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Paul Rorem

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Calvin and Bullinger on the Lord's Supper

ISBN: 978-1-60724-367-0
An investigation of sixteenth-century Reformed views on the Lord's Supper from two of the leaders of that tradition. The impasse and resolution between John Calvin and Zwingli's successor Heinrich Bullinger provide the background for this discussion.
$110.00 (USD) $66.00 (USD)

The Medieval Development of Liturgical Symbolism

ISBN: 978-1-60724-355-7
Liturgical allegory has often flourished in the history of Christianity, despite persistent pruning by sceptical theologians through the ages. The full fruits of this growth ripened during the Middle Ages, as preserved in the pages of Latin and Byzantine liturgical commentaries.
$138.00 (USD) $82.80 (USD)