The essays collected in this volume cover a wide array of different topics, from historical and linguistic issues to a number of theological “hot-topics”.

Among the topics covered in this volume are the following:

- Salvation in both its spiritual and political dimensions;

- God’s loving self-limitation;

- The function of the spirit in God’s redemptive work;

- The shaping of a new world of peace through God’s intervention;

- The question of the identity of Deutero-Isaiah’s ‘Servant of the Lord’.

Questions of the Book of Isaiah’s interpretation in various post-modern contexts, including its use in the context of pastoral care, are also dealt with. In addition, the reader is introduced to two of the big commentators of the Book of Isaiah in the past 150 years, Wilhelm Gesenius and Brevard Childs.

The studies collected in this volume represent a broad diversity not only in topics, but also in approaches and theological background of the contributors (both denominationally and culturally). Traditional and more recently developed methods in various branches of the social sciences inform the articles. Since the Book of Isaiah is the one part of the Old Testament that is referred to most often in the New Testament, studies in this book help to open up new ways in the understanding of the Bible as a unified whole. This book will be a highly useful resource both for professional students and teachers of the Hebrew Bible and interested laypeople.

This volume contains twelve articles that shed new light on the Book of Isaiah, one of the most central books of the Old Testament canon. The essays collected in this volume cover a wide array of different topics, from historical and linguistic issues to a number of theological “hot-topics”.

Among the topics covered in this volume are the following:

- Salvation in both its spiritual and political dimensions;

- God’s loving self-limitation;

- The function of the spirit in God’s redemptive work;

- The shaping of a new world of peace through God’s intervention;

- The question of the identity of Deutero-Isaiah’s ‘Servant of the Lord’.

Questions of the Book of Isaiah’s interpretation in various post-modern contexts, including its use in the context of pastoral care, are also dealt with. In addition, the reader is introduced to two of the big commentators of the Book of Isaiah in the past 150 years, Wilhelm Gesenius and Brevard Childs.

The studies collected in this volume represent a broad diversity not only in topics, but also in approaches and theological background of the contributors (both denominationally and culturally). Traditional and more recently developed methods in various branches of the social sciences inform the articles. Since the Book of Isaiah is the one part of the Old Testament that is referred to most often in the New Testament, studies in this book help to open up new ways in the understanding of the Bible as a unified whole. This book will be a highly useful resource both for professional students and teachers of the Hebrew Bible and interested laypeople.

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Markus Zehnder is professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Talbot School of Theology (California), professor II at Ansgar Teologiske Høgskole (Norway), and visiting professor at the ETF Leuven (Belgium). He earned his PhD at the University of Basel, where he also got his Habilitation, and completed postdoctoral studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University. He has published on various topics, especially related to the fields of biblical Hebrew and biblical ethics.

  • Table of Contents (page 5)
  • Preface (page 11)
  • A Personal Tribute to Hallvard Hagelia (Bjørn Øyvind Fjeld) (page 13)
  • From Gesenius to Childs: Reading the Book of Isaiah with Two Giants (LarsOlov Eriksson) (page 25)
  • Spirit, Creation, and Redemption in Isaiah (David G. Firth) (page 43)
  • What Kind of God Is Portrayed in Isaiah 5:1-7? (Terence E. Fretheim) (page 65)
  • Isaiah and Africa (Knut Holter) (page 81)
  • The Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsa) and Material Philology: Preliminary Observations and A Proposal (Årstein Justnes) (page 103)
  • Did Isaiah Really See God? The Ancient Discussion About Isaiah 6:1 (Magnar Kartveit) (page 127)
  • Zion, Eden, and the Temple in the Book of Isaiah (Jens Bruun Kofoed) (page 149)
  • 'Do Not Fear, for I Am with You': The Use of Isaiah 41:10 in Times of Incurable Illness (Marta Høyland Lavik) (page 169)
  • Where are the Gods of...? Where are the Kings of...? Place Names As A Clue to the Dating of Passages in the Books of Isaiah and Second Kings (Alan Millard) (page 195)
  • 'Then the Wilderness Shall Bloom like a Rosy Bower': N.F.S. Gruntvig and Isaiah 35 (Kirsten Nielsen) (page 205)
  • 'For I am about to Create New Heavens and a New Earth': Prophecy and Torah in Isaiah 65:17-25 (Karl William Weyde) (page 221)
  • The Enigmatic Figure of the 'Servant of the Lord' Observations on the Relationship Between the 'Servant of the Lord' in Isaiah 40-55 and Other Salvific Figures in the Hebrew Bible (Markus Zehnder) (page 243)
  • List of Contributors (page 295)
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