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Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures XI

Comprising the Contents of Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, vol. 14

This volume incorporates all the articles and reviews published in volume 14 (2014) of the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-0749-6
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 13,2019
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 409
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0749-6
$198.00 (USD)
Your price: $118.80 (USD)
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This volume incorporates all the articles and reviews published in volume 14 (2014) of the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures. It includes articles by Yitzhak Berger, Benjamin Scolnic, Simeon Chavel, Thomas Wagner, Yisca Zimran, Jason M. Silverman, Paul Sanders, Robert D. Holmstedt, and J.H. Price. The volume also includes thirty reviews.

This volume incorporates all the articles and reviews published in volume 14 (2014) of the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures. It includes articles by Yitzhak Berger, Benjamin Scolnic, Simeon Chavel, Thomas Wagner, Yisca Zimran, Jason M. Silverman, Paul Sanders, Robert D. Holmstedt, and J.H. Price. The volume also includes thirty reviews.

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Christophe Nihan is Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible at the University of Lausanne.


Anna Angelini is the Associate General Editor of the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures.

Preface (ix)

Abbreviations (xi)


Chiasm and Meaning in 1 Chronicles Yitzhak Berger (1)

Antiochus IV and the Three Horns in Daniel 7 Benjamin Scolnic (35)

Prophetic Imagination in the Light of Narratology and Disability Studies in Isaiah 40–48  Simeon Chavel (65)

Recounting מני־קדםחידות in Psalm 78: What are the “Riddles” About? Thomas Wagner (121)

“The Lord Has Rejected You As King Over Israel”: Saul’s Deposal from the Throne       Yisca Zimran (145)

Vetting the Priest in Zechariah 3: The Satan between Divine and Achaemenid Administrations Jason M. Silverman (166)

The Ashkar-Gilson Manuscript: Remnant of a Proto-Masoretic Model Scroll of the Torah Paul Sanders (197)

Analyzing זֶה Grammar and Reading זֶה Texts of Ps 68:9 and Judg 5:5 Robert D. Holmstedt (225)

The Biblical Hebrew Feminine Singular Qal Participle: A Historical Reconstruction J.H. Price (257)


Stuart Lasine, Weighing Hearts: Character, Judgment, and the Ethics of Reading the Bible [Reviewed by Jacqueline E. Lapsley] (279)

Jason M. Silverman, Persepolis and Jerusalem: Iranian Influence on the Apocalyptic Hermeneutic [Reviewed by Bennie H. Reynolds III] (282)

Mary E. Mills, Urban Imagination in Biblical Prophecy [Reviewed by Hilary Marlow] (285)

Melissa A. Jackson, Comedy and Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible: A Subversive Collaboration [Reviewed by Jennifer L. Koosed] (288)

Robert E. Wallace, The Narrative Effect of Book IV of the Hebrew Psalter [Reviewed by Anthony R. Pyles] (291)

Brial Neil Peterson, Ezekiel in Context: Ezekiel’s Message Understood in its Historical Setting of Covenant Curses, and Ancient Near Eastern Mythological Motifs [Reviewed by Daniel Block] (294)

Jerry Hwang, The Rhetoric of Remembrance: An Investigation of the “Fathers” in Deuteronomy [Reviewed by David Bergen] (297)

Thomas Kazen, Emotions in Biblical Law: A Cognitive Science Approach [Reviewed by Michael Hundley] (299)

Ed Noort (ed), The Book of Joshua [Reviewed by Phillippe Guillaume] (305)

Alissa Jones Nelson, Power and Responsibility in Biblical Interpretation: Reading the Book of Job with Edward Said [Reviewed by Edward Ho] (310)

Pierre Van Hecke, and Antje Labahn (eds), Metaphors in the Psalms [Reviewed by Tremper Longman III] (315)

Daniel E. Fleming, The Legacy of Israel in Judah’s Bible: History, Politics, and the Reinscribing of Tradition [Reviewed by David J. Fuller] (318)

Simon P. Stocks, The Form and Function of the Tricolon in the Psalms of Ascents. Introducing a New Paradigm for Hebrew Poetic Line-form [Reviewed by John F. Hobbins] (322)

Mercedes L. García Bachmann, Women at Work in the Deuteronomistic History [Reviewed by Sandra Richter] (326)

Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Exclusive Inclusivity: Identity Conflicts Between the Exiles and the People Who Remained (6th–5th Centuries BCE) [Reviewed by Michael A. Lyons] (329)

Moshe Garsiel, From Earth to Heaven: A Literary Study of the Elijah Stories in the Book of Kings [Reviewed by Scott B. Noegel] (333)

John Kessler, Old Testament Theology: Divine Call and Human Response [Reviewed by Joseph Ryan Kelly] (339)

Barat Ellman, Memory and Covenant: The Role of Israel’s and God’s Memory in Sustaining the Deuteronomic and Priestly Covenants [Reviewed by A.J. Culp] (341)

Thomas D. Petter, The Land between the Two Rivers: Early Israelite Identities in Central Transjordan [Reviewed by Stephen C. Russel] (345)

Richard Ounsorth, Joshua Typology in the New Testament [Reviewed by Lissa M. Wray Beal] (348)

Konrad Schmid and Raymond F. Person, Jr. (eds), Deuteronomy in the Pentateuch, Hexateuch, and the Deuteronomistic History [Reviewed by Jeffrey G. Audirsch] (351)

C.L. Seow, Job 1–21: Interpretation and Commentary [Reviewed by Alexander W. Breitkopf] (356)

Katherine J. Dell, Interpreting Ecclesiastes: Readers Old and New [Reviewed by Russell L. Meek] (359)

John Van Seters, The Yahwist: A Historian of Israelite Origins [Reviewed by David J. Fuller] (360)

Gary N. Knoppers, Jews and Samaritans: The Origins and History of Their Early Relations [Reviewed by Magnar Kartveit] (364)

Serge Frolov, Judges [Reviewed by Mary L. Conway] (366)

Paul J. Griffiths, Song of Songs [Reviewed by Jennifer Pfenniger] (370)

Joseph Blenkinsopp, Creation, Un-Creation, Re-Creation: A Discursive Commentary on Genesis 1–11 [Reviewed by Brian Lima] (376)

Anathea Portier-Young, Apocalypse Against Empire: Theologies of Resistance in Early Judaism [Reviewed by Colin Toffelmire] (381)

Daniel M. Gurtner, Exodus: A Commentary on the Greek Text of Codex Vaticanus [Reviewed by John Screnock] (384)

Index (389)

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