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Saint Ephrem le Syrien

Son Oeuvre Littéraire Grecque

In this multi-faceted study of Greek texts related to Ephrem, Emereau examines these works from a number of angles, including their poetic form, their influence on homily writers of the 5th cent., and Byzantine hymnography.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-309-5
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jul 12,2011
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 180
Languages: French
ISBN: 978-1-61719-309-5
$128.00 (USD)
Your price: $76.80 (USD)
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In this multi-faceted study of Greek texts related to Ephrem, part of the series Études Critiques de Littérature et de Philologie Byzantines, Emereau envisions these works as a genuine and worthy part of Byzantine literature, and his study is especially directed toward Byzantinists. There are sections covering the sources for the study of Ephrem's life, a survey of Ephrem's works (touching on texts in Syriac, Greek, Arabic, Armenian, and Coptic), a specific look at the Greek translations, the poetry of the Greek Ephrem, his influence on homily writers of the 5th cent., Byzantine hymnography and the Syrian origin of the Kontakion (there is also an appendix on Romanos and more detail on Byzantine hymnography), philological contributions stemming from the study of these Greek texts, and, finally, an investigation of rhetoric in the Greek Ephrem. Readers who study Byzantine literature and the broader Ephrem tradition will find this important study of great interest.

In this multi-faceted study of Greek texts related to Ephrem, part of the series Études Critiques de Littérature et de Philologie Byzantines, Emereau envisions these works as a genuine and worthy part of Byzantine literature, and his study is especially directed toward Byzantinists. There are sections covering the sources for the study of Ephrem's life, a survey of Ephrem's works (touching on texts in Syriac, Greek, Arabic, Armenian, and Coptic), a specific look at the Greek translations, the poetry of the Greek Ephrem, his influence on homily writers of the 5th cent., Byzantine hymnography and the Syrian origin of the Kontakion (there is also an appendix on Romanos and more detail on Byzantine hymnography), philological contributions stemming from the study of these Greek texts, and, finally, an investigation of rhetoric in the Greek Ephrem. Readers who study Byzantine literature and the broader Ephrem tradition will find this important study of great interest.

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  • Series Foreword (page 5)
  • AVANT-PROPOS (page 7)
  • INTRODUCTIOPN (page 9)
  • CHAPITRE PREMIER CHAPITRE I : Les sources de la vie de saint Ephrem (page 15)
  • CHAPITRE II : La litterature ephremienne et son histoire (page 25)
  • CHAPITRE III : Les traductions grecques des oeuvres de saint Ephrem et leur texte metrique (page 41)
  • CHAPITRE IV : Le (Sermo alius in Sanctos Patres defunctos) Reconstitution provisorie du texte d' apres plusieurs manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Nationale (page 51)
  • CHAPITRE V : L'Ephrem grec et l'Ephrem syriaque (page 69)
  • CHAPITRE VI : L'art poetique de l'Ephrem grec (page 87)
  • CHAPITRE VII : L'lnfluence de saint Ephrem sur l'Homelistique chretienne du V siecle La Predication poetique (page 111)
  • CHAPITRE VIII : Les origines de l'Hymnographie byzantine Nouveaux apercus (page 123)
  • CHAPITRE IX : Contributions philologiques de l'Ephrem grec a l'etude de la Grammaire grecque historique (page 137)
  • CHAPITRE X : La Rhetorique de l'Ephrem grec (page 159)
  • CONCLUSION (page 172)
  • APPENDICE sur la vie de Saint Romanos le Melode et les origines de lhymnographie byzantine (page 175)
  • TABLE DES MATIERES (page 179)
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