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Sebastian Euringer

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Das Hohelied des "Bundes der Erbarmung"

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 511
ISBN: 978-1-60724-990-0
In the present article, Sebastian Euringer presents a German translation of three Ethiopic poetic texts, which he supplements with a bibliography, an introduction, and extensive critical notes including commentary.
$45.00 (USD) $27.00 (USD)

Die Marienharfe (Arganona Weddase)

Translation and Introduction by Sebastian Euringer
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 468
ISBN: 978-1-60724-923-8
Sebastian Euringer publishes here a German translation of the Ethiopic text of a grand poem dedicated to the Virgin Mary from the “monophysite” tradition. Euringer accompanies the translation with an introduction and critical notes.
$77.00 (USD) $46.20 (USD)

Die äthiopische Anaphora unserer Herrin Maria

Edited with an Introduction by Sebastian Euringer
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 506
ISBN: 978-1-60724-985-6
Sebastian Euringer publishes here the Ethiopic text of an Anaphora dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Supplementing the Ethiopic text, Euringer also includes a critical apparatus with variant readings and a German translation.
$42.00 (USD) $25.20 (USD)

Des Isho'dad von Maru Kommentar zum Hohenlied

Edited and Translated by Sebastian Euringer
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 476
ISBN: 978-1-60724-944-3
Sebastian Euringer publishes here the Syriac text of Isho’dad of Merv’s commentary on the Song of Songs accompanied by an introduction, a German translation of the commentary, notes on the translation, and parallels from other commentaries.
$36.00 (USD) $21.60 (USD)

Die äthiopische Anaphora des hl. Epiphanius Bischofs der Insel Cypern

Edited and Translated by Sebastian Euringer
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 463
ISBN: 978-1-60724-916-0
In the present article, Sebastian Euringer publishes the Ethiopic text of an anaphora attributed to Ephphanius, the Bishop of Cyprus, and accompanies the text with a German translation and a textual apparatus including variant readings.
$41.00 (USD) $24.60 (USD)

Die äthiopische Anaphora des hl. Athanasius

Edited and Translated by Sebastian Euringer
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 462
ISBN: 978-1-60724-915-3
In the present article, Sebastian Euringer publishes the Ethiopic text of an anaphora attributed to Athanasius. Euringer also provides a German translation of the text as well as a critical apparatus with variant readings and critical notes.
$43.00 (USD) $25.80 (USD)

Die Anaphora des hl. Jakobus, des Bruders der Herrn

Nach dem Ms. aeth. 74 der Bibliothèque zu Paris
Edited and Translated by Sebastian Euringer
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 441
ISBN: 978-1-60724-778-4
Sebastian Euringer publishes here the Ethiopic text and German translation of an anaphora attributed to James, the brother of Jesus.
$36.00 (USD) $21.60 (USD)