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Spirituality in the Syriac Tradition

In the present volume, Sebastian Brock provides an introduction and overview of the unique themes and features of spirituality in the Syriac tradition and includes excerpts from various texts throughout the Syriac tradition that exhibit these features.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61143-558-0
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Series: Moran Etho
Publication Date: Aug 16,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 166
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-61143-558-0
Your price: $97.20
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The political and linguistic distance of the Syriac tradition from the Greek and Latin traditions allowed the development of unique views and practices of spirituality in Syriac speaking Christianity. In the present volume, Sebastian Brock provides an overview of the distinct features of spirituality in the Syriac tradition evident in Syriac literature. Brock begins with general discussions of Syriac spirituality, including major themes, and then provides a series of excerpts from the Syriac tradition that exhibit the Syriac view of spirituality. The excerpts range from early writings, such as the Odes of Solomon, Aphrahat, and Ephrem to later writers like Isaac of Niniveh and Gregory Bar Hebraeus.

The political and linguistic distance of the Syriac tradition from the Greek and Latin traditions allowed the development of unique views and practices of spirituality in Syriac speaking Christianity. In the present volume, Sebastian Brock provides an overview of the distinct features of spirituality in the Syriac tradition evident in Syriac literature. Brock begins with general discussions of Syriac spirituality, including major themes, and then provides a series of excerpts from the Syriac tradition that exhibit the Syriac view of spirituality. The excerpts range from early writings, such as the Odes of Solomon, Aphrahat, and Ephrem to later writers like Isaac of Niniveh and Gregory Bar Hebraeus.

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Emeritus Reader in Syriac Studies, Oxford University, and Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford. Author of a number of contributions in the area of Syriac studies (including several books published by Gorgias Press).

  • Table of Contents (page 6)
  • Foreword (page 9)
  • Chapter 1: The Importance and Influence of Syriac Spirituality (page 11)
  • Chapter 2: A Bird's Eye View of the History of Syriac Spirituality (page 14)
  • Chapter 3: The Main Writers and Their Works (page 26)
  • Chapter 4: The Early Period: Some Prominent Themes (page 46)
  • Chapter 5: The Proto - Monastic Tradition (page 59)
  • Chapter 6: The Christian Life: Baptism* and Eucharist (page 70)
  • Chapter 7: Some Prominent Themes (page 94)
  • Chapter 8: For Further Reading (page 109)
  • Chapter 9: A Selection of Further Texts (page 114)
  • Publications of the Seeri (page 164)
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