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Orthodox New Testament Textual Scholarship

Antoniades, Lectionaries, and the Catholic Epistles

The present study represents the first attempt to expand the methodological and practical framework of textual scholarship on the Greek New Testament from an Orthodox perspective. Its focus is on the Antoniades edition of 1904, commonly known as the Patriarchal Edition. The examination of the creation and reception of this edition shows that its textual principles are often misrepresented. In particular, it is shown to be more closely related to the Textus Receptus than to lectionary manuscripts. This is confirmed by an analysis of lectionary manuscripts using the Text und Textwert methodology and a detailed comparison of the Antoniades edition with the recent Editio Critica Maior of the Catholic Epistles. A textual commentary is provided on key verses in order to formulate guidelines for preparing an edition of the Greek New Testament that would satisfy the needs of Orthodox users in different contexts. This study offers a foundation for the further development of New Testament textual scholarship from an Orthodox perspective, informed both by modern critical scholarship and Orthodox tradition. It also provides a fresh translation of Antoniades’ introduction in an Appendix.
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SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-4267-1
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jul 28,2021
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 225
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4267-1
$114.95 (USD)
Your price: $68.97 (USD)
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The present study represents the first attempt to expand the methodological and practical framework of textual scholarship on the Greek New Testament from an Orthodox perspective. Its focus is on the Antoniades edition of 1904, commonly known as the Patriarchal Edition. The examination of the creation and reception of this edition shows that its textual principles are often misrepresented. In particular, it is shown to be more closely related to the Textus Receptus than to lectionary manuscripts. This is confirmed by an analysis of lectionary manuscripts using the Text und Textwert methodology and a detailed comparison of the Antoniades edition with the recent Editio Critica Maior of the Catholic Epistles. A textual commentary is provided on key verses in order to formulate guidelines for preparing an edition of the Greek New Testament that would satisfy the needs of Orthodox users in different contexts. This study offers a foundation for the further development of New Testament textual scholarship from an Orthodox perspective, informed both by modern critical scholarship and Orthodox tradition. It also provides a fresh translation of Antoniades’ introduction in an Appendix.



“The book represents a major step in the dialogue between Orthodox NT textual scholarship and the Western scholarly community... Any scholar and lay person interested in the Greek NT and in the history of the NT as used by the Orthodox Church will benefit greatly from this research."

-- Denis L. Salgado, Expository Times 134 (1): p. 44.


"Stanojevicì makes valuable insights into some voices often neglected by Western textual scholarship. His way of tackling variant readings also shows great sensitivity to the pragmatic side of interpretation..."

"...this is a fine work that not only fulfills one of the desiderata in current textual scholarship but can also serve as a module for future research."

-- An-Ting Yi, TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism 27 (2022): pp. 119–122.

"...a fresh and valuable take on the role of the Catholic Epistles in textual criticism and the New Testament manuscript tradition more broadly, as well as highlighting the nuance of Orthodox textual scholarship."

-- Kelsie G. Rodenbiker, Journal for the Study of the New Testament 2023, Vol. 45(5) 86–87 

The present study represents the first attempt to expand the methodological and practical framework of textual scholarship on the Greek New Testament from an Orthodox perspective. Its focus is on the Antoniades edition of 1904, commonly known as the Patriarchal Edition. The examination of the creation and reception of this edition shows that its textual principles are often misrepresented. In particular, it is shown to be more closely related to the Textus Receptus than to lectionary manuscripts. This is confirmed by an analysis of lectionary manuscripts using the Text und Textwert methodology and a detailed comparison of the Antoniades edition with the recent Editio Critica Maior of the Catholic Epistles. A textual commentary is provided on key verses in order to formulate guidelines for preparing an edition of the Greek New Testament that would satisfy the needs of Orthodox users in different contexts. This study offers a foundation for the further development of New Testament textual scholarship from an Orthodox perspective, informed both by modern critical scholarship and Orthodox tradition. It also provides a fresh translation of Antoniades’ introduction in an Appendix.



“The book represents a major step in the dialogue between Orthodox NT textual scholarship and the Western scholarly community... Any scholar and lay person interested in the Greek NT and in the history of the NT as used by the Orthodox Church will benefit greatly from this research."

-- Denis L. Salgado, Expository Times 134 (1): p. 44.


"Stanojevicì makes valuable insights into some voices often neglected by Western textual scholarship. His way of tackling variant readings also shows great sensitivity to the pragmatic side of interpretation..."

"...this is a fine work that not only fulfills one of the desiderata in current textual scholarship but can also serve as a module for future research."

-- An-Ting Yi, TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism 27 (2022): pp. 119–122.

"...a fresh and valuable take on the role of the Catholic Epistles in textual criticism and the New Testament manuscript tradition more broadly, as well as highlighting the nuance of Orthodox textual scholarship."

-- Kelsie G. Rodenbiker, Journal for the Study of the New Testament 2023, Vol. 45(5) 86–87 

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Jovan Stanojević is an auxiliary bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Germany. He studied theology at the priestly seminary in Sremski Karlovci and at the theological faculty of the University of Belgrade, where he graduated in 2009. He earned a master’s degree in theology at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts in 2011. In 2019, he was awarded a doctorate from the Bergische Universität in Wuppertal, Germany. He is currently working as a research associate in Wuppertal at the Institute of Septuagint and Biblical Text Research on the project Die Paratexte zur neutestamentlichen Johannesapokalypse in griechischen Handschriften.

Abbreviations .......................................................................... ix
Preface................................................................................... xiii
Acknowledgements .................................................................. xv
Introduction .............................................................................. 1
Chapter One. History and Background of the Antoniades
Edition .............................................................................. 9
Antoniades’ Textual Scholarship According to the
Introduction to His Edition ........................................ 9
Printed Greek New Testaments in the Orthodox Church:
Selected Editions...................................................... 15
Orthodox New Testament Textual Scholarship since
Antoniades ............................................................... 40
Antoniades’ Edition in Western Scholarship ..................... 56
Concluding Remarks........................................................ 72
Chapter Two. Antoniades’ Manuscripts, with Special Reference
to the Witnesses of the Praxapostolos .................................... 75
Eight Revelation Manuscripts from Lavra ........................ 84
Distribution of Antoniades’ Witnesses to the Praxapostolos
according to Age and Collection .................................... 86
Order of Books in Antoniades’ Witnesses to the
Praxapostolos........................................................... 87
Gregory-Aland 1869. 1739. and l 884. ............................. 89
Antoniades’ Witnesses to the Praxapostolos in the Most
Significant Editions of the Greek New Testament ..... 91
Concluding Remarks........................................................ 93
Chapter Three. Teststellen: Collation of the Catholic Epistles... 95
Concluding Analysis ...................................................... 141
Chapter Four. The Editio Critica Maior and Antoniades’ Text
of the Catholic Epistles .................................................. 145
Collations ...................................................................... 145
The Nature and Significance of Differences Between
ECM and Antoniades’ Edition ................................. 153
A Commentary on the Selected Variation Passages ........ 154
Concluding Remarks...................................................... 170
Chapter Five. Final Reflections............................................. 173
Appendix: A Translation of Antoniades’ Preface to his
Edition of the Greek New Testament ............................. 179
Bibliography ......................................................................... 187
Indices .................................................................................. 201
Index of Biblical Passages .............................................. 201
Index of Manuscripts ..................................................... 203
Index of Subjects ........................................................... 205

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