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The Life and Death of a Christian Dissenter in Late Antiquity

The first historical biography of Priscillian, a controversial figure of great importance for the history of the West, who until now has been considered by the different authors who have approached his figure as a heretic, reformer, apocryphal martyr or non-conformist Christian.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-4559-7
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: May 29,2024
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 221
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4559-7
$85.00 (USD)
Your price: $51.00 (USD)
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In this book the author offers us the first historical biography of Priscillian, a controversial figure of great importance for the history of the West, who until now has been considered by the different authors who have approached his figure as a heretic, reformer, apocryphal martyr or non-conformist Christian. The book also analyses the complex questions of his birthplace, the location of his burial place and the dating of the various episodes of his life, using the voices of the protagonists of the period in which Priscillian lived and making use of all the sources available to reconstruct his biography.


"L’originalité de ce petit livre, publié en castillan en 2019, tient à sa volonté de présenter l’évêque d’Avila avec le seul secours des sources antiques (peu de notes en bas de page), sans recourir aux études critiques nombreuses sur le sujet. 

Les six chapitres du livre suivent un parcours chronologique depuis la conversion du personnage jusqu’à la postérité du mouvement au-delà de son exécution. 

La formation d’archéologue de Diego Piay l’incite, pour le confort de ses lecteurs, à parsemer son texte de nombreuses illustrations (mosaïque, inscription, monuments, fouilles, cartes, sculptures, monnaies, etc.). 

Ce petit livre est une bonne manière d’entrer dans l’histoire du priscillianisme. L’auteur fait des choix dans sa reconstitution de l’histoire de Priscillien quand les sources sont silencieuses – des choix pertinents liés à des hypothèses vraisemblables. Trente-six pages d’illustrations, de cartes, d’indices, de table chronologique et de bibliographie complètent le volume."


"The originality of this little book, published in Spanish in 2019, lies in its desire to present the bishop of Avila using only ancient sources (with few footnotes), without relying on the numerous critical studies on the subject. 

The six chapters of the book follow a chronological path from his conversion to the history of the movement beyond his execution. 

Diego Piay's training as an archaeologist leads him, for the convenience of his readers, to sprinkle his text with numerous illustrations (mosaics, inscriptions, monuments, excavations, maps, sculptures, coins, etc.). 

This short book is a good entry point to the history of Priscillianism. When sources are unavailable, the author makes choices in his reconstruction of the history of Priscillien, which are relevant and linked to plausible hypotheses. Thirty-six pages of illustrations, maps, indices, chronological table and bibliography complete the volume."

-- Excerpts from Sylvain Jean Gabriel Sanchez, PLEKOS 27, 2025, pp. 39-40.

In this book the author offers us the first historical biography of Priscillian, a controversial figure of great importance for the history of the West, who until now has been considered by the different authors who have approached his figure as a heretic, reformer, apocryphal martyr or non-conformist Christian. The book also analyses the complex questions of his birthplace, the location of his burial place and the dating of the various episodes of his life, using the voices of the protagonists of the period in which Priscillian lived and making use of all the sources available to reconstruct his biography.


"L’originalité de ce petit livre, publié en castillan en 2019, tient à sa volonté de présenter l’évêque d’Avila avec le seul secours des sources antiques (peu de notes en bas de page), sans recourir aux études critiques nombreuses sur le sujet. 

Les six chapitres du livre suivent un parcours chronologique depuis la conversion du personnage jusqu’à la postérité du mouvement au-delà de son exécution. 

La formation d’archéologue de Diego Piay l’incite, pour le confort de ses lecteurs, à parsemer son texte de nombreuses illustrations (mosaïque, inscription, monuments, fouilles, cartes, sculptures, monnaies, etc.). 

Ce petit livre est une bonne manière d’entrer dans l’histoire du priscillianisme. L’auteur fait des choix dans sa reconstitution de l’histoire de Priscillien quand les sources sont silencieuses – des choix pertinents liés à des hypothèses vraisemblables. Trente-six pages d’illustrations, de cartes, d’indices, de table chronologique et de bibliographie complètent le volume."


"The originality of this little book, published in Spanish in 2019, lies in its desire to present the bishop of Avila using only ancient sources (with few footnotes), without relying on the numerous critical studies on the subject. 

The six chapters of the book follow a chronological path from his conversion to the history of the movement beyond his execution. 

Diego Piay's training as an archaeologist leads him, for the convenience of his readers, to sprinkle his text with numerous illustrations (mosaics, inscriptions, monuments, excavations, maps, sculptures, coins, etc.). 

This short book is a good entry point to the history of Priscillianism. When sources are unavailable, the author makes choices in his reconstruction of the history of Priscillien, which are relevant and linked to plausible hypotheses. Thirty-six pages of illustrations, maps, indices, chronological table and bibliography complete the volume."

-- Excerpts from Sylvain Jean Gabriel Sanchez, PLEKOS 27, 2025, pp. 39-40.

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DiegoPiay Augusto

Diego Piay Augusto (Pontevedra, 1979), is a professor of Ancient History at the University of Oviedo and has been working as an archaeologist for more than twenty years in northwest Spain, where he has directed more than fifty interventions at sites from different periods. In addition, between 2008 and 2012, he participated in different excavation campaigns carried out in the city of Pompeii (Naples, Italy) and in the villa of Casale de Piazza Armerina (Sicily, Italy).

In 2019, the University of Santiago de Compostela awarded him the special doctoral prize for his thesis entitled El priscilianismo. Arqueología y Prosopografía. Estudio de un movimiento aristocrático en la Gallaecia tardorromana, which was subsequently published. (L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2018). Shortly afterwards he wrote the first historical biography of Priscillian, entitled Prisciliano. Vida y muerte de un disidente en el amanecer del imperio cristiano (Trea, 2019), for which he was awarded the Anassilaos (Area dello Stretto) prize in Reggio Calabria (Italy) in 2021. His most recent work is a book entitled Villae romanas en Asturias (L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2022). His research activities also include numerous articles published in national and international journals, in which archaeological sources have always played a leading role, and lectures given at national and international level.

Table of Contents (v)

Preface (vii)

Prologue (xi)

Introduction: Late Antiquity (1)

The Nazarene’s call (350–379) (23)

An eloquent Christian enters the episcopate (380–381) (49)

The Journey to Rome (381–383) (73)

The sword at the service of the church: the trials of Trier (385) (103)

A martyr for Gallaecia (385–400) (131)

Dramatic and dangerous times (400) (157)

Appendix (167)

Timeline (170)

Index of the main characters (171)

Image Sources (178)

Bibliography (181)

Primary Sources (181)

Secondary Sources (187)

Index (197)

List of People (197)

List of Places (203)

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