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The Book of Protection, being a Collection of Charms

Now edited for the first time from Syriac mss. with translation, introduction, and notes

Edited and Translated by Hermann Gollancz
This volume is an edition, with annotated English translation, of three charm manuscripts from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with charms for a great number of situations.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-236-4
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Mar 27,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 225
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-61719-236-4
$174.00 (USD)
Your price: $104.40 (USD)
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This volume is an edition, with annotated English translation, of three charm manuscripts from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The author, British rabbi and scholar Hermann Gollancz, discusses several matters of interpretation, together with connections to other similar literature, in the introduction, and 27 illustrations from the manuscripts are also included. The texts include charms for a great number of situations, including headache, protection from guns, chattering teeth, wolves and scorpions, for milk not to spoil, nosebleeds, and for boys not to cry. This collection presents a unique offering of prayers and charms which will be of interest to students and scholars of religion, anthropology, history, and, especially for its vocabulary, Syriac.

This volume is an edition, with annotated English translation, of three charm manuscripts from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The author, British rabbi and scholar Hermann Gollancz, discusses several matters of interpretation, together with connections to other similar literature, in the introduction, and 27 illustrations from the manuscripts are also included. The texts include charms for a great number of situations, including headache, protection from guns, chattering teeth, wolves and scorpions, for milk not to spoil, nosebleeds, and for boys not to cry. This collection presents a unique offering of prayers and charms which will be of interest to students and scholars of religion, anthropology, history, and, especially for its vocabulary, Syriac.

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  • CONTENTS (page 7)
  • INTRODUCTION (page 10)
  • TRANSLATION. CODEX A (page 26)
  • CODEX B (page 62)
  • CODEX C (page 77)
  • APPENDIX (page 100)
  • CONTENTS (page 225)
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