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Paul Anton de Lagarde

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The Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions and Homilies (10-14) in Syriac

Edited with an Introduction by Paul Anton de Lagarde
ISBN: 978-1-60724-941-2
From two manuscripts, Lagarde has produced the text of the Syriac version of the Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions and Homilies (10-14). The Recognitions had also been translated into Latin, and Lagarde provides a concordance for the two translations.
$168.00 (USD) $100.80 (USD)

Titus of Bostra's Contra Manichaeos in Syriac

ISBN: 978-1-60724-940-5
From an early manuscript dated to 411 Lagarde here produces the text of the Syriac version of Titus of Bostra’s (died 371) Against the Manichaeans, which has not survived complete in Greek.
$135.00 (USD) $81.00 (USD)

Persische, Armenische und Indische Wörter im Syrischen

ISBN: 978-1-60724-006-8
Turning his keen linguistic eye toward various influences on the Syriac language, Lagarde he addresses the various Persian, Armenian, and Indic words that occur in Syriac literature. Arranged alphabetically according to the Syriac spelling of the words, Lagarde ably addresses 222 loan words with frequently detailed entries tracing roots of the words back through their linguistic pedigree. For the scholar of comparative Semitic philology who is interested in the wider background and origins of these specific words, this booklet will prove to be a powerful and much-used tool.
$49.00 (USD) $29.40 (USD)

Coptic Collection

ISBN: 978-1-60724-009-9
This set of essays originate in Lagarde’s printed collection Orientalia. The first contribution to this booklet is Lagarde’s analysis of the Coptic manuscripts of the Göttingen library. In addition to describing the manuscripts, he provides data concerning the content, including the biblical passages slated for various liturgical seasons, in keeping with the character of the material. To this is attached an article on selections of the Coptic translation of the Old Testament. Here annotated extracts of the Bible are presented in their original Coptic script, along with relevant apparatus by the author.
$53.00 (USD) $31.80 (USD)

Hebrew Studies Miscellany

ISBN: 978-1-60724-008-2
In this set of articles originally published together in his booklet Orientalia, Lagarde addresses several issues concerning Hebrew studies. The first article, Explanation of Hebrew Words, addresses the use of twelve significant lexemes. Added to this essay is a contribution of Lagarde to the Hebrew reflected in Ephraim the Syrian’s work on Genesis, extant in Armenian. Select passages from Genesis 2 through 38 are given consideration in the light of philological investigation. Together these pieces represent a useful collection of insights into the Hebrew language both through classic philology and through the ecclesiastical interpretation of a scholar in the tradition of Syriac Christianity.
$45.00 (USD) $27.00 (USD)

Text and Commentary

Edited by Paul de Lagarde
ISBN: 978-1-60724-004-4
Lagarde’s edition of the British Museum manuscript of an abridged version of the Geoponica is here made available again for the use of scholars and interested historians. Originally composed by Vindonius Anatolius of Beirut, a fourth-century Greek author, the Geoponica is an example of early natural science, a collection of agricultural tracts. Published here with Lagarde’s Latin commentary on the material from his Gesammelte Abhandlungen, this obscure and difficult text is now available for the first time with the insightful comments of the linguist who edited the Syriac text.
$60.00 (USD) $36.00 (USD)

Didascalia Apostolorum Syriace

Edited by Paul de Lagarde
ISBN: 978-1-60724-003-7
Published for the first time by Paul de Lagarde in the extant Syriac, this volume reproduces the initial edition of the Didascalia Apostolorum. This important document, which purports to have been written by the apostles is a third-century pseudepigraphon. Presenting a view of the Catholic doctrine as it was believed to have been held by the original apostles, the topics addressed include worship, doctrine, and Christian discipline. For the Syriac scholar wishing to engage a foundational document in the early history of the church, this publication represents an excellent starting point.
$60.00 (USD) $36.00 (USD)

Hieronymi Quaestiones Hebraicae in Libro Geneseos

ISBN: 978-1-59333-964-7
Written in the scholarly Latin of his day, Lagarde considers in this brief study the questions Jerome raises on the Hebrew of the book of Genesis. In an abridged commentary form, Lagarde follows the questions in the order in which the book of Genesis presents the material. Beginning with the creation, Lagarde skips along to the phrases of Jerome’s text that raise questions and provides his insights about them. Presuming that the reader of the Vulgate will understand the Latin of the original, the comments on the material are likewise written in Latin.
$48.00 (USD) $28.80 (USD)

Beitraege zur Baktrischen Lexikographie

ISBN: 978-1-59333-963-0
One of the few scholars of biblical languages to reach so far into the cultural world of antiquity, de Lagarde here offers a brief contribution to the study of Bactrian lexicography. This brief study grew out of the author’s long-standing appreciation for the related Persian languages and literature. While not a full-fledged dictionary, de Lagarde here provides discussions of over one hundred words, some of them offered in considerable detail. For the linguist interested in the history of the study of this particular language, this handbook will prove an invaluable tool.
$48.00 (USD) $28.80 (USD)

