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Texts from Christian Late Antiquity

TeCLA (Texts from Christian Late Antiquity) is a series presenting ancient Christian texts both in their original languages and with accompanying contemporary English translations.

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Jacob of Sarug's Homily on the Creation of Adam and the Resurrection of the Dead

Translation and Introduction by Edward G Mathews Jr
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0264-4
Mêmrâ 72 is a meditation on the fall of Adam and its consequences, subjecting all creation to corruption. God’s mercy, however, will restore everything to a spiritual, incorruptible state that will exist eternally in the unending light of Christ.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on the Partaking of the Holy Mysteries

Translation and Introduction by Amir Harrak
ISBN: 978-1-60724-086-0
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on Partaking in the Holy Mysteries is one of Jacob’s memre on the sacraments. In this homily, Jacob is shocked that some of his congregants are leaving the service early, before the eucharist has been celebrated. He emphasizes the importance of the liturgical celebrations for a Christian life in a message still applicable today. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.

John the Solitary on the Soul

Translation and Introduction by Mary T. Hansbury
ISBN: 978-1-60724-044-0
In this treatise, John the Solitary (ca. 390) enters into a dialogue with two disciples who have come past the beginning stage of the spiritual life and have brought him their struggle against the passions in the life of the inner person (barnâšâ gawwâyâ). John’s description of the life of the soul is outlined here in a framework of the stages of the spiritual life. Included is his analysis of the passions, showing very little if any Evagrian influence. The Dialogue on the Soul is a difficult text. It is hoped that this Syriac-English presentation will enable others to take the discussion forward. John’s genial thought merits this.

The Martyrdom of St Phokas of Sinope

The Syriac Version
Introduction, translation and edition by Sebastian P. Brock
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0189-0
The fame of the martyr St. Phokas, first bishop of Sinope (on the Black Sea) and patron of seafarers, had spread to many parts of the Christian world by the fifth and sixth centuries. Although the Acts of his martyrdom under Trajan were composed in Greek, the earliest witness to them is the Syriac translation which is edited and translated here from two early manuscripts.

Ephrem the Syrian's Hymns on the Unleavened Bread

Translation and Introduction by J. Edward Walters
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0159-3
In this set of homilies Ephrem (306-373) invites the reader into a world of symbolic interpretation filled with imagination brimming beneath the surface of word-plays, alliteration, and typological comparisons. These hymns thrust the reader into the middle of a context in which Christians and Jews maintain competing practices of a Passover service to the extent that Ephrem feels the need to distinguish between the symbol and the reality. These homilies are presented in their Syriac original alongside an annotated English translation.

The Syriac Book of Steps 2

Syriac Text and English Translation
Translation and Introduction by Robert A. Kitchen & Martien F. G. Parmentier
ISBN: 978-1-59333-980-7
The Syriac Book of Steps collects 30 memre by an anonymous late 4th century author in Persia. It describes the struggle of an actual Christian community, not an idealized one, to live a life in the pursuit of perfection in the midst of a hostile culture. The author details the aspirations and standards of the two ranks of Christians prior to the advent of monasticism: the Upright—married people who work and perform acts of charity—and the Perfect who are celibate, do not work, but live a life of prayer, wandering through the region teaching and mediating conflicts.

Mary and Joseph, and Other Dialogue Poems on Mary

ISBN: 978-1-59333-839-8
What was Joseph’s reaction when he arrived home to find Mary pregnant? How did Mary manage to persuade him that her child was none other than the Son of God? The Syriac literary tradition had a unique way of answering these sorts of questions raised by the Bible. Dialogue poems (sughyotho) offer lively, thought-provoking, and often delightful re-imaginings of Biblical events. They expand the Biblical stories, giving the familiar characters more dialogue and describing their inner thoughts. The collection provides five dialogue poems featuring Mary, in Syriac original with facing English translation.

The Correspondence of Severus and Sergius

Translation and Introduction by Iain Torrance
ISBN: 978-1-59333-971-5
Severus of Antioch was the Patriarch of Antioch and a moderate Miaphysite. Sergius the Grammarian is a lesser-known figure, but the content of his letters demonstrates that he was a more extreme Miaphysite. The early 6th century correspondence between the two consists of a set of three letters apiece and an apology by Sergius. Made available in Syriac along with Torrance’s translation, these letters are an important part of the working out of concerns associated with the Council of Chalecedon.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Zacchaeus the Tax Collector

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translated by Dana Miller; Edited with Notes and Introduction by Mary T. Hansbury
ISBN: 978-1-61719-660-7
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on Zacchaeus the tax-collector makes the point that Christ’s path goes by those most in need of repentance. Zacchaeus recognizes his shortcomings and is healed by Christ, who then makes Zacchaeus a mirror or sign for all humanity to see. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homilies on Elisha

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Stephen A. Kaufman
ISBN: 978-1-60724-302-1
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homilies on the prophet Elisha deals with some of the more difficult stories in the Old Testament, how to understand the story of the bears who ravage the children who made fun of the prophet and why the sacrifice by the King of Moab of his son to his pagan god was seemingly successful. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.

