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Ceriani, Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Ambrosianus
I am a great fan of Gorgias Press facsimile editions of Syriac manuscripts. Their publications of new photos of the Chronicle of Michael the Syrian and of the East Syriac NT Masora manuscript of 899 are superb. So also is their reprint of Ceriani's facsimile edition of Codex Ambrosianus (7a1) containing the Peshitta O.T. But by contrast this reprint of Ceriani's facsimile of the Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Ambrosianus is a very poor piece of work. The images have been printed from images that are set at too low a resolution, and the page size is too small. Since the manuscript contains numerous important marginalia, this is hopeless, since many of them become unreadable, even with magnification. Ceriani added references at the top of each column indicating the biblical chapter and verse reached, but many of these have now been lost or are illegible. The introductory notes are also only barely legible. In the reproduction of 7a1 page numbers were added by Gorgias Press (which allowed a contents page to be added), and headings were also added in the top margin indicating the biblical book found on the page. This enabled improved navigation of Ceriani's edition of the Peshitta. No such additions are to be found in this reproduction of the key Syro-hexaplaric manuscript. So for all practical purposes any reader interested in this text will need to use the freely available pdfs of Ceriani's original edition, rather than this expensive but unusable book. This is a great pity, and an even greater surprise, given Gorgias Press' usually very high standards.
David | 1/10/2017 12:24 PM
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