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Oscar von Gebhardt

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Zur handscriftlichen Überlieferung der griechischen Apologeten

Der Arethas codex, Paris. Gr. 451
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 538
ISBN: 978-1-61719-355-2
A detailed description of the manuscript of Greek apologetics compiled by the 10th century bishop and scholar, Arethas of Caesarea (in Cappadocia).
$41.00 (USD) $24.60 (USD)

Die Akten der edessenischen Bekenner Gurjas Samonas und Abibos

Edited and Translated by Oscar von Gebhardt; Edited by Ernst von Döbschutz
ISBN: 978-1-61719-650-8
This book presents parallel texts of the Acts of the Three Martyrs of Edessa; the Syriac text is translated into German, Greek, and Latin.
$165.00 (USD) $99.00 (USD)