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The Harp is the scholarly journal of Syriac, Oriental, and Ecumenical studies published by the St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute (SEERI) in Kottayam, India.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61143-649-5
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Series: The Harp15
Publication Date: May 28,2011
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 328
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-61143-649-5
$164.00 (USD)
Your price: $98.40 (USD)
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The Harp is the scholarly journal of Syriac, Oriental, and Ecumenical studies published by the St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute (SEERI) in Kottayam, India. The Harp publishes articles and book reviews from scholars of Eastern Christianity from around the world. The present volume is a Festschrift for Mar Aprem and contains: “The Veneration of the Apostle Thomas in the Church Province of Persis” by J. Tubach, “The Three Crucial Terms in Syriac Theology: Kyana, Qnoma, and Parsopa” by G. Chediath, “Some Comparative Reflections on the Chaldean and Old Constantinopolitan Orders of Vespers” by G. Woolfenden, “The Descent of Mary and the Syriac Commentary on the Diatessaron” by C. Lange, “Moshe bar Kepha and the Christian Communities” by A. M. Saadi, “Bishops of the Church of the East, 1861-1918” by J. F. Coakley, “Christ as Gardener in the Syriac Tradition” by J. Thekeparampil, “Syriac Dialogue-An Example from the Past” by S. P. Brock, and other articles and book reviews dealing with various issues of Syriac and Eastern Christianity.

The Harp is the scholarly journal of Syriac, Oriental, and Ecumenical studies published by the St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute (SEERI) in Kottayam, India. The Harp publishes articles and book reviews from scholars of Eastern Christianity from around the world. The present volume is a Festschrift for Mar Aprem and contains: “The Veneration of the Apostle Thomas in the Church Province of Persis” by J. Tubach, “The Three Crucial Terms in Syriac Theology: Kyana, Qnoma, and Parsopa” by G. Chediath, “Some Comparative Reflections on the Chaldean and Old Constantinopolitan Orders of Vespers” by G. Woolfenden, “The Descent of Mary and the Syriac Commentary on the Diatessaron” by C. Lange, “Moshe bar Kepha and the Christian Communities” by A. M. Saadi, “Bishops of the Church of the East, 1861-1918” by J. F. Coakley, “Christ as Gardener in the Syriac Tradition” by J. Thekeparampil, “Syriac Dialogue-An Example from the Past” by S. P. Brock, and other articles and book reviews dealing with various issues of Syriac and Eastern Christianity.

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Rev. JacobThekeparampil


  • Contents (page 7)
  • Editorial (page 9)
  • Biography of Mar Aprem (page 11)
  • The Veneration of the Apostle Thomas in the Church Province of Persis (page 23)
  • Jacob of Sarug:On The Red Heifer (page 35)
  • La Paternite Spirituelle Selon Symeon Le Nouveau Theologien (page 53)
  • The Three Crucial Terms in Syriac Theology - Kyana, Qnoma, and Parsopa (page 69)
  • Kynai Thoma in Panan Pattu (page 77)
  • Four Outstanding Danish missionaries in South India (page 85)
  • Some Comparative Reflections on the Chaldean and Old Constantinopolitan Orders of Vespers (page 97)
  • An Introduction to Malayalam Karshon (page 109)
  • The Descent of Mary and Syriac Commentary on the Diatessaron (page 117)
  • The Third Element Of The Dialogue Of The Anaphora (page 127)
  • Certain Aspects of the Christian Cultural Heritage of Kerala (page 139)
  • Some earlier features in the life of the Virgin (page 147)
  • St.Peters' Personality and Ecclesial Leadership as Revealed in "The Acts of the Apostles" Or St.Peter in "The Acts of the Apostles" (page 159)
  • Some annotations about the fury of theologians (page 165)
  • Mosche Bar Kepha and the Christian Communities: The Search for Nonpartisan (Ecumenical) Theological Understanding (page 171)
  • Memorial Service of St.Thomas (page 185)
  • Bishop of the Church of the East, 1861 - 1918 an Index (page 207)
  • East Syrian Liturgy During The Sassanid Period (page 215)
  • The Crystallization of the Lebanese Particularism Vis-a-Vis Syriac, Pan-Arabism and Communism in the 1930s and 1940s (page 229)
  • Christ as Gardener in the Syriac Tradition1 (page 273)
  • Akrostich Poems: Restoring Ephrem's Madroshe (page 285)
  • Syriac Manuscripts in India: The Present State of the Cataloguing Process1 (page 299)
  • Bar Ebraya (page 309)
  • 'Syriac Dialogue' - An Example From The Past (page 315)
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