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Rev. Franz Joseph Cöln

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The Nomocanonical Literature of the Copto-Arabic Church of Alexandria

ISBN: 978-1-61719-188-6
Nomocanons (manuals of law) in Eastern Christianity give insights into the whole civil and religious life of communities, families and individuals. Nomocanonical literature is particularly abundant in the Coptic tradition, and the Rev. Franz Joseph Cöln describes five Nomocanons of the Coptic Church with a short account of their contents.
$136.00 (USD) $81.60 (USD)

Eines Anonymus' Abhandlung über Feste und Fasten, Autorität und Gehorsam in der syrischen Kirche

Translation and Introduction by Franz Cöln
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 431
ISBN: 978-1-60724-737-1
Franz Cöln publishes here an anonymous treatise that deals with the topic of church authority from the perspective of the Syriac tradition. Cöln publishes the Arabic text of the treatise and includes a Latin translation and a brief introduction.
$41.00 (USD) $24.60 (USD)

Der Nomokanon Miha'ils von Malig

Translation and Introduction by Franz Cöln
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 424
ISBN: 978-1-60724-715-9
The Nomocanons of the Eastern Orthodox traditions are valuable historical sources for the church traditions they represent. Franz Cöln presents here the collated text of a Nomocanon attributed to Miha’il of Malig and preserved in Garshuni and Arabic manuscripts.
$133.00 (USD) $79.80 (USD)

Die anonyme Schrift "Abhandlung über den Glauben der Syrer"

Edited with an Introduction by Franz Cöln
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 416
ISBN: 978-1-60724-693-0
Franz Cöln presents here the Arabic text of an anonymous writing defending the beliefs of the Jacobite Church against the beliefs of other traditions. The text includes a critical apparatus and is accompanied by a German translation.
$46.00 (USD) $27.60 (USD)