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Sayfo 1915

An Anthology of Essays on the Genocide of Assyrians/Arameans during the First World War

Drawing on the expertise of scholars from a variety of backgrounds, this anthology specifically seeks to shed light on this genocide from a multidisciplinary perspective and serve as a step for developing the future scholarship about the Sayfo.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-0730-4
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Apr 30,2018
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 428
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0730-4
$95.00 (USD)
Your price: $57.00 (USD)
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This anthology offers readers a collection of essays written from a multi-disciplinary perspective about the genocide of Assyrians/Aramaeans during the First World War, which is also known as ‘Sayfo’ (sword). The issues concerning the historicity of the genocide of the First World War, commonly known and referred to as the Armenian genocide have been widely discussed by scholars across different academic disciplines for a long time. However, very few know of the genocide of the Assyrians/Aramaeans, which took place in the same geography and at the same time.

Drawing on the expertise of scholars from a variety of backgrounds, this anthology specifically seeks to shed light on this genocide from a multidisciplinary perspective and serve as a step for developing the future scholarship about the Sayfo.

The essays are selection of papers presented at the SAYFO 1915: An International Conference on the Genocide of Assyrians/Aramaeans during the First World War (Freie Universität Berlin, 24-28 June 2015).

This anthology offers readers a collection of essays written from a multi-disciplinary perspective about the genocide of Assyrians/Aramaeans during the First World War, which is also known as ‘Sayfo’ (sword). The issues concerning the historicity of the genocide of the First World War, commonly known and referred to as the Armenian genocide have been widely discussed by scholars across different academic disciplines for a long time. However, very few know of the genocide of the Assyrians/Aramaeans, which took place in the same geography and at the same time.

Drawing on the expertise of scholars from a variety of backgrounds, this anthology specifically seeks to shed light on this genocide from a multidisciplinary perspective and serve as a step for developing the future scholarship about the Sayfo.

The essays are selection of papers presented at the SAYFO 1915: An International Conference on the Genocide of Assyrians/Aramaeans during the First World War (Freie Universität Berlin, 24-28 June 2015).

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Shabo Talay helds a Ph.D in Semitic Philology, Assyriology and Islamic Studies from the Universtity of Heidelberg/Germany (1997). He is currently Associate Professor for Semitic Philology and Islamic Studies at Erlangen-Nuremberg University. He has many publications in various fields of Arabic and Aramaic dialectology. Recently he published a grammatical comparative description of all Aramaic dialects of the Khabur-Assyrians in Syria under the Title: “Die neuaramäischen Dialekte der Khabur-Assyrer”.


Soner Ö. Barthoma is Research Fellow at the Freie Universität Berlin and project co-coordinator of the EU-Horizon 2020 RESPOND project at Uppsala University.

Table of Contents (v)
Preface (vii)
Contributors (ix)
The beginning of the end of Syriac Christianity in the Middle East [SHABO TALAY] (1)
I – The Sayfo and Archives (19)
   1. The Ottoman Genocide of 1914–1918 against Aramaic-Speaking Christians in Comparative Perspective [TESSA HOFMANN] (21)
   2. The Targeting of Assyrians during the Christian Holocaust in Ottoman Turkey [THEA HALO] (41)
   3. The Significance of the Assyrian Genocide after a Century [ANAHIT KHOSROEVA] (61)
   4. German Perceptions of the Sayfo: How Much Did Germany Know? [ABDULMESIH BARABRAHAM] (71)
   5. Letters on the Sayfo from Assyrian Eyewitnesses [MARTIN TAMCKE] (89)
II – Local Studies (105)
   6. The Increasing Violence and the Resistance of Assyrians in Urmia and Hakkari (1900–1915) [FLORENCE HELLOT-BELLIER] (107)
   7. ʿIwardo: A Struggle for Existence [ABLAHAD LAHDO] (135)
   8. “I will stay with Jesus and will never betray Him!”: Sayfo in Mansuriye [EPHREM ISHAC] (147)
   9. A Victim of the Sayfo: Addaï Scher and His Contribution to Scholarship [ERICA C. D. HUNTER] (163)
   10. The Methods of Killing Used in the Assyrian Genocide [B. BETH YUHANON] (177)
   11. Assyrian Genocide from a Gender Perspective [SABRI ATMAN] (215)
III – Post-Sayfo Period (233)
   12. Writing Assyrian History: the Military, the Patriarch and the British in Yaqu bar Malek Ismael’s Assyrians in Two World Wars (Tehran 1964) [HELEEN MURRE-VAN DEN BERG] (235)
   13. Assyrian Christians in Iraq, the League of Nations and Transnational Christian advocacy (1920s–1940s) [HANNELORE MÜLLER] (253)
   14. The Memory of Sayfo and Its Relation to the Identity of Contemporary Assyrian/Aramean Christians in Syria [NORIKO SATO] (305)
   15. Forgotten Witnesses: Remembering and Interpreting the ‘Sayfo’ in the Manuscripts of Tur ‘Abdin [SIMON BIROL] (327)
   16. The Poems of Ghattas Maqdisi Elyas and the Remembrance of Turabdin [TIJMEN C. BAARDA] (347)
   17. Before and After Linguicide: a Linguistic Aspect of the Sayfo [SEBASTIAN BEDNAROWICZ] (365)
Appendix: Synopsis Report of the Conference (385)

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