The History of the Great Deeds of Bishop Paul of Qentos and Priest John of Edessa

ISBN: 978-1-60724-670-1
Desiring to lead an ascetic life during the 5th century, Paul abandons his bishopric in Italy and travels to Edessa. John realizes that Paul is a wonderworker, and so begs to accompany him on his travels. The two leave Edessa to visit the monks on Sinai, but instead of reaching their destination they are abducted and taken to Yemen by tree-worshipping Arabs. After a battle with a tree-god, they succeed in converting the Arabs to Christianity. During the journey home, they encounter a wandering band of monks among whom is a woman disguised as a man.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homilies on the Nativity

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Thomas Kollamparampil
ISBN: 978-1-60724-139-3
This volume collects Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) sermons on the nativity. Always one of the highlights of the liturgical year, Jacob welcomes the Christmas season with gorgeous poetry that touches on all parts of God’s plan and the miracle of his Son being born among us. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on the Ascension of Our Lord

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Thomas Kollamparampil
ISBN: 978-1-60724-141-6
In Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on the Ascension of our Lord, Jacob brings his understanding of the saving action of Christ to fullest poetic expression. Jacob describes how the whole of creation, starting from the beginning of history, is redeemed by Christ’s action as he reclaims his rightful place in the heavens. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.
Picture of Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Jephthah’s Daughter

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Jephthah’s Daughter

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Susan Ashbrook Harvey & Ophir Münz-Manor
ISBN: 978-1-60724-071-6
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on Jephthah’s daughter invisages this single, virginal female as a prefiguration of Christ. Jacob also discusses the history of blood sacrifice and on the qualities that render Jephthah’s action priestly. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on the Holy Sunday of the Pentecost

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Thomas Kollamparampil
ISBN: 978-1-59333-937-1
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on Pentecost draws a comparison between the Upper Room where the disciples receive the Holy Spirt and the Tower of Babel. The division of the tongues at Babel was a sign that the Good News would be spoken in all tongues. The One who divided the tongues at Babel gave the tongues of fire as well. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.

The Syriac Book of Steps 1

Syriac Text and English Translation
Translation and Introduction by Robert A. Kitchen & Martien F. G. Parmentier
ISBN: 978-1-59333-978-4
The Syriac Book of Steps collects 30 memre by an anonymous late 4th century author in Persia. It describes the struggle of an actual Christian community, not an idealized one, to live a life in the pursuit of perfection in the midst of a hostile culture. The author details the aspirations and standards of the two ranks of Christians prior to the advent of monasticism: the Upright—married people who work and perform acts of charity—and the Perfect who are celibate, do not work, but live a life of prayer, wandering through the region teaching and mediating conflicts.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homilies on the Six Days of Creation (The First Day)

The First Day
Edited and Translated by Edward G Mathews Jr
ISBN: 978-1-60724-323-6
Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily constitutes the first example of a Hexameron, or Commentary on the Six Days of Creation, in Syriac literature. This edition presents Jacob’s comments on the first day, Gen. 1:1-5. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Simon Peter, when our Lord said ‘Get behind me, Satan’

Translation and Introduction by Adam Carter McCollum
ISBN: 978-1-60724-214-7
Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on Simon Peter, when our Lord said, “Get behind me Satan!” (Matt 16:23) touches the themes of Jesus’ divinity and death, warfare with Satan, the harrowing of hell, and his relationship with Peter. Peter’s rebuke of Jesus’ willingness to die gives Jesus (through Jacob) the occasion to explain what his death will accomplish. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on the Tower of Babel

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Aaron Michael Butts
ISBN: 978-1-60724-000-6
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on the Tower of Babel develops an extended word-play between “morduto” ‘rebellion’ and “marduto” ‘discipline.’ As is characteristic of Jacob, the characters, their personalities, and their motivations are developed far more than they are in the biblical narrative. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on the Veil on Moses’ Face

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Sebastian P. Brock
ISBN: 978-1-59333-644-8
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on the Veil of Moses asks what the veil means. Jacob finds the hermeneutical key in Paul’s exegesis of Gen. 2:24 – that the man and the woman becoming one symbolizes Christ and the Church. The bride must wear a veil until such time as her bridegroom comes to remove it at their marriage ceremony. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.
Picture of John of Tella’s Profession of Faith

John of Tella’s Profession of Faith

The Legacy of a Sixth-Century Syrian Orthodox Bishop
Translation and Introduction by Volker Menze & Kutlu Akalın
ISBN: 978-1-59333-843-5
John became bishop of Tella in 519, but left for exile only two years later when Justin I enforced the Council of Chalcedon which Syrian Orthodox Christians refused to accept. John became one of Justinian’s most dangerous ecclesiastical opponents by ordaining thousands of deacons and priests who formed the first generation of the Syrian Orthodox hierarchy. In the present text John lays out his faith in a way which gives an inside view of how a non-Chalcedonian bishop of the sixth century located himself and his co-religionists within the Christian tradition and how he understood the foundation of the Church.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homilies on Elijah

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Stephen A. Kaufman
ISBN: 978-1-59333-942-5
This volume collects all of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) extant homilies on the prophet Elijah. In these homilies Jacob shows a remarkable sensivity to the human motivations of the biblical characters which was quite rare in ancient biblical exegesis. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on the Presentation of our Lord

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Thomas Kollamparampil
ISBN: 978-1-59333-936-4
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple develops the character of Simeon. The author himself asks Simeon how we should understand his supplication. Simeon explains his wonder at Jesus offering the turtle doves, creatures which Jesus himself fashioned with the Father, presaging Jesus’ self-offering. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.
Picture of Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Palm Sunday

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Palm Sunday

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Thomas Kollamparampil
ISBN: 978-1-59333-737-7
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily for Palm Sunday discusses Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The homily admonishes the hearers to perceive the benevolence of the divine self-abasement and recognize the Mighty One on the humble streets of Jerusalem. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.
Picture of Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Epiphany

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Epiphany

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Translation and Introduction by Thomas Kollamparampil
ISBN: 978-1-59333-736-0
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on Epiphany discusses John the Baptist's role in washing the church, the bride of Christ, preparing and sanctifying her for the Bridegroom. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.