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Texts and Studies (First Series)

Texts and Studies is a series of monographs devoted to the study of Biblical and Patristic texts. Maintaining the highest scholarly standards, the series includes critical editions, studies of primary sources, and analyses of textual traditions.

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Picture of Saint Ephraim's Quotations From The Gospel

Saint Ephraim's Quotations From The Gospel

Series: Texts and Studies (First Series) Vol. 7, No. 2
ISBN: 1-59333-320-X
This book attempts to determine the Gospel text used by Ephraim, and the bearing his quotations have upon the date of the Peshitta. Ephraim is one of the figures from the Syriac-speaking Church whose name is well known in both East and West. His surviving works are by themselves as voluminous as all other remains of Syriac literature earlier than 400 AD. Ephraim’s death in roughly 373 AD means that his Gospel text predates the 5th century and attests a text older than many of the extant manuscripts.
$111.00 (USD) $66.60 (USD)
Picture of The Fragments of Heracleon

The Fragments of Heracleon

ISBN: 1-59333-279-3
Only fragments survive of the writings of the Valentinian Gnostic teacher Heracleon (fl. 145-180 AD). The remnants can be found primarily in quotations in Origen's commentary on the Gospel of John. This study gives an edition of the surviving texts with extensive notes, biblical references, and indices. This volume is indispensable for the study of second century Gnosticism.
$115.00 (USD) $69.00 (USD)
Picture of The Apology of Aristides on behalf of the Christians

The Apology of Aristides on behalf of the Christians

ISBN: 1-59333-278-5
The Apology of Aristides is the earliest Christian apologia to have survived in its entirety. It was written as a defense of the new Christian way of life against its many rivals and opponents, and details some of its leading ethical precepts. Long thought to have been lost, this early second-century work was rediscovered in a Syriac translation in a seventh-century manuscript preserved in the monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai. This volume contains not only the standard edition of the Syriac text with critical notes, but also the first English translation and a study of surviving fragments in Greek, which were subsequently identified in the 'Life of Barlaam and Josaphat' (an early Christian reworking of the life of Buddha).
$124.00 (USD) $74.40 (USD)
Picture of The Passion of S. Perpetua

The Passion of S. Perpetua

ISBN: 1-59333-277-7
The story of the two women martyrs S. Perpetua and her slave S. Felicitas (d. 203 CE) have captivated generations of Christians. In this book, the late Cambridge scholar J. A. Robinson provides a study of the Greek and Latin texts of the Passio based on newly discovered manuscripts, as well as the original Latin text of the Scillitan Martyrs, another text of late 2nd century North African martyrdom.
$120.00 (USD) $72.00 (USD)
Picture of The Lord's Prayer in the Early Church

The Lord's Prayer in the Early Church

ISBN: 1-59333-275-0
The late Cambridge scholar F. H. Chase gives an insightful study on the Lord's prayer in the early Christian Church. The study first discusses the early Church and the Synagogue, then goes through an analytical study of every phrase of the prayer.
$132.00 (USD) $79.20 (USD)