Judaism in Context provides a platform for scholarly research focusing on the relations between Jews, Judaism, and Jewish culture and other peoples, religions, and cultures among whom Jews have lived and flourished, from ancient times through the 21st century. The series includes monographs as well as edited collections.
Series Editorial Board
Rivka Ulmer, Bucknell University (Chair)
Phillip Lieberman, Vanderbilt University
Elisheva Carlebach, Columbia University
Jonathan Jacobs, Bar Ilan University
Naomi Koltun-Fromm, Haverford University
W. David Nelson, Groton School
Lieve Teugels, Protestant Theological University of Amsterdam
The Bulletin for Biblical Research Dissertation Series provides access for completed doctoral dissertations and theses that give evidence of outstanding scholarly achievement ranging across every area of Biblical Studies. Serving as a publication outlet for Institute for Biblical Research members and others who share the spirit and values of the organization, the series continues a legacy begun with the Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement Series, and recognizes the unique and important achievements of this level of scholarship. If you have recently completed such a work or know of someone who has, we invite you to submit it to the editors of the series for consideration for publication.
Editorial Board:
Richard S. Hess, General Editor
Benjamin J. Noonan, Old Testament Editor
Cynthia L. Westfall, New Testaent Editor
Advisory Board:
Leslie C. Allen
Donald A. Carson
Donald A. Hagner
Bruce K. Waltke
Gorgias Islamic Studies spans a wide range of subject areas, seeking to understand Islam as a complete cultural and religious unity. This series draws together political, socio-cultural, textual, and historical approaches from across disciplines. Containing monographs, edited collections of essays, and primary source texts in translation, this series seeks to present a comprehensive, critical, and constructive picture of this centuries- and continent-spanning religion.
The Armenian Church Synaxarion is a collection of saints’ lives according to the day of the year on which each saint is celebrated. Part of the great and varied Armenian liturgical tradition from the turn of the first millennium, the first Armenian Church Synaxarion represented the logical culmination of a long and steady development of what is today called the cult of the saints. This is the first Armenian-English edition, a twelve-volume series—one for each month of the year—and is ideal for personal devotional use or as a valuable resource for anyone interested in saints.
Texts and Studies is a series of monographs devoted to the study of Biblical and Patristic texts. Maintaining the highest scholarly standards, the series includes critical editions, studies of primary sources, and analyses of textual traditions.
Series Editor
H. A. G. Houghton
Editorial Board
Jeff W. Childers
Alba Fedeli
Viktor Golinets
Christina M. Kreinecker
Gregory S. Paulson
Peter J. Williams
This series contains volumes dealing with the study of the Hebrew Bible, ancient Israelite society and related ancient societies, Biblical Hebrew and cognate languages, the reception of biblical texts through the centuries, and the history of the discipline. The series includes monographs, edited collections, and the printed version of the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures.
Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages (PLAL) contains peer-reviewed essays, monographs, and reference works. It focuses on the theory and practice of ancient-language research and lexicography that is informed by modern linguistics.
Series Editorial Board
Lisa Agaiby
Terry Falla
Margherita Farina
Daniel King
Godwin Mushayabasa
Willem van Peursen (series editor)
Rick Taylor
TeCLA (Texts from Christian Late Antiquity) is a series presenting ancient Christian texts both in their original languages and with accompanying contemporary English translations.
This series publishes scholarly research focusing on the societies, material cultures, technologies, religions, and languages that emerged from Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Levant. Gorgias Studies in the Ancient Near East features studies with both humanistic and social scientific approaches.
Series Editorial Board:
Ronald Wallenfels, New York University (Chair)
Paul Collins, Ashmolean Museum
Aidan Dodson, Bristol
Alhena Gadotti, Towson University
Kay Kohlmeyer, HTW Berlin
Adam Miglio, Wheaton
Beate Pongratz-Leisten, ISAW
Gorgias Handbooks provides students and scholars with reference books, textbooks and introductions to different topics or fields of study. In this series, Gorgias welcomes books that are able to communicate information, ideas and concepts effectively and concisely, with useful reference bibliographies for further study.
The Gorgias Classical & Late Antiquity series publishes monographs, edited volumes and translations on the Greco-Roman world and its transition into Late Antiquity, encompassing political and social structures, knowledge and educational ideals, art, architecture and literature. For more information about the series or to submit a proposal, please contact submissions@gorgiaspress.com.
