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Syriac Studies Library

The Syriac Studies Library brings back to active circulation major reference works in the field of Syriac studies, including dictionaries, grammars, text editions, manuscript catalogues, and monographs. The books were reproduced from originals at The Catholic University of America, one of the largest collections of Eastern Christianity in North America. The project is a collaboration between CUA, Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute, and Brigham Young University.

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History of the Za'faraan Monastery

Histoire du Couvent de S. Hanania appelé Deir uz-Zapharan
ISBN: 978-1-61719-758-1
Syrian Orthodox Patriarch and scholar Ignatius Aphram Barsoum (1887-1957) offers, in Arabic, a full history of the famous Saffron Monastery outside Mardin, where he was a monk.

The Book of Signs and the Key to Treasures

La clef des trésors ou recueil d'énigmes religieuses et morales
ISBN: 978-1-61719-757-4
This book is a collection of riddles in Arabic divided into two main sections, one part on spiritual themes, the other on morals. The book was intended to develop the mind and character of young people.

De la vie religieuse chez les Chaldéens

Suivie de l'histoire du couvent catholique de Rhaban-Ormuzd et des persécutions qu'il a essuyées de la part des hérétiques et des musulmans
ISBN: 978-1-61719-521-1
In this volume, Boré (1809-1878), who traveled in the Middle East, offers a study of religious life among the Chaldeans, with much attention given to religious communities and monasticism, especially the Rabban Hormizd Monastery.

Opuscules Maronites

Edited and Translated by François Nau
ISBN: 978-1-61719-397-2
Nau here publishes a collection of Maronite works: three works of John Maron (with French translation), then part of a Maronite Chronicle, some controversial texts, the History of Daniel of Mardin, and, finally, a work touching on 5th cent. Beirut.

The Book of the Himyarites

Fragments of a Hitherto Unknown Syriac Work
Edited and Translated by Axel Moberg
ISBN: 978-1-60724-814-9
The Book of the Himyarites, given in Syriac and English translation, deals with the growth of Christianity in Arabia. The introduction provides details about the historical value of the work and its relationship to other related sources.

The Monks of Kûblâi Khân Emperor of China

Or the History of the Life and Travels of Rabban Ṣâwmâ and Mâr Yahbhallâhâ III
Translation and Introduction by E.A. Wallis Budge
ISBN: 978-1-61719-508-2
This volume contains the English translation of the histories of Rabban Sawma and Mar Yahbalaha III (ca. 1230-1300) and their travels from China across Persia into Iraq. The translator also offers over 100 pages of prefatory material.

The Life of Rabban Hormizd

and the foundation of his Monastery at Al-Kosh
By Wahle Sergius; Edited with an Introduction by E.A. Wallis Budge
ISBN: 978-1-61143-582-5
E. A. Wallis Budge presents here the Syriac text of a metrical, acrostic work that covers the life of Rabban Hormizd and the foundation of the monastery named after him important within the Assyrian Church of the East tradition.

Testi orientali inediti sopra i Sette Dormienti di Efeso

Edited and Translated by Ignazio Guidi
ISBN: 978-1-61719-764-2
The present work contains a number of previously unedited eastern Christian texts (Coptic, Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic, and Armenian) related to the well-known legend of the Seven Sleepers, edited and translated by the eminent Italian scholar Ignazio Guidi.

Joannis Episcopi Ephesi Syri Monophysitae Commentarii de Beatis Orientalibus et Historiae Ecclesiast

John of Ephesus: Lives of Eastern Saints and Fragments of the Ecclesiastical History
Translated and Annotated by W.J. Van Douwen & J.P.N. Land
ISBN: 978-1-61719-257-9
The present volume contains an annotated Latin translation of the collection of saints’ lives and fragments of the Ecclesiastical History of John of Ephesus, prefaced by a lengthly list of emendations to the Syriac text.

La Chronographie d'Élie bar-Šinaya, métropolitain de Nisibe

Traduite pour la première fois d'après le manuscrit Add. 7197 du Musée Britannique
Translated and Annotated by L.-J. Delaporte
ISBN: 978-1-61719-256-2
This volume contains an annotated French translation of the Chronography of East Syriac author Eliya (or Elias) of Nisibis, also known as Eliya bar Shinaya, (975–1046).


Abdisho‘ bar Brikha’s Paradise of Eden
Edited with an Introduction by Gabriel Cardahi
ISBN: 978-1-61719-253-1
This volume presents the (fully vocalized) Syriac text of ‘Abdisho‘ bar Brikha’s (d. 1318) Paradise of Eden, with every page abundantly annotated. Theodore Nöldeke’s review of the book is also included.

Synodus Sciarfensis Syrorum

The Synod of Sharfeh, 1888
ISBN: 978-1-61719-252-4
This large volume contains the decisions of the Synod of Sharfeh (Charfet) held in 1888 and touches on almost every aspect of how the Syriac Catholic community is to function.

