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Professor Boris Oguibénine

Boris L. Oguibénine was educated in the Moscow State University. He has been on the staff of the Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow before lecturing at the University of Vienna (Austria) and joining the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) and the University of Strasbourg of which he is the Emeritus since 2009. His interests are Vedic and Buddhist Sanskrit, Indo-European comparative linguistics and philology.

His chief publications in the field of Buddhist Sanskrit are:

Initiation pratique à l'étude du sanskrit bouddhique, Paris: Picard, 1996.

B. Oguibénine with Y. Ousaka и M. Yamazaki, Prātimokṣasūtram. Word Index and ReverseWord Index. Tokyo: Chūō Academic Research Institute, 2001 (PhilologicaAsiatica, Monograph Series 17).

B. Oguibénine with E. Fauré, Y. Ousaka и M. Yamazaki) Mahāvastu-Avadāna. WordIndex and Reverse Word Index. Tokyo: Chūō Academic Research Institute, 2009 (Philologica Asiatica, Monograph Series 25).

A Descriptive Grammar of Buddhist Sanskrit. The language of the Textual Tradition of the Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottoravādins. General Introduction. Sound Patterns. Sandhi Patterns. Washington DC: Institute for the Study of Man, 2016.

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Picture of A New Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Reader

A New Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Reader

ISBN: 978-1-4632-4566-5
Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit is not a deteriorated Sanskrit (as many believed at the discovery of Buddhist texts in Sanskrit), but, following the theoretical foundations underlying the pioneering work of Franklin Edgerton, a language with its grammar and vocabulary sui generis implemented rather consequently, which for a long period of time was used to spread the teaching of Buddha. The Reader is meant as a textbook for advanced students with an interest in non-standard Sanskrit and Middle Indo-Aryan. A substantial novelty of the Reader is that it includes extracts from representative texts either recently critically re-edited on the basis of new manuscripts or from the texts unknown at the time of Edgerton’s publications. All extracts are accompanied by commentaries explaining their grammatical peculiarities as well as by selections of specific lexical items.
$135.00 (USD) $81.00 (USD)