Series Editorial Board
Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis (Chair) Freie Universität Berlin
Ulrike-Rebekka Nieten, Freie Universität Berlin
Adrian Pirtea, University of Vienna
Irene Schneider, University of Göttingen
Manolis Ulbricht, University of Göttingen
Series Advisory Board
Nicola Denzey Lewis, Claremount Graduate University
Stefan Esders, Freie Universität Berlin
Thomas Figueira, Rutgers University
Christian Freigang, Freie Universität Berlin
David Hernandez de la Fuente, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Markham J. Geller, University College London
Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Brown University
AnneMarie Luijendijk, Princeton University
Roberta Mazza, University of Manchester
Arietta Papaconstantinou, University of Reading
Meron-Martin Piotrkowski, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Shabo Talay, Freie Universität Berlin
The Opera Minora series of the century-old Harvard Oriental Series aims at the swift publication of important materials that cannot be included in the mainly text-oriented Harvard Oriental Series. Therefore, Opera Minora include the publication of seminal conferences, archeological reports, important dissertations, currently controversially discussed topics in Indology and South Asian studies, biographies of outstanding scholars, supporting materials such as linguistic or historical atlases or indexes of important works.
The past 9 volumes, not always of 'minor' size, contain examples of most of these topics, for example an archeological report on recent excavations in South Asia and Iran related to the Indus civilization 2600-1900 BCE), a large volume with papers of the 5th Vedic workshop, a language atlas of South Asia with detailed statistical data, two volumes with work in progress on the second oldest Indian text (Paippalāda Atharvaveda), or a discussion of the ever-controversial topic (in India) of "Aryans versus non-Aryans".
The Islamic History & Thought series provides a platform for scholarly research on any geographic area within the expansive Islamic/Muslim world, stretching from the Mediterranean to China, and dated to any period from the eve of Islam until the early modern era. Scholars are invited to submit proposals for original monographs, translations (Arabic, Persian, Syriac, Greek, and Latin) and edited volumes related to these broad areas of research. Submissions are accepted in English, Arabic, German, French, Spanish, and Italian). All accepted submissions will be peer-reviewed by two specialists and the series is overseen by an editorial board made up of leading scholars in the field.
Various books published under this series have been recognised for their important contribution to field of Islamic Studies through journal reviews, academic awards and digital platforms. The first book in the series joined a prestigious list of previous winners of the 26th World Award for the Book of the Year, and two further titles from this series and another title from the Gorgias Islamic Studies series are ranked among the '94 Best Islamic History Books of All Time' by Book Authority.
Series Board
Prof. Dr Peter Adamson Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Prof. Dr Beatrice Gründler Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr Ahmad Khan Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr Isabel Toral-Niehoff (Chair) Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr Jack Tannous Princeton University
Dr Manolis Ulbricht University of Göttingen
Advisory Editorial Board
Prof. Emeritus Dr Binyamin Abrahamov Bar-Ilan University
Prof. Dr Asad Q. Ahmed University of California, Berkeley
Dr Mehmetcan Akpinar University of Tübingen
Prof. Dr Abdulhadi Alajmi University of Kuwait
Prof. Dr Mohammad-Ali Amir-Moezzi École Pratique des Hautes Études
Dr Arezou Azad University of Oxford
Dr Farhad Daftary The Institute of Ismaili Studies
Prof. Dr Godefroid de Callataÿ Université catholique de Louvain
Prof. Dr Wael Hallaq Columbia University
Prof. Dr Konrad Hirschler Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr Maher Jarrar American University of Beirut
Prof. Dr James Howard-Johnston University of Oxford
Dr Harry Munt University of York
Prof. Dr Marcus Milwright University of Victoria
Prof. Dr Gabriel Said Reynolds University of Notre Dame
Prof. Dr Walid A. Saleh University of Toronto
Prof. Dr Jens Scheiner Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Dr Delfina Serrano Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid
Prof. Dr Georges Tamer Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
To submit a book proposal to the series, please contact submissions@gorgiaspress.com
Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies brings to the scholarly world the underrepresented field of Eastern Christianity. This series consists of monographs, edited collections, texts and translations of the documents of Eastern Christianity, as well as studies of topics relevant to the world of historic Orthodoxy and early Christianity.
Mandaean Studies addresses the religion, language, literature, and history of the Mandaean community of the Middle East. This community offers invaluable resources for the study of the region and its other great religious traditions, to which it has been a constant witness since its emergence into history during the early centuries of the Common Era.
The Antioch Bible Series provides both the text of the Syriac Bible (called the “Peshitta”) and an up-to-date English translation. The Syriac is fully vocalized and pointed so that readers at any level will be able to work with it – from beginners who are just starting to learn the language to experienced scholars who want to work with a vocalized text. On each facing page, an English translation has been prepared by a member of an international (and inter-faith) team of scholars, so that both the Syriac and English can be studied together.