Sancti Patris Nostri Clementis Romani Epistolae Binae de Virginitate

The Epistles of Clement on Virginity: Syriac with Latin Translation
Edited and Translated by Joannes Theodore Beelen
ISBN: 978-1-61719-249-4
This volume is a complete presentation and study of the two letters “On Virginity” ascribed to Clement of Rome, only fragmentarily extant in Greek, but surviving complete in Syriac.

Des Metropolitan Elias von Nisibis Buch vom Beweis der Wahrheit des Glaubens

Translated and Annotated by L. Horst
ISBN: 978-1-61719-246-3
This work presents in German translation Eliya (or Elias) of Nisibis’ Book of the Proof of the Correct Faith, a polemical work with chapters against Muslims, Jews, Melkites, and Syrian Orthodox Christians.

The Tradition of the Syriac Church of Antioch concerning the Primacy and the Prerogatives of St. Pet

By Cyril Behnam Benni; Translated and Annotated by Joseph Gagliardi
ISBN: 978-1-61719-242-5
This volume includes both the Syriac and English of a unique work in which Cyril Behnam Benni, Archbishop of Nineveh, presents testimonies of Syriac texts on the subjects of St. Peter, the Roman Church, and the Roman Pontiffs.

Versio Syriaca Antiquissima, pars prima

Select Orations of Gregory Nazianzen in Syriac
Edited with an Introduction by P.J. Bollig
ISBN: 978-1-61719-240-1
This volume contains Syriac texts of the old Syriac translation of Gregory Nazianzen’s orations edited from a Vatican manuscript. The Syriac selections in this volume total 131 parts from Gregory’s works and cover a wide variety subjects.

Evangelii Concordantis Expositio

By Ephraem Syrus; Translated by Johannes Bapista Aucher; Edited with an Introduction by Georg Mösinger
ISBN: 978-1-61143-374-6
This is a commentary of the fourth century Syriac saint Tatian’s work Diatessaron.

Die Chronik von Arbela

Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des ältesten Christentums im Orient
Translated and Annotated by Eduard Sachau
ISBN: 978-1-61719-496-2
Sachau here gives an annotated German translation, with lengthy introduction, of the controversial Chronicle of Arbela, which gives sketches of 20 early bishops (104-511) of the city, including mention of martyrdoms under the Persians.

Ausgewählte nestorianische Kirchenlieder über das Martyrium des heil. Georg von Giwargis Warda

Edited and Translated by Isak Folkmann
ISBN: 978-1-61719-258-6
This volume, Folkmann’s doctoral dissertation, presents a critical edition of seven poems by Gewargis Warda (13th cent.) with critical notes and a German translation of two of the poems.

Die Canones Jacob's von Edessa

Übersetzt und erläutert
Translated and Annotated by C. Kayser
ISBN: 978-1-61719-247-0
Kayser here offers the Syriac text and German translation of a set of answers given by the famous Jacob of Edessa to questions by the priest Addai.

The Book of Protection, being a Collection of Charms

Now edited for the first time from Syriac mss. with translation, introduction, and notes
Edited and Translated by Hermann Gollancz
ISBN: 978-1-61719-236-4
This volume is an edition, with annotated English translation, of three charm manuscripts from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with charms for a great number of situations.

Ebed-Iesu Sobensis Carmina Selecta ex libro Paradisus Eden

Selections from ’Abdisho‘ bar Brikha’s Paradise of Eden
Edited and Translated by H. Gismondi
ISBN: 978-1-61719-234-0
In this work, Jesuit scholar Henricus Gismondi presents ten poems from the collection of theological poetry known as the Paradise of Eden by Abdisho bar Brikha, otherwise known as Ebedjesus, (d. 1318) in Syriac and Latin.

Early Christian Mystics

Woodbrooke Studies 7
Edited and Translated by Alphonse Mingana
ISBN: 978-1-61719-196-1
This volume contains the Syriac texts and annotated English translations of mystical treatises from five authors of the Church of the East belonging to the 7th and 8th centuries.

Mastery in Inflecting the Language of the Syrians

ISBN: 978-1-61719-164-0
Maronite bishop Yusuf Daryan’s (d. 1920) detailed and lengthy work covers Syriac orthography and morphology, discussed with numerous vocalized examples, which are also generally translated into Arabic.

Lettres de Josué, fils de David, surnommé Bar-Kilo, de Sévère Jacques de Bartelli, surnommé Bar-Chac

Edited with an Introduction by Isaac Armalet
ISBN: 978-1-61719-161-9
This volume contains epistolary selections, in vocalized Serto script, of Joshua bar David (also known as bar Kilo), three questions from Jacob bar Shakko’s Dialogue, and letters from David de Beth Rabban.