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S. Ephraemi Hymni de Virginitate

Ephrem’s Hymns on Virginity

Edited and Translated by Ignatius Ephrem II Rahmani
Rahmani presents an edition of Ephrem’s poems “On Virginity,’ which in fact deal with a number of other subjects as well, especially biblical narratives. He presents the Syriac text, an annotated Latin translation, an introduction, and a brief lexicon.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-310-1
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 9,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 308
Languages: Latin
ISBN: 978-1-61719-310-1
$190.00 (USD)
Your price: $114.00 (USD)
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Syrian Catholic Patriarch and Syriac scholar Ignatius Ephrem II Rahmani (1848–1929) here presents an edition of Ephrem’s poems “On Virginity,” which in fact deal with a number of other subjects as well, such as oil (as a symbol), the mysteries of the Lord, the Lord’s temptation, John the Evangelist, the women that followed Jesus, Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Lot and his daughters, Jonah and Nineveh, and several others. The Syriac text is printed in the Estrangela script, and the Latin translation is annotated with biblical references and other elucidations. Rahmani provides a Syriac (in vocalized Serto)-Latin lexicon of words not included in other lexica; it also contains a number of related citations from Jacob bar Shakko’s Dialogues. The introduction covers the publication history of Ephrem’s works and the meters used in these hymns, and offers an overview of the hymns. This volume is an important addition to the library of any reader interested in Ephrem, Syriac literature generally, and Christian literature in Late Antiquity.

Syrian Catholic Patriarch and Syriac scholar Ignatius Ephrem II Rahmani (1848–1929) here presents an edition of Ephrem’s poems “On Virginity,” which in fact deal with a number of other subjects as well, such as oil (as a symbol), the mysteries of the Lord, the Lord’s temptation, John the Evangelist, the women that followed Jesus, Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Lot and his daughters, Jonah and Nineveh, and several others. The Syriac text is printed in the Estrangela script, and the Latin translation is annotated with biblical references and other elucidations. Rahmani provides a Syriac (in vocalized Serto)-Latin lexicon of words not included in other lexica; it also contains a number of related citations from Jacob bar Shakko’s Dialogues. The introduction covers the publication history of Ephrem’s works and the meters used in these hymns, and offers an overview of the hymns. This volume is an important addition to the library of any reader interested in Ephrem, Syriac literature generally, and Christian literature in Late Antiquity.

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Ignatius Ephrem IIRahmani

  • Series Foreword (page 5)
  • PRAEFATIO (page 7)
  • Prolegomena: 1 De ratione editionis hymnorum de virginitate ubi et de codice vaticano ex quo editio confecta est (page 10)
  • Index (page 21)
  • Sancti Ephraemi: Hymni de Virginitate (page 23)
  • Index vocabulorum quae desunt in lexicis (page 159)
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