Gorgias Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics is designed to advance our understanding of various aspects of early Christianity. The scope of the series is broad, with volumes addressing the historical, cultural, literary, theological and philosophical contexts of the early Church. The series, reflecting the most current scholarship, is essential to advanced students and scholars of early Christianity. Gorgias welcomes proposals from senior scholars as well as younger scholars whose dissertations have made an important contribution to the field of early Christianity.
Series Editorial Board
Dr. Carly Daniel-Hughes (ThD, Harvard University), Concordia University (Chair)
Dr. Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Lauren (PhD, Brown University), Marquette University
Dr. Adam Serfass (PhD, Stanford University), Kenyon College
Prof. Ilaria Ramelli (PhD, State University of Milan), Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Prof. Helen Rhee (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary), Westmont College
Early Christian Writers: A Commentary Series investigates individual books of the Old and New Testament through the eyes of two early Christian writers from the Church – one from the Eastern part of the Church and the other from the West. The series interacts with Greek and Hebrew biblical texts as well as the thought patterns of the highlighted early Christian writers. It includes original translations of the two selected early Christian writers and their direct comments on the biblical book in question. To submit a proposal for the series, contact submissions@gorgiaspress.com.
Series Editorial Board
Octavian Baban (Bucharest State University)
Robert Edwards (Brisbane School of Theology, Australia)
Slavik Litvenenko (Charles University)
Anneli Machin (University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa)
David McKinley (Minister at Central Schwenkfelder Church and Visiting Professor at Reformed Episcopal Seminary, Blue Bell, PA)
David Nyström (Johannelund School of Theology in Uppsala, Sweden)
H.H. Drake Williams III (ETF-Leuven)
Advisory Board
Clayton Jefford (St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in St. Meinrad, Indiana)
Jacobus (Kobus) Kok (ETF-Leuven)
Chris de Wet (University of South Africa in Pretoria, South Africa)
Pro Oriente (Austria), founded in 1964 by the late Cardinal Franz König, focuses on the relationships between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Christian Churches, and helps the various churches of the Syriac tradition to preserve their unique heritage which is of importance for the whole of Christianity.
Persian Martyr Acts in Syriac is a series of Syriac martyrological texts composed from the fourth century into the Islamic period. They describe the martyrdom of a diversity of Christians at the hands of Sasanian kings, bureaucrats, and priests. These documents vary from purely mythological accounts to descriptions of actual events with a clear historical basis, however distorted by the hagiographer’s hand.
Series Editor: Adam H. Becker (New York University)
In this series Gorgias publishes monographs and edited volumes on the history, theology, redaction and literary criticism of the biblical texts. Gorgias particularly welcomes proposals from younger scholars whose dissertations have made an important contribution to the field of Biblical Studies.
Series Editorial Board
Dr. Robert Seesengood, Drew College (Chair)
Dr. Katie Edwards, University of Sheffield
Dr. Laura Copier, Universiteit Utrecht
Dr. Jay Twomey, University of Cincinnati
Dr. James Crossley, St. Mary’s University, London
Dr. Jorunn Økland, University of Oslo
Dr. Rhiannon Graybill, Rhodes College
Regenerating Practices in Archaeology and Heritage is an interdisciplinary series, exploring emerging debates in Archaeology and Heritage studies. Shaping future directions for research through contemporary theory and practice, the volumes in this series are intended to build on and complement each other, developing perspectives and positions taken by other authors in the series, showing connectivity between diverse scales of discourse and between different subfields in Archaeology and Heritage. The series encompasses methodological, scientific and theoretical themes in both edited volumes and monographs and will encompass: collaborative archaeology; museum practice; digital humanities; archaeological fieldwork methodologies; and the intersection between scientific techniques and new understandings of the past.
The Biblical and Apocryphal Christian Arabic Texts (BACA) brings to the scholarly world reliable editions of unpublished texts based on a single manuscript. In particular, the series produces edited volumes on Biblical and Apocryphal literature of the various Christian-Arabic ecclesiastical traditions, preceded by substantial introductory studies covering the socio-historical, theological, literary and linguistic aspects connected to the texts. The primary objective of the series is to present a varied and comprehensive map of texts that represent the rich and vast field of biblical and apocryphal literature in one of the Christian languages, Arabic.
