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Singer of the Word of God

Ephrem the Syrian and his Significance in Late Antiquity

As the first volume of the Sebastianyotho series, this book collects Sebastian P. Brock’s articles related to Ephrem the Syrian.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-3922-0
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jul 9,2020
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 7 x 10
Page Count: 388
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-3922-0
$179.00 (USD)
Your price: $107.40 (USD)
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As the first volume of the Sebastianyotho series, this book collects Sebastian P. Brock’s articles related to Ephrem the Syrian. Many of the articles have been updated and some are published in English for the first time alongside a number of previously published works. The articles cover a wide array of topics, including a biographical overview of the saint, an exposition of St. Ephrem’s importance for Christianity today and his relevance as a theologian, an analysis of some of his works, and a bibliographic guide to editions of these works.


"For all those interested in Ephrem’s poetry, the present volume provides a few wonderful introductory essays as well as a number of fine examples of more specialized scholarship. To those whose hunger will still not be satisfied, the sixty-page concluding chapter of the volume (no. 24: “A Brief Guide to the Main Editions and Translations of the Works of St. Ephrem”) will show the way to basically anything that has been published under Ephrem’s name in any language in the course of the last two or three hundred years. For all of us, this will remain an indispensable resource for many years to come."
- Lucas Van Rompay, RBL 08/2021

"This volume is a worthy tribute to both its ancient subject and the modern scholar it honors. Not only does it show how much we have learned from Sebastian Brock about this singular figure and his remarkable legacy, just as importantly, it shows Sebastian Brock teaching us still. Every essay raises issues and questions that call for attention. There is work to be done, and these studies provide tools for the task. We can be grateful to Gorgias Press, even as we turn to the challenges this great teacher sets forth. And we can look forward to more as the series continues!
- Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Church History Journal 12/2021

As the first volume of the Sebastianyotho series, this book collects Sebastian P. Brock’s articles related to Ephrem the Syrian. Many of the articles have been updated and some are published in English for the first time alongside a number of previously published works. The articles cover a wide array of topics, including a biographical overview of the saint, an exposition of St. Ephrem’s importance for Christianity today and his relevance as a theologian, an analysis of some of his works, and a bibliographic guide to editions of these works.


"For all those interested in Ephrem’s poetry, the present volume provides a few wonderful introductory essays as well as a number of fine examples of more specialized scholarship. To those whose hunger will still not be satisfied, the sixty-page concluding chapter of the volume (no. 24: “A Brief Guide to the Main Editions and Translations of the Works of St. Ephrem”) will show the way to basically anything that has been published under Ephrem’s name in any language in the course of the last two or three hundred years. For all of us, this will remain an indispensable resource for many years to come."
- Lucas Van Rompay, RBL 08/2021

"This volume is a worthy tribute to both its ancient subject and the modern scholar it honors. Not only does it show how much we have learned from Sebastian Brock about this singular figure and his remarkable legacy, just as importantly, it shows Sebastian Brock teaching us still. Every essay raises issues and questions that call for attention. There is work to be done, and these studies provide tools for the task. We can be grateful to Gorgias Press, even as we turn to the challenges this great teacher sets forth. And we can look forward to more as the series continues!
- Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Church History Journal 12/2021
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Emeritus Reader in Syriac Studies, Oxford University, and Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford. Author of a number of contributions in the area of Syriac studies (including several books published by Gorgias Press).

Table of Contents (v)
Series Foreword (vii) 
Author’s Foreword (ix)
1  Some reflections on the wider significance of St Ephrem and the Syriac tradition (1)
2  St Ephrem and his importance for today (11)
3  The many faces of St Ephrem (19)
4  In search of St Ephrem (25)
5  The changing faces of St Ephrem as read in the West (39)
6  The Armenian Life of St Ephrem and its Syriac source (53)


7  St Ephrem, singer of the word of God (67)
8  The poet as theologian (81)
9  Theology through poetry: the example of St Ephrem (91)
10  St Ephrem and his ‘sea of symbols’ (103)
11  St Ephrem the Syrian on reading Scripture (117)
12  The use of the New Testament in the writings of Mor Ephrem (129)
13  St Ephrem on women in the Old Testament (141)
14  The guidance of St Ephrem: a vision to live by (151)


15  Ephrem’s Letter to Publius (163)
16  The poetic artistry of St Ephrem: an analysis of H. Azym. III. (203)
17  St Ephrem on Christ as Light in Mary and in the Jordan (H. de Ecclesia 36) (209)
18  A Hymn of St Ephrem on the Eucharist (217)
19  Ephrem’s verse homily on Jonah and the repentance of Nineveh (225)
20  ‘Blessed is that old age which has grown old with good deeds’: A neglected poem attributed to St Ephrem (241)


21  The transmission of Ephrem’s madrashe in the Syriac liturgical tradition (255)
22  St Ephrem in the eyes of the later Syriac liturgical tradition (271)
23  Greek words in Ephrem and Narsai: a comparative sampling (289)
24 A brief guide to the main editions and translations of the works of St Ephrem (301)

Index (363)

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