Materialien zur Kritik und Geschichte des Pentateuchs

ISBN: 978-1-59333-962-3
Originally published in two volumes, this edition of the Arabic translation of the Pentateuch stands as one of Lagarde’s lasting contributions to biblical scholarship. Critical editions make frequent reference to this work. Included are two translations of Genesis into Arabic, along with a single version of the remaining pentateuchal books, also in Arabic. The first translation of Genesis represents the tradition of the Paris Polyglot, translated directly from the Hebrew, while the second is a cantena text from the Syriac tradition, representing two-thirds of Genesis. Lagarde’s study provides a valuable text-critical tool and easy access to the Arabic versions of the material.
$189.00 (USD) $113.40 (USD)

Analecta Syriaca

ISBN: 978-1-59333-959-3
A rare edition of Lagarde’s Syriac ephemera, this volume is a linguist’s delight. Introduced in Latin and Arabic, the descriptions and annotations to Syriac manuscripts that constitute this book will seldom be found elsewhere. The various Syriac codices included in the collection are presented in Syriac without translation. For the student of Syriac who is seeking the authentic experience of reading Syriac materials, this study will be a treasury of material. Over the decades, Legarde’s works have become increasingly difficult to locate, and Gorgias Press is pleased to be able to offer this collectable again.
$148.00 (USD) $88.80 (USD)

The Coptic Pentateuch and Arabic Gospels

ISBN: 978-1-59333-965-4
Written in the days when textual criticism was still relatively new, and the great mass of manuscripts commonly used by present-day biblical scholars had not yet been plumbed, Lagarde spent many years making these exotic manuscripts available to scholars who previously had no access to them. In this volume are combined two manuscripts: the Pentateuch translated into Coptic, and the Gospels translated into Arabic. Despite the relatively recent dates of the manuscript sources for both collections, the material contained in these translations dates back to earlier days. Each of these translations is introduced in German with some critical notes about the readings included.
$260.00 (USD) $156.00 (USD)

Armenische Studien

ISBN: 978-1-59333-986-9
Venturing into the realm of the Armenian language, Lagarde here presents a preliminary glossary of the language. The main body of the book contains over 2400 lexical entries, most of which are brief, dense descriptions of the words. Following the glossary Lagarde provides a comparative chart to the Armenian words including material from Sanskrit, Bactrian or Old Persian, Neo-Persian, Greek, and Semitic. An essay on the history of the study of the language and indices round out this early work on the Armenian tongue. This book, written in German, holds an important place in the study of Armenian.
$138.00 (USD) $82.80 (USD)

Writings on Semitic Ephemera

ISBN: 978-1-59333-894-7
Originally published in two small volumes of Semitic ephemera written in German, this collection of observations of Paul de Lagarde still contains his cogent insights into the world of Semitic linguistics. Critical remarks on the book of Isaiah introduce his characteristic detail on a number of verses in the prophetic book. The second selection concerns the clarification of Akkadian (Chaldean) words occurring in the Hebrew Bible. In the second major section of the work, de Lagarde presents the leaves of the Septuagint of Codex Sarravianus found in Paris. This annotated Greek material comes from the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers.
$59.00 (USD) $35.40 (USD)

Persische Studien

ISBN: 978-1-59333-960-9
The astute observations of linguist Paul de Lagarde on Persian manuscript in Europe predating 1700 make an essential catalogue for anyone interested in the state of the field in the late 19th century. Citing each manuscript, Lagarde provides an annotated catalogue of 61 pieces that include descriptions from the initial publication of each text as well as his own observations. His study gives a sense of importance of each piece considered, demonstrating their relationships with other known documents. Also included in this unique study are the Judeo-Persian versions of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel (the latter only through chapter 9).
$136.00 (USD) $81.60 (USD)

Reliquary of Ancient Ecclesiastical Laws

Reliquiae Iuris Ecclesiastici Antiquissimae
ISBN: 978-1-59333-988-3
A notable resource for both church historians and linguists, this work of Lagarde contains both Syriac and Greek materials concerning ancient ecclesiastical laws. A number of ancient documents are cited in this unusual collection. Half of this collection is presented in the original Syriac and half in the original Greek. All introductions and notes are written in Latin. Intended for the serious linguist and church historian, this work requires language skills to unravel. As a collection of materials that had been inaccessible up to Lagarde’s time, this volume also serves as a period piece containing a fresh view of writings that helped inform the growth of canon law.
$159.00 (USD) $95.40 (USD)