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Shiʿite Rulers, Sunni Rivals, and Christians in Between

Muslim-Christian Relations in Fāṭimid Palestine and Egypt

A historical study of the Fāṭimid caliphate in Palestine and Egypt during the fourth/tenth and fifth/eleventh centuries.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-4473-6
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Mar 28,2023
Interior Color: Black with Color Inserts
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 197
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4473-6
$95.00 (USD)
Your price: $57.00 (USD)
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The study of sectarianism in Islam and the study of Muslim-Christian relations are both sub-specialities attracting growing numbers of scholars in Islamic studies. Rarely, though, are these two fields put into direct conversation with each other. In this work, Steven Gertz brings the two together to ask how the Sunni-Shi'a divide in Islam impacts Muslim relationships with Christians. Do tensions within Islam do more to help Muslim relationships with Christians, or harm them? Gertz goes about answering this through a historical study of the Fatimid caliphate in Palestine and Egypt during the fourth/tenth and fifth/eleventh centuries. He specifically works to understand how Fatimid religious principles (ascertained through the study of law) and politics (ascertained through the study of history) impacted Christians in light of Fatimid-Abbasid rivalry. In the process of doing so, he makes a valuable contribution to the study of Islamic religious identity formation as it concerns sectarianism within Islam and inter-religious relations with non-Muslims.
"Gertz provides a detailed and original thesis on a question of longstanding importance for scholars working in this field and the notion that the Fatimids’ frequently conflictual relationship with the Abbasid caliphate may have influenced their treatment of local Christian communities warrants close attention."
-- N. Morton, 2023, Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 34:3, 307-309.
"Shiʿite Rulers, Sunni Rivals, and Christians in Between offers a collection of noteworthy commentary on key sources related to the Christians of the Fatimid realms, a worthy subject for a monograph and one on which much work remains to be done."
-- Lev Weitz, 2024, Church History, 157-8. 
The study of sectarianism in Islam and the study of Muslim-Christian relations are both sub-specialities attracting growing numbers of scholars in Islamic studies. Rarely, though, are these two fields put into direct conversation with each other. In this work, Steven Gertz brings the two together to ask how the Sunni-Shi'a divide in Islam impacts Muslim relationships with Christians. Do tensions within Islam do more to help Muslim relationships with Christians, or harm them? Gertz goes about answering this through a historical study of the Fatimid caliphate in Palestine and Egypt during the fourth/tenth and fifth/eleventh centuries. He specifically works to understand how Fatimid religious principles (ascertained through the study of law) and politics (ascertained through the study of history) impacted Christians in light of Fatimid-Abbasid rivalry. In the process of doing so, he makes a valuable contribution to the study of Islamic religious identity formation as it concerns sectarianism within Islam and inter-religious relations with non-Muslims.
"Gertz provides a detailed and original thesis on a question of longstanding importance for scholars working in this field and the notion that the Fatimids’ frequently conflictual relationship with the Abbasid caliphate may have influenced their treatment of local Christian communities warrants close attention."
-- N. Morton, 2023, Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 34:3, 307-309.
"Shiʿite Rulers, Sunni Rivals, and Christians in Between offers a collection of noteworthy commentary on key sources related to the Christians of the Fatimid realms, a worthy subject for a monograph and one on which much work remains to be done."
-- Lev Weitz, 2024, Church History, 157-8. 
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Steven Gertz is a lecturer in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Georgetown University, where he completed his doctorate in 2020. He is also the author of several articles.

Table of Contents (vii)
Foreword and Acknowledgements (ix)
Chapter 1. Introduction (1)
   Fāṭimid Caliphs and their Christian Subjects in Jerusalem (17)
   Sunnism, Shīʿism, and the Pact of ʿUmar in Pre-Fāṭimid Palestine (32)
   Method, Sources, and Purpose (44)
Chapter 2. Sectarianism and Dhimmīs in the Nahj al-Balāgha (49)
   Sectarianism in the Nahj (55)
   Dhimmīs and Unbelievers in the Nahj (60)
Chapter 3. Sectarianism and Dhimmīs in the Daʿāʾim al-Islām (71)
   Sectarianism in the Daʿāʾim (75)
   Dhimmīs in the Daʿāʾim (80)
   Sunnīs, Imāmīs, and Ismāʿīlīs on Dhimmīs: A Comparative Reflection (85)
   Conclusion (89)
Chapter 4. Governing the Dhimmīs in Palestine and Egypt: Fāṭimid Perspectives (93)
   The Amān of al-Muʿizz (95)
   Al-ʿAzīz bi-llāh (r. 365–386 / 975–996) (97)
   Al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh (r. 386–411 / 996–1021) (102)
   Al-Ẓāhir li-iʿzāz Dīn Allāh (r. 411–427 / 1021–1036) (106)
   Al-Mustanṣir bi-llāh (r. 427–487 / 1036–1094) (110)
   Conclusion (114)
Chapter 5. Governing the Dhimmīs in Palestine and Egypt: Melkite Perspectives (119)
   Al-ʿAzīz bi-llāh (r. 365–386 / 975–996) (120)
   Al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh (r. 386–411 / 996–1021) (126)
   Al-Ẓāhir li-iʿzāz Dīn Allāh (r. 411–427 / 1021–1036) (131)
   Sinai Manuscript Arabic 692 (137)
   Conclusion (144)
Chapter 6. Conclusion (147)
   Revisiting Sectarianism and Religious Identity (153)
Bibliography (159)
   Primary Sources (159)
   Secondary Sources (161)
Index (171)
   Index of Personal Names (171)
   Index of Places (174)
   Subject Index (176)
   Sūrat Index (184)

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