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Pragmatic Studies in Judaism

Edited by Andrew Schumann
This book is the first attempt to apply formal pragmatics to Judaic studies as a discipline under the auspices of cultural studies, reconstructing the pragmatic approach in Judaism and defining some of the pragmatic limits assumed in the Torah. It is a continuation of previous work considering Judaic reasoning from the standpoint of analytic philosophy and logic. The present volume aims to explicate the Judaic pragmatic point of view with an emphasis on logic, political studies, ethics, and speech act theory.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-0222-4
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Mar 21,2013
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 286
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0222-4
$186.00 (USD)
Your price: $111.60 (USD)
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This book is the first attempt to apply formal pragmatics to Judaic studies as a discipline as well as within the broader discipline of cultural studies, reconstructing the pragmatic approach in Judaism and defining some of the pragmatic limits assumed in the Torah. It is a continuation of previous work considering Judaic reasoning from the standpoint of analytic philosophy and logic. The present volume aims to explicate the Judaic pragmatic point of view with an emphasis on logic, political studies, ethics, and speech act theory, and the contributions encompass several themes and objectives of pragmatic studies.

This book is the first attempt to apply formal pragmatics to Judaic studies as a discipline as well as within the broader discipline of cultural studies, reconstructing the pragmatic approach in Judaism and defining some of the pragmatic limits assumed in the Torah. It is a continuation of previous work considering Judaic reasoning from the standpoint of analytic philosophy and logic. The present volume aims to explicate the Judaic pragmatic point of view with an emphasis on logic, political studies, ethics, and speech act theory, and the contributions encompass several themes and objectives of pragmatic studies.

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Andrew Schumann works at the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland. His research focuses on logic and philosophy of science with an emphasis on non-well-founded phenomena: self-references and circularity. He contributed mainly to research areas such as reasoning under uncertainty, probability reasoning, non-Archimedean mathematics, as well as their applications to cognitive science. He is engaged also in unconventional computing, decision theory, logical modelling of economics.



Professor of Philosophy, Furman Hall; Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities



Professor of Modern Jewish Thought, Jewish Theological Seminary







  • Table of Contents (page 5)
  • Foreword (Michael Koritz) (page 9)
  • Preface (Andrew Schumann) (page 11)
  • Acknowledgments (page 13)
  • Introduction (Andrew Schumann) (page 15)
  • Halakhic Logic (Michael Abraham, Dov Gabbay, Uri Schild) (page 25)
  • Pragmatic Limits of Halakhic Logic (Andrew Schumann) (page 67)
  • God and the Law (Lenn E. Goodman) (page 99)
  • Theorizing Jewish Ethics (Alan Mittleman) (page 129)
  • Pragmatism and the Logic of Jewish Political Messianism (Peter Ochs) (page 149)
  • A Pragmatic Study of Kol Nidre: Law and Compassion (Tzvee Zahavy) (page 193)
  • Rabbi Joseph ben Saul Kimhi and his Magnum Opus Mezuqqaq Shiv'atayim (The Philosophical Section) (Avram Ravitsky) (page 209)
  • Ethical Religion or Political Religion? On the Contradiction Between Two Models of Amended Religion in Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise (Yuval Jobani) (page 233)
  • Jewish Traditionalism and Jewish Socialism Between 19th and 20th Century in Europe and in the United States: A Survey (Furio Biagini) (page 263)
  • Index (page 281)
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