Series Editorial Board
Elie Dannaoui (University of Balamand)
George Kiraz (Beth Mardutho, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Wageeh Mikhail (Center for Middle Eastern Christianity)
Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala (Series Chair; University of Cordoba)
Sabine Schmidtke (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Jack Tannous (Princeton University)
The Modern Muslim World provides a platform for scholarly research on Islamic and Muslim thought and history, emerging from any geographic area within the expansive Muslim world and dated to any period from the beginning of the modern period onwards. Of particular interest to the series are studies that trace the intellectual and historical impact of modern texts and thinkers on the contemporary world. Within this context, submissions are also welcome on Muslim diaspora. Authors are invited to submit proposals for original monographs, translations and edited volumes related to these broad areas of research. For more information about the series or to submit a proposal, please contact submissions@gorgiaspress.com.
Series Editorial Board
Professor Hina Azam (The University of Texas at Austin)
Professor Marcia Hermansen (Chair) (Loyola University Chicago)
Professor Ussaama Makdisi (Rice University)
Professor Martin Nguyen (Fairfield University)
Professor Joas Wagemakers (Utrecht University)
Series Advisory Board
Professor Ebrahim Moosa (University of Notre Dame)
Professor Talal Asad (City University of New York)
Professor Islam Dayeh (Freie Universität Berlin)
Dr Rana Hisham Issa (University of Oslo)
Professor Adam Talib (Durham University)
Professor Marwa Elshakry (Columbia University)
Professor Khaled M. Abou El Fadl (University of California, Los Angeles)
Professor Aslı Niyazioğlu (University of Oxford)
Dr Amira K. Bennison (University of Cambridge)
Professor Armando Salvatore (McGill University)
Professor Tijana Krstic (Central European University)
Professor Adam Sabra (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Perspectives on Philosophy and Religious Thought (formerly Gorgias Studies in Philosophy and Theology) provides a forum for original scholarship on theological and philosophical issues, promoting dialogue between the wide-ranging fields of religious and logical thought. This series includes studies on both the interaction between different theistic or philosophical traditions and their development in historical perspective.
ASLIP was founded in 1986, under the leadership of Harold C. Fleming, to encourage international, interdisciplinary information sharing, discussion, and debate among human geneticists, paleoanthropologists, archaeologists, and historical linguists on questions relating to language origins and ancestral human spoken languages. One objective is to develop a taxonomy of human languages (a linguistic family tree) and reconstructions of major events in the evolution of modern humans. Alongside this, the complex evolution of physical humans—population movements, shared mutations, and archaeological discoveries—may be related to the linguistic family tree. The ultimate goal of ASLIP is to seek the best explanations as they pertain to the emerging synthesis about modern human origins. ASLIP is not committed to any single proposition. The ASLIP book series, Language in Prehistory, is dedicated to the publication of books that further these stated goals.
Gorgias Chronicles of Late Antiquity aims to publish Syriac and Christian Arabic chronicles dating between the 6th and the 14th centuries in their original languages and with facing English translations. The translations will make these unique chronographic sources accessible to as wide an audience as possible, offering the specialist the opportunity to read them in the original languages and to compare them with the translations.
The Sebastianyotho series was launched in 2018 on the occasion of Sebastian P. Brock's 80th birthday to celebrate his prolific contributions to the field of Syriac studies for over half a century. Each volume in the series collects his works on a specific theme and includes new material. Covering a wide range of topics, the series becomes an indispensable encyclopedia on Syriac Christianity. The title of the series is formed from Sebastian, as he is called by his colleagues and students—a testimony to his humility, and the Syriac suffix -yotho creating a plural abstract noun that denotes the idea and quality of Brock and his work.
Munaqashat: Gorgias Studies in the Modern Middle East takes an interdisciplinary approach towards understanding the formation of the Arab world, Turkey, and Iran from the late Ottoman period to the present day. Munaqashat, the Arabic word for "conversations," assesses these social, political, and historical factors, as well as the region's dynamic global interactions, through a critical lens. This series aims to appeal to specialists as well as general audiences seeking to diversify their understanding of the modern Middle East.
Orientalia Judaica Christiana: the Christian Orient and its Jewish Heritage, contains studies addressing the afterlife of the Jewish Second Temple traditions and priestly (non-Talmudic) Jewish traditions in the Christian East.
This series explores societal issues in the history of the Near and Middle East, from antiquity to the medieval period. Volumes will include monographs and collections of peer-reviewed essays on aspects of community, family life, legal traditions, and economic affairs. Gorgias particularly welcomes proposals investigating aspects of daily life and sectors of society less visible than others in the historical record.
Series Editor:
Amir Ashur
This series contains monographs and edited collections relating to the modern dialects of Aramaic, including linguistic studies and grammatical descriptions of the dialects, as well as the literature of the Christian and Jewish communities that speak them.