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Scholia on Passages of the Old Testament by Mar Jacob, Bishop of Edessa

This volume contains a collection of short notes on select biblical passages from the Old Testament by one of the most celebrated authors of the Syriac tradition. The work includes both the Syriac text and an annotated English translation.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-60724-996-2
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jul 12,2011
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 108
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-60724-996-2
$117.00 (USD)
Your price: $70.20 (USD)
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This volume contains a collection of scholia, or short notes on select biblical passages, to the Old Testament by one of the most celebrated authors of the Syriac tradition, Jacob of Edessa. The editor offers an annotated English translation together with the Syriac text based on two manuscripts from the famous horde of texts from the Nitrian desert. Passages treated come from Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, 1 Samuel, and 1-2 Kings. The book is a significant source for readers interested in Syriac literature and the history of biblical interpretation generally.

This volume contains a collection of scholia, or short notes on select biblical passages, to the Old Testament by one of the most celebrated authors of the Syriac tradition, Jacob of Edessa. The editor offers an annotated English translation together with the Syriac text based on two manuscripts from the famous horde of texts from the Nitrian desert. Passages treated come from Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, 1 Samuel, and 1-2 Kings. The book is a significant source for readers interested in Syriac literature and the history of biblical interpretation generally.

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  • Series Foreword (page 5)
  • ERRATA (page 7)
  • PREFACE (page 13)
  • CONTENTS (page 19)
  • SCHOLIUM (page 21)
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