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The History of the Great Deeds of Bishop Paul of Qentos and Priest John of Edessa

Desiring to lead an ascetic life during the 5th century, Paul abandons his bishopric in Italy and travels to Edessa. John realizes that Paul is a wonderworker, and so begs to accompany him on his travels. The two leave Edessa to visit the monks on Sinai, but instead of reaching their destination they are abducted and taken to Yemen by tree-worshipping Arabs. After a battle with a tree-god, they succeed in converting the Arabs to Christianity. During the journey home, they encounter a wandering band of monks among whom is a woman disguised as a man.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-60724-670-1
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Sep 22,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 99
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-60724-670-1
$38.00 (USD)
Your price: $22.80 (USD)
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Set in fifth-century Edessa during the time of Bishop Rabbula, the History of the Great Deeds of Bishop Paul of Qentos and Priest John of Edessa narrates the wonders experienced and performed by two holy men during a pilgrimage to Mount Sinai.

Desiring to lead an ascetic life and to serve the priesthood in anonymity, Paul abandons his bishopric in Italy and—like Alexius, the “Man of God”—travels to Edessa. There, he meets John. Not knowing a trade, Paul earns a meager living as a day laborer, but gives most of his money to the poor and prays everyday in the caves and mountains near the city. John realizes that Paul is a wonderworker, and so he begs to accompany him on his travels. Soon, the two friends leave Edessa to visit the monks on Sinai, but instead of reaching the site of their intended pilgrimage they are abducted and taken to Yemen by tree-worshipping Arabs. After a battle with a tree-god, they succeed in converting the Arabs to Christianity. During the long journey home, they encounter some unusual ascetics: a dendrite living in a mountaintop tree; and a band of wandering monks among whom is a woman disguised as a man.

Set in fifth-century Edessa during the time of Bishop Rabbula, the History of the Great Deeds of Bishop Paul of Qentos and Priest John of Edessa narrates the wonders experienced and performed by two holy men during a pilgrimage to Mount Sinai.

Desiring to lead an ascetic life and to serve the priesthood in anonymity, Paul abandons his bishopric in Italy and—like Alexius, the “Man of God”—travels to Edessa. There, he meets John. Not knowing a trade, Paul earns a meager living as a day laborer, but gives most of his money to the poor and prays everyday in the caves and mountains near the city. John realizes that Paul is a wonderworker, and so he begs to accompany him on his travels. Soon, the two friends leave Edessa to visit the monks on Sinai, but instead of reaching the site of their intended pilgrimage they are abducted and taken to Yemen by tree-worshipping Arabs. After a battle with a tree-god, they succeed in converting the Arabs to Christianity. During the long journey home, they encounter some unusual ascetics: a dendrite living in a mountaintop tree; and a band of wandering monks among whom is a woman disguised as a man.

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Kyle Smith is an assistant professor of Historical Studies and Religion at the University of Toronto.




  • Table of Contents (page 7)
  • Preface (page 9)
  • Abbreviations (page 11)
  • Introduction (page 13)
    • I. Summary and Analysis (page 13)
    • II. ItalyŽ and the Man of God (page 27)
    • III. Manuscripts (page 31)
    • IV. Note on the Text and Apparatus (page 37)
  • Text and Translation (page 39)
    • The History of the Great Deeds of Paul the Bishop and John the Priest (page 40)
  • Bibliography (page 95)
  • Index of Biblical References (page